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  • 空间域图像处理直方图算法-直方图匹配,局部直方图与直方图统计算法




         (s = T(r) = int_{0}^{r}  p_r(w)dw)      (1)


        (G(z) = int_{0}^{z}  p_z(t)dt  = s)  (2)

      因此就有了,(G(z) = T(r)) 并且

    (z = G^{-1}(s) = G^{-1} left[T(r) ight])  (3)




    (s_k = T(r_k) = sum_{j=0}^{k} P_r(r_j) = sum_{j=0}^{k} frac{n_j}{n} qquad k =0,1,2,...L-1)  (4)

    (v_k = G(z_k) = sum_{i=0}^{k} p_z(z_j) = s_k qquad k = 0,1,2,3,...L-1.)  (5)

    (z_k = G^{-1}left[T(r_k) ight] qquad k = 0,1,2,3,...L-1)  (6)

    (z_k = G^{-1}(s_k))


    其实,通俗的讲,有三个灰度空间({r_j}),({s_j}),({z_j}), (j = 0,1,2,...L-1)的一维数组。映射就是完成这样的过程:指定下标查找;下标构成了一个查找表,对于灰度级j,(r_j)映射到(s_j),(s_j)映射到(z_j),(r_j)和(z_j)都是[0,L-]的灰度空间,(s)是[0,1]的空间。



    左上角的图表示了一个假设的转换函数,对应于每一个(z_q),输出转换函数值(v_q),事实上我们需要的是这样的反过程,因为(v = s ),所以要找的就是为每一个(s_k),找到对应的(z_k)。

    正因为(v = s),并且处理的是离散整型数据,所以寻找的(z_k)应该要满足条件(G(z_k) - s_k= 0),而由于(z)是一整数位步长的,所以要做的只是从小到大遍历(z_i),如果(z_i)是满足条件

    (G(z_i)-s_k)ge 0)  (7)

    的最小整数,那么(z_k = z_i);









     1 >>f=imread('D:MATLABimageDIP3E_Original_Images_CH03Fig0323(a)(mars_moon_phobos).tif');
     2 >> hig = imhist(f);
     3 >> hig1 = hig(1:256);
     4 >> horz = 1:256;
     5 >> figure,stem(horz,hig1,'fill')
     6 >> axis([0 255 0 60000])
     7 >> set(gca,'xtick',[0:16:256])
     8 >> set(gca,'ytick',[0:6000:60000])
     9 >> figure,plot(horz,hig1,'color','b','linestyle','-','marker','.')
    10 >> axis([0 255 0 60000])
    11 >> set(gca,'xtick',[0:16:256])
    12 >> set(gca,'ytick',[0:6000:60000])






     1 function p= twomodegauss( u1,sig1,u2,sig2,A1,A2,k)
     2 %bimodal gaussian function
     3 %   Detailed explanation goes here
     4 c1 = A1 *(1/((2*pi)^0.5)*sig1);
     5 c2 = A2 *(1/((2*pi)^0.5)*sig2);
     6 k1 = 2 * (sig1^2);
     7 k2 = 2 * (sig2^2);
     8 z = linspace(0,1,256);
     9 p = k + c1*exp(-((z-u1).^2)./k1)+c2 * exp(-((z-u2).^2)./k2);
    10 p = p./sum(p(:));
    11 end
     1 function p = manualhist
     2 %UNTITLED2 Summary of this function goes here
     3 %   Detailed explanation goes here
     4 flag = true;
     5 quitnow = 'x';
     6 p = twomodegauss(0.15,0.05,0.75,0.05,1,0.07,0.002);
     7 while flag
     8     s = input('enter m1,sig1,m2,sig2,A1,A2,k or x to quit:','s');
     9     if s== quitnow
    10         break
    11     end
    12     v = str2num(s);
    13     if numel(v) ~= 7
    14         disp('incorret number of imputs')
    15         continue
    16     end
    17     p  = twomodegauss(v(1),v(2),v(3),v(4),v(5),v(6),v(7));
    18 end
    19     figure,plot(p)
    20     xlim([0 255])
    21 end




     1 >> g = histeq(f,p);
     2 >> imshow(g)
     3 Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 67% 
     4 > In imuitoolsprivateinitSize at 73
     5   In imshow at 262
     6 >> hg = imhist(g);
     7 >> hg1 = hg(1:256);
     8 >> horz = 1:256;
     9 >> plot(horz,hg1,'color','b','linestyle','-','marker','.');
    10 >> axis([0 255 0 60000])
    11 >> set(gca,'xtick',[0:10:256])
    12 >> set(gca,'ytick',[0:3000:60000])




