方法1效果较好,以上面json为例,第二个函数会将"trade_from":"WAP,WAP" 从 逗号 处隔开.有一点问题
/** * json美化 * jsonFormat2(json)这样为格式化代码。 * jsonFormat2(json,true)为开启压缩模式 * @param txt * @param compress * @returns {string} */ function jsonFormat(txt,compress){ var indentChar = ' '; if(/^s*$/.test(txt)){ alert('数据为空,无法格式化! '); return; } try{var data=eval('('+txt+')');} catch(e){ alert('数据源语法错误,格式化失败! 错误信息: '+e.description,'err'); return; }; var draw=[],last=false,This=this,line=compress?'':' ',nodeCount=0,maxDepth=0; var notify=function(name,value,isLast,indent/*缩进*/,formObj){ nodeCount++;/*节点计数*/ for (var i=0,tab='';i<indent;i++ )tab+=indentChar;/* 缩进HTML */ tab=compress?'':tab;/*压缩模式忽略缩进*/ maxDepth=++indent;/*缩进递增并记录*/ if(value&&value.constructor==Array){/*处理数组*/ draw.push(tab+(formObj?('"'+name+'":'):'')+'['+line);/*缩进'[' 然后换行*/ for (var i=0;i<value.length;i++) notify(i,value[i],i==value.length-1,indent,false); draw.push(tab+']'+(isLast?line:(','+line)));/*缩进']'换行,若非尾元素则添加逗号*/ }else if(value&&typeof value=='object'){/*处理对象*/ draw.push(tab+(formObj?('"'+name+'":'):'')+'{'+line);/*缩进'{' 然后换行*/ var len=0,i=0; for(var key in value)len++; for(var key in value)notify(key,value[key],++i==len,indent,true); draw.push(tab+'}'+(isLast?line:(','+line)));/*缩进'}'换行,若非尾元素则添加逗号*/ }else{ if(typeof value=='string')value='"'+value+'"'; draw.push(tab+(formObj?('"'+name+'":'):'')+value+(isLast?'':',')+line); }; }; var isLast=true,indent=0; notify('',data,isLast,indent,false); return draw.join(''); }
/** * json格式化便于美观在html页面输出 * @param json * @param options * @returns {string} */ function jsonFormat(json, options) { var reg = null, formatted = '', pad = 0, PADDING = ' '; // one can also use ' ' or a different number of spaces // optional settings options = options || {}; // remove newline where '{' or '[' follows ':' options.newlineAfterColonIfBeforeBraceOrBracket = (options.newlineAfterColonIfBeforeBraceOrBracket === true) ? true : false; // use a space after a colon options.spaceAfterColon = (options.spaceAfterColon === false) ? false : true; // begin formatting... if (typeof json !== 'string') { // make sure we start with the JSON as a string json = JSON.stringify(json); } else { