1. RGB图像灰度化
2. 二值化
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Read image
img = cv2.imread("imori.jpg").astype(np.float)
b = img[:, :, 0].copy()
g = img[:, :, 1].copy()
r = img[:, :, 2].copy()
# Grayscale
out = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b
out = out.astype(np.uint8)
# Binarization
th = 128
out[out < th] = 0
out[out >= th] = 255
# Save result
cv2.imwrite("out.jpg", out)
cv2.imshow("result", out)
3. OSTU: 大津二值化算法
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Read image
img = cv2.imread("imori.jpg").astype(np.float)
H, W, C = img.shape
# Grayscale
out = 0.2126 * img[..., 2] + 0.7152 * img[..., 1] + 0.0722 * img[..., 0]
out = out.astype(np.uint8)
# Determine threshold of Otsu's binarization
max_sigma = 0
max_t = 0
for _t in range(1, 255):
v0 = out[np.where(out < _t)]
m0 = np.mean(v0) if len(v0) > 0 else 0.
w0 = len(v0) / (H * W)
v1 = out[np.where(out >= _t)]
m1 = np.mean(v1) if len(v1) > 0 else 0.
w1 = len(v1) / (H * W)
sigma = w0 * w1 * ((m0 - m1) ** 2)
if sigma > max_sigma:
max_sigma = sigma
max_t = _t
# Binarization
print("threshold >>", max_t)
th = max_t
out[out < th] = 0
out[out >= th] = 255
# Save result
cv2.imwrite("out.jpg", out)
cv2.imshow("result", out)
4. Pooling: 最大池化
# Max Pooling
out = img.copy()
H, W, C = img.shape
G = 8
Nh = int(H / G)
Nw = int(W / G)
for y in range(Nh):
for x in range(Nw):
for c in range(C):
out[G*y:G*(y+1), G*x:G*(x+1), c] = np.max(out[G*y:G*(y+1), G*x:G*(x+1), c])
5. 高斯滤波
高斯滤波器是一种可以使图像平滑的滤波器,用于去除噪声。可用于去除噪声的滤波器还有中值滤波器,平滑滤波器、LoG 滤波器。
但是,由于图像的长宽可能不是滤波器大小的整数倍,因此我们需要在图像的边缘补0。这种方法称作 Zero Padding。并且权值(卷积核)要进行归一化操作 ( ∑g=1
权值 g(x,y,s) = 1/ (s*sqrt(2 * pi)) * exp( - (x^2 + y^2) / (2*s^2))
标准差 s = 1.3 的 8 近邻 高斯滤波器如下:
1 2 1
K = 1/16 * [ 2 4 2 ]
1 2 1
# Gaussian Filter
K_size = 3
sigma = 1.3
## 6. Zero padding
pad = K_size // 2
out = np.zeros((H + pad*2, W + pad*2, C), dtype=np.float)
out[pad:pad+H, pad:pad+W] = img.copy().astype(np.float)
## 7. Kernel
K = np.zeros((K_size, K_size), dtype=np.float)
for x in range(-pad, -pad+K_size):
for y in range(-pad, -pad+K_size):
K[y+pad, x+pad] = np.exp( -(x**2 + y**2) / (2* (sigma**2)))
K /= (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))
K /= K.sum()
tmp = out.copy()
for y in range(H):
for x in range(W):
for c in range(C):
out[pad+y, pad+x, c] = np.sum(K * tmp[y:y+K_size, x:x+K_size, c])
out = out[pad:pad+H, pad:pad+W].astype(np.uint8)
8. 最邻近插值
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Nereset Neighbor interpolation
def nn_interpolate(img, ax=1, ay=1):
H, W, C = img.shape
aH = int(ay * H)
aW = int(ax * W)
y = np.arange(aH).repeat(aW).reshape(aW, -1)
x = np.tile(np.arange(aW), (aH, 1))
y = np.round(y / ay).astype(np.int)
x = np.round(x / ax).astype(np.int)
out = img[y,x]
out = out.astype(np.uint8)
return out
# Read image
img = cv2.imread("imori.jpg").astype(np.float)
# Nearest Neighbor
out = nn_interpolate(img, ax=1.5, ay=1.5)
9. Canny边缘检测
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def Canny_step1(img):
# Gray scale
def BGR2GRAY(img):
def gaussian_filter(img, K_size=3, sigma=1.3):
def sobel_filter(img, K_size=3):
def get_edge_angle(fx, fy):
# get edge strength
edge = np.sqrt(np.power(fx, 2) + np.power(fy, 2))
# fx[np.abs(fx) < 1e-5] = 1e-5
fx = np.maximum(fx, 1e-5)
angle = np.arctan(fy / fx)
return edge, angle
def angle_quantization(angle):
angle = angle / np.pi * 180
angle[angle < -22.5] = 180 + angle[angle < -22.5]
_angle = np.zeros_like(angle, dtype=np.uint8)
_angle[np.where(angle <= 22.5)] = 0