     1 #define A1 1
     2 #define A2 0.07
     3 #define U1 0.15
     4 #define SIG1 0.05
     5 #define U2 0.75
     6 #define SIG2 0.05
     7 #define pi 3.1415626535627
     8 using namespace cimg_library;
    10 inline float twoModeGauss(float r){
    11     //double w = K1+(A1/sqrt(2*pi)*SIG1)*exp(-(pow((r-U1),2.0)/2*pow(SIG1,2.0)))+(A2/sqrt(2*pi)*SIG2)*exp(-(pow((r-U2),2.0)/2*pow(SIG2,2.0)));
    12     float x = (A1/sqrt(2*pi)*SIG1);
    13     float y = (A2/sqrt(2*pi)*SIG2);
    14     float a1 = exp(-(pow((r-U1),2.0)/(2*pow(SIG1,2.0))));
    15     float a2 = exp(-(pow((r-U2),2.0)/(2*pow(SIG2,2.0))));
    16     float w =K1+x*a1+a2*y;
    17     return w;
    18 }
    19 void main(int argc,char ** argv)
    20 {
    21     CImg<unsigned char> img("D:\MATLAB\image\DIP3E_Original_Images_CH03\Fig0323(a)(mars_moon_phobos).tif");
    22     int width = img.width();
    23     int height = img.height();
    24     int consus[256];
    25     for(size_t m = 0;m<256;m++){
    26         consus[m] = 0;
    27     }
    28     unsigned sub = 0;
    29     double sum = width * height;
    30     for(int i = 0;i<width;i++){
    31         for(int j = 0;j<height;j++){
    32             sub = img(i,j);
    33             consus[sub]++;
    34         }
    35     }
    36     double s[256];
    37     s[0] = consus[0]/sum;
    38     for(size_t n = 1;n<256;n++){
    39         s[n] = s[n-1]+(consus[n]/sum);
    40     }
    41     double count[256];
    42     sum = 0;
    43     for(size_t a = 0;a<256;a++){
    44         double r = (double)a/256.0;
    45         count[a] = twoModeGauss(r);
    46         sum+=count[a];
    47     }
    48     for(size_t c = 0;c<256;c++){
    49         count[c]=count[c]/sum;
    50     }
    51     double v = 0;
    52     unsigned char z[256];
    53     size_t p = 0;
    54     for(size_t b = 0;b<256;b++){
    55         while(s[b]>v){
    56             v+=count[p];
    57             p++;
    58         }
    59         z[b] = p;
    60     }
    61     CImg<unsigned char>dist(img);
    62     for(int i = 0;i<width;i++){
    63         for(int j = 0;j<height;j++){
    64             dist(i,j) = z[img(i,j)];
    65         }
    66     }
    67     CImgDisplay disp1(img,"origin");
    68     CImgDisplay disp2(dist,"distination");
    69     disp1.wait();
    70     disp2.wait();
    71 }




