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  • 20199325 2019-2020-2 实践三网络嗅探与协议分析实践

    20199325 2019-2020-2 实践三网络嗅探与协议分析实践



    from scapy.all import *
    import time
    class PcapDecode:
        def __init__(self):     
        with open('./protocol/ETHER', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
                ethers = f.readlines()
            self.ETHER_DICT = dict()
            for ether in ethers:
                ether = ether.strip().strip('
                self.ETHER_DICT[int(ether.split(':')[0])] = ether.split(':')[1]  # 将配置文件中的信息(0257:Experimental)存入dict
        # IP:读取IP层协议配置文件
        with open('./protocol/IP', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
            ips = f.readlines()
        self.IP_DICT = dict()
        for ip in ips:
            ip = ip.strip().strip('
            self.IP_DICT[int(ip.split(':')[0])] = ip.split(':')[1]  # 将配置文件中的信息(41:IPv6)存入dic
        # PORT:读取应用层协议端口配置文件
        with open('./protocol/PORT', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
            ports = f.readlines()
        self.PORT_DICT = dict()
        for port in ports:
            port = port.strip().strip('
            self.PORT_DICT[int(port.split(':')[0])] = port.split(':')[1]  # 如:21:FTP
        # TCP:读取TCP层协议配置文件
        with open('./protocol/TCP', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
            tcps = f.readlines()
        self.TCP_DICT = dict()
        for tcp in tcps:
            tcp = tcp.strip().strip('
            self.TCP_DICT[int(tcp.split(':')[0])] = tcp.split(':')[1]  # 465:SMTPS
        # UDP:读取UDP层协议配置文件
        with open('./protocol/UDP', 'r', encoding='UTF-8') as f:
            udps = f.readlines()
        self.UDP_DICT = dict()
        for udp in udps:
            udp = udp.strip().strip('
            self.UDP_DICT[int(udp.split(':')[0])] = udp.split(':')[1]  # 513:Who
    # 解析以太网层协议 ---ether_decode——ip_decode(tcp_decode or udp_decode)
    def ether_decode(self, p):
        data = dict()  # 解析出的信息以dict的形式保存
        if p.haslayer("Ether"):  # scapy.haslayer,将pcap包中的信息分层,再处理
            data = self.ip_decode(p)  # 解析IP层协议
            return data
            data['time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(p.time))
            data['Source'] = 'Unknow'
            data['Destination'] = 'Unknow'
            data['Procotol'] = 'Unknow'
            data['len'] = len(corrupt_bytes(p))
            data['info'] = p.summary()
            return data
    def ip_decode(self, p):
        data = dict()
        if p.haslayer("IP"):  #2048:Internet IP (IPv4) ,分IPV4和IPV6和其他协议
            ip = p.getlayer("IP")
            if p.haslayer("TCP"):  #6:TCP
                data = self.tcp_decode(p, ip)
                return data
            elif p.haslayer("UDP"): #17:UDP
                data = self.udp_decode(p, ip)
                return data
                if ip.proto in self.IP_DICT:  # 若ip分层中的协议信息在字典中,则提取ip分层中的源地址、目的地址、协议(转换)等
                    data['time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(p.time))
                    data['Source'] = ip.src
                    data['Destination'] = ip.dst
                    data['Procotol'] = self.IP_DICT[ip.proto]
                    data['len'] = len(corrupt_bytes(p))
                    data['info'] = p.summary()
                    return data
                    data['time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(p.time))
                    data['Source'] = ip.src
                    data['Destination'] = ip.dst
                    data['Procotol'] = 'IPv4'
                    data['len'] = len(corrupt_bytes(p))
                    data['info'] = p.summary()
                    return data
        elif p.haslayer("IPv6"):  #34525:IPv6
            ipv6 = p.getlayer("IPv6")
            if p.haslayer("TCP"):  #6:TCP
                data = self.tcp_decode(p, ipv6)
                return data
            elif p.haslayer("UDP"): #17:UDP
                data = self.udp_decode(p, ipv6)
                return data
                if ipv6.nh in self.IP_DICT:
                    data['time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(p.time))
                    data['Source'] = ipv6.src
                    data['Destination'] = ipv6.dst
                    data['Procotol'] = self.IP_DICT[ipv6.nh]
                    data['len'] = len(corrupt_bytes(p))
                    data['info'] = p.summary()
                    return data
                    data['time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(p.time))
                    data['Source'] = ipv6.src
                    data['Destination'] = ipv6.dst
                    data['Procotol'] = 'IPv6'
                    data['len'] = len(corrupt_bytes(p))
                    data['info'] = p.summary()
                    return data
            if p.type in self.ETHER_DICT:
                data['time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(p.time))
                data['Source'] = p.src
                data['Destination'] = p.dst
                data['Procotol'] = self.ETHER_DICT[p.type]
                data['len'] = len(corrupt_bytes(p))
                data['info'] = p.summary()
                return data
                data['time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(p.time))
                data['Source'] = p.src
                data['Destination'] = p.dst
                data['Procotol'] = hex(p.type)  # 若在字典中没有改协议,则以16进制的形式显示
                data['len'] = len(corrupt_bytes(p))
                data['info'] = p.summary()
                return data
    def tcp_decode(self, p, ip):
        data = dict()
        tcp = p.getlayer("TCP")
        data['time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(p.time))
        data['Source'] = ip.src + ":" + str(ip.sport)
        data['Destination'] = ip.dst + ":" + str(ip.dport)
        data['len'] = len(corrupt_bytes(p))
        data['info'] = p.summary()
        if tcp.dport in self.PORT_DICT:  #若端口信息在PORT_DICTTCP_DICT中则转换为已知
            data['Procotol'] = self.PORT_DICT[tcp.dport]
        elif tcp.sport in self.PORT_DICT:
            data['Procotol'] = self.PORT_DICT[tcp.sport]
        elif tcp.dport in self.TCP_DICT:
            data['Procotol'] = self.TCP_DICT[tcp.dport]
        elif tcp.sport in self.TCP_DICT:
            data['Procotol'] = self.TCP_DICT[tcp.sport]
            data['Procotol'] = "TCP"
        return data
    def udp_decode(self, p, ip):
        data = dict()
        udp = p.getlayer("UDP")
        data['time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(p.time))
        data['Source'] = ip.src + ":" + str(ip.sport)
        data['Destination'] = ip.dst + ":" + str(ip.dport)
        data['len'] = len(corrupt_bytes(p))
        data['info'] = p.summary()
        if udp.dport in self.PORT_DICT:  #若端口信息在PORT_DICTUDP_DICT中则转换为已知
            data['Procotol'] = self.PORT_DICT[udp.dport]
        elif udp.sport in self.PORT_DICT:
            data['Procotol'] = self.PORT_DICT[udp.sport]
        elif udp.dport in self.UDP_DICT:
            data['Procotol'] = self.UDP_DICT[udp.dport]
        elif udp.sport in self.UDP_DICT:
            data['Procotol'] = self.UDP_DICT[udp.sport]
            data['Procotol'] = "UDP"
        return data
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    # pkts = sniff(iface="eth0",count=3) 简单的抓取数据包
    # wrpcap("demo.pcap", pkts)  保存为demo.pcap
    PD = PcapDecode()  # 实例化该类为PD
    pcap_test = rdpcap("demo.pcap")  # 这个demo.pcap包含3次连接
    data_result = dict()  # 将解析结果存入dict
    for p in pcap_test:
        data_result = PcapDecode.ether_decode(PD, p)




    任务三: 抓取手机App的登录过程数据包,分析账号和密码。可以用邮箱、各类博客、云班课。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/buhery/p/12590267.html
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