_angle[np.where((angle > 22.5) & (angle <= 67.5))] = 45
_angle[np.where((angle > 67.5) & (angle <= 112.5))] = 90
_angle[np.where((angle > 112.5) & (angle <= 157.5))] = 135
return _angle
gray = BGR2GRAY(img)
gaussian = gaussian_filter(gray, K_size=5, sigma=1.4)
fy, fx = sobel_filter(gaussian, K_size=3)
edge, angle = get_edge_angle(fx, fy)
angle = angle_quantization(angle)
return edge, angle
# Read image
img = cv2.imread("imori.jpg").astype(np.float32)
# Canny (step1)
edge, angle = Canny_step1(img)
edge = edge.astype(np.uint8)
angle = angle.astype(np.uint8)
# Save result
cv2.imwrite("out.jpg", edge)
cv2.imshow("result", edge)
cv2.imwrite("out2.jpg", angle)
cv2.imshow("result2", angle)
10. Hough Transform: 霍夫变换
- 我们用边缘图像来对边缘像素进行霍夫变换。
- 在霍夫变换后获取值的直方图并选择最大点。
- 对极大点的r和t的值进行霍夫逆变换以获得检测到的直线的参数。
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def Canny(img):
def BGR2GRAY(img):
# Gray scale
def gaussian_filter(img, K_size=3, sigma=1.3):
# Gaussian filter for grayscale
def sobel_filter(img, K_size=3):
# sobel filter
def get_edge_angle(fx, fy):
# 同上
def angle_quantization(angle):
# 同上
def non_maximum_suppression(angle, edge):
H, W = angle.shape
_edge = edge.copy()
for y in range(H):
for x in range(W):
if angle[y, x] == 0:
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 = -1, 0, 1, 0
elif angle[y, x] == 45:
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 = -1, 1, 1, -1
elif angle[y, x] == 90:
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 = 0, -1, 0, 1
elif angle[y, x] == 135:
dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2 = -1, -1, 1, 1
if x == 0:
dx1 = max(dx1, 0)
dx2 = max(dx2, 0)
if x == W-1:
dx1 = min(dx1, 0)
dx2 = min(dx2, 0)
if y == 0:
dy1 = max(dy1, 0)
dy2 = max(dy2, 0)
if y == H-1:
dy1 = min(dy1, 0)
dy2 = min(dy2, 0)
if max(max(edge[y, x], edge[y + dy1, x + dx1]), edge[y + dy2, x + dx2]) != edge[y, x]:
_edge[y, x] = 0
return _edge
def hysterisis(edge, HT=100, LT=30):
H, W = edge.shape
# Histeresis threshold
edge[edge >= HT] = 255
edge[edge <= LT] = 0
_edge = np.zeros((H + 2, W + 2), dtype=np.float32)
_edge[1 : H + 1, 1 : W + 1] = edge
## 8 - Nearest neighbor
nn = np.array(((1., 1., 1.), (1., 0., 1.), (1., 1., 1.)), dtype=np.float32)
for y in range(1, H+2):
for x in range(1, W+2):
if _edge[y, x] < LT or _edge[y, x] > HT:
if np.max(_edge[y-1:y+2, x-1:x+2] * nn) >= HT:
_edge[y, x] = 255
_edge[y, x] = 0
edge = _edge[1:H+1, 1:W+1]
return edge
gray = BGR2GRAY(img)
gaussian = gaussian_filter(gray, K_size=5, sigma=1.4)
fy, fx = sobel_filter(gaussian, K_size=3)
edge, angle = get_edge_angle(fx, fy)
angle = angle_quantization(angle)
edge = non_maximum_suppression(angle, edge)
out = hysterisis(edge, 100, 30)
return out
def Hough_Line_step1(edge):
## Voting
def voting(edge):
H, W = edge.shape
drho = 1
dtheta = 1
# get rho max length
rho_max = np.ceil(np.sqrt(H ** 2 + W ** 2)).astype(np.int)
# hough table
hough = np.zeros((rho_max * 2, 180), dtype=np.int)
# get index of edge
ind = np.where(edge == 255)
## hough transformation
for y, x in zip(ind[0], ind[1]):
for theta in range(0, 180, dtheta):
# get polar coordinat4s
t = np.pi / 180 * theta
rho = int(x * np.cos(t) + y * np.sin(t))
# vote
hough[rho + rho_max, theta] += 1
out = hough.astype(np.uint8)
return out
out = voting(edge)
return out
# Read image
img = cv2.imread("thorino.jpg").astype(np.float32)
edge = Canny(img)
out = Hough_Line_step1(edge)
out = out.astype(np.uint8)
# Save result
cv2.imwrite("out.jpg", out)
cv2.imshow("result", out)