     1 #include "CImg.h"
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 #define K1 0.002
     4 #define A1 1
     5 #define A2 0.07
     6 #define U1 0.15
     7 #define SIG1 0.05
     8 #define U2 0.75
     9 #define SIG2 0.05
    10 #define pi 3.1415626535627
    11 using namespace cimg_library;
    12 /**************直方图匹配*********************************
    13 *匹配分布函数:双峰值高斯函数;                            *
    14 *图像读取显示库:CImg;                                   *
    15 *时间复杂度:O(N^2),操作二维图像,平方级出现在逐像素统计;   *
    16 *author:Bruce Mu                                       *
    17 *基础测试版                                              *
    18 ********************************************************/
    19 //双峰值高斯函数
    20 inline double twoModeGauss(double r){
    21     double w = K1+(A1/sqrt(2*pi)*SIG1)*exp(-(pow((r-U1),2.0)/(2*pow(SIG1,2.0))))+(A2/sqrt(2*pi)*SIG2)*exp(-(pow((r-U2),2.0)/(2*pow(SIG2,2.0))));
    22     return w;
    23 }
    24 void main(int argc,char ** argv)
    25 {
    26     CImg<unsigned char> img("D:\MATLAB\image\DIP3E_Original_Images_CH03\Fig0323(a)(mars_moon_phobos).tif");
    27     int width = img.width();
    28     int height = img.height();
    29     int consus[257];
    30     for(size_t m = 0;m<257;m++){
    31         consus[m] = 0;
    32     }
    33     unsigned sub = 0;
    34     double sum = width * height;
    35     //统计直方图
    36     for(int i = 0;i<width;i++){
    37         for(int j = 0;j<height;j++){
    38             sub = img(i,j);
    39             consus[sub+1]++;
    40         }
    41     }
    43     //频数转频率 并求CDF
    44     double s[257];
    45     s[0] = consus[0]/sum;
    46     for(size_t n = 1;n<257;n++){
    47         s[n] = s[n-1]+(consus[n]/sum);
    48     }
    49     //求取指定直方图的CDF
    50     double count[257];
    51     count[0] = 0;
    52     sum = 0;
    53     for(size_t a = 0;a<257;a++){
    54         double r = (double)a/256.0;
    55         count[a+1] = twoModeGauss(r);
    56         sum+=count[a+1];
    57     }
    58     for(size_t c = 1;c<257;c++){
    59         count[c]=count[c]/sum;
    60     }
    61     //根据两个CDF求取灰度映射
    62     double v = count[0];
    63     unsigned char z[256];
    64     size_t p = 1;
    65     for(size_t b = 0;b<256;b++){
    66         while(s[b]>v){
    67             v+=count[p];
    68             p++;
    69         }
    70         z[b] = p;
    71     }
    72     //按像素点的映射值赋值目标图
    73     CImg<unsigned char>dist(img);
    74     for(int i = 0;i<width;i++){
    75         for(int j = 0;j<height;j++){
    76             dist(i,j) = z[img(i,j)];
    77         }
    78     }
    79     //显示
    80     CImgDisplay disp1(img,"origin");
    81     CImgDisplay disp2(dist,"distination");
    82     disp1.wait();
    83     disp2.wait();
    84 }







     1 #include <iostream>
     2 #include "CImg.h"
     3 #include <math.h>
     4 using namespace cimg_library;
     5 //根据统计好的直方图求邻域内的CDF
     6 void getCDF(float *s,const float *const c){
     7     for(size_t i = 1;i<256;i++){
     8         s[i] = s[i-1]+c[i];
     9     }
    10 }
    11 //局部变换和邻域中心移动后修改统计信息;
    12 inline void refresh(float *c,unsigned char sub,BOOL flag){
    13     if(flag){
    14         c[sub]+=1.0/49.0;
    15     }else{
    16         c[sub]-=1.0/49.0;
    17     }
    18 }
    19 //应用局部直方图算法
    20 void localhist(CImg<unsigned char> &img){
    21     int width = img.width();
    22     int height = img.height();
    23     float count[256];
    24     for(size_t t= 0;t<256;t++){
    25         count[t]= 0;
    26     }
    27     //统计第一邻域
    28     unsigned char sub = 0;
    29     for(int m = 0;m<7;m++){
    30         for(int n = 0;n<7;n++){
    31             sub = img(m,n);  
    32             count[sub]+=(1.0/49.0);
    33         }
    34     }
    35     float s[257];
    36     s[0] = count[0];
    37     getCDF(s,count);
    38     sub = img(3,3);
    39     unsigned char newvalue = (unsigned char)((s[sub])*255+0.5);
    40     img(3,3) = newvalue;
    41     refresh(count,sub,false);
    42     refresh(count,newvalue,true);
    43     //邻域位移,逐邻域修改直方图信息:
    44     for(int i = 3;i<height - 4;i++){
    45         for(int j = 3;j<width-4;j++){
    46             BOOL dirty = true;
    47             if(i == 3 && j == 3){
    48                 continue;
    49             }
    50             for(int p = 0;p<7;p++){
    51                 unsigned char old =img(j-4,i-3+p);
    52                 unsigned char add = img(j+3,i-3+p);
    53                 if(old != add){
    54                     refresh(count,old,false);
    55                     refresh(count,add,true);
    56                     dirty = false;
    57                 }
    58             }
    59             if(!dirty){
    60                 getCDF(s,count);
    61                 sub = img(j,i);
    62                 refresh(count,sub,false);
    63                 img(j,i) = (unsigned char)(s[sub]*255+0.5);
    64                 refresh(count,img(j,i),true);
    65             }
    66         }
    67     }
    68 }
    70 void main(int argc,char **argv){
    71     CImg<unsigned char>img("E:\convert.jpeg");
    72     CImg<unsigned char>origin(img);
    73     CImgDisplay disp1(origin,"origin");
    74     localhist(img);
    75     CImgDisplay disp2(img,"change");
    76     while (!disp1.is_closed() && !disp2.is_closed()) {
    77         disp1.wait();
    78         disp2.wait();
    79     }
    80 }



