1.MIPS(microprocessor with Interlocked Pipeline Stages):
1) Define a control register set as well as the instruction set.
3)About the assembly language:
a. Integer: 32bit integer registers.
b. Floating point: has 32bit floating-point, two registers paird for double precision numbers.
c. pseudo instructions: translated into sequences of real instructions by assembler.
2.Nachos Machine:
2.1 Event driven clock:
instructions into mem->init regs(PC)->exec instuctions->fetchs the instructions->decode->exec->LOOP(until trap or INT)
2.2 Two modes of execution:
1) MIPS simulator: user-level processes, can only access the mem associated with the simulated machine.
2) The Nachos kernel: access when Nachos starts up or trap associated with Nachos source code and Nachos variables.