      1 #include <iostream>
      2 #include "CImg.h"
      3 using namespace std;
      4 using namespace cimg_library;
      6 float getMean(const float *c){
      7     float m = 0;
      8     for(size_t x = 0;x<256;x++){
      9         m+=x*c[x];
     10     }
     11     return m;
     12 }
     14 float getVariance(const float *c,float mean){
     15     float delta = 0;
     16     for(size_t y = 0;y<256;y++){
     17         if(c[y] != 0){
     18             delta += (pow((y-mean),2)*c[y]);
     19         }
     20     }
     21     delta = sqrt(delta);
     22     return delta;
     23 }
     25 void getCount(float *c,int originx,int originy,int wid,int hei,CImg<unsigned char> &img){
     26     for(size_t t = 0;t<256;t++){
     27         c[t] = 0;
     28     }
     29     for(int i = originx;i<wid;i++){
     30         for(int j = originy;j<hei;j++){
     31             unsigned char sub = img(i,j);
     32             c[sub] += 1.0/256.0;
     33         }
     34     }
     35 }
     37 void init(float * count){
     38     for(size_t t = 0;t<256;t++){
     39         count[t] = 0;
     40     }
     41 }
     42 int histStatistic(CImg<unsigned char> &img,int dim,float k0,float k1,float k2,float E){
     43     if(dim%2 == 0){
     44         cout<<"please input a odd num!!!"<<endl;
     45         return -1;
     46     }
     47     int width = img.width();
     48     int height = img.height();
     49     int sum = width * height;
     50     float count[256];
     51     for(size_t t = 0;t<256;t++){
     52         count[t]=0;
     53     }
     54     unsigned char sub = 0;
     55     for(int i = 0;i<width;i++){
     56         for(int j = 0;j<height;j++){
     57             sub = img(i,j);
     58             count[sub]+=1.0/sum;
     59         }
     60     }
     61     float mean = getMean(count);
     62     float delta = getVariance(count,mean);
     63     float mxy = 0;
     64     float deltaxy = 0;
     65     float local = dim*dim;
     66     for(int i = dim/2;i<height - dim/2 -1;i++){
     67         for(int j = dim/2;j<width - dim/2 -1;j++){
     68             //重新初始化统计数组
     69             init(count);
     70             //统计局部直方图
     71             //getCount(count,j-dim/2,i-dim/2,j+dim/2+1,i+dim/2+1,img);
     72             for(int p = j-dim/2;p<j+dim/2+1;p++){
     73                 for(int q = i - dim/2;q < i+dim/2+1;q++){
     74                     sub = img(p,q);
     75                     count[sub] += 1.0/local;
     76                 }
     77             }
     78             mxy = getMean(count);
     79             deltaxy = getVariance(count,mxy);
     80         //    cout<<mxy<<"  :  "<<deltaxy<<endl;
     81             //增强判断
     82             if(mxy <= mean*k0 && deltaxy <=k2*delta && deltaxy >= k1*delta){
     83                 img(j,i) = img(j,i)*E;
     84             //    cout<<"enforcement_________________"<<endl;
     85             }
     86         }
     87     }
     88     return 0;
     89 }
     91 int main(int argc,char ** argv){
     92     CImg<unsigned char> img("E:\statistic.jpeg");
     93     CImg<unsigned char> dist(img);
     94     histStatistic(dist,3,0.4,0.008,0.2,5.0);
     95     CImgDisplay disp1(img,"origin");
     96     CImgDisplay disp2(dist,"dist");
     97     while(!disp1.is_closed() && !disp2.is_closed()){
     98         disp2.wait();
     99     }
    100 }



     最后,用邻域内直方图统计算法对局部直方图算法中的图像做变换,在参数设置为 邻域为7*7,k0=0.4,k1=0,k2 = 0.4,E =20时的增强效果要好于使用局部直方图,以下是两图的比较:

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/brucemu/p/3374558.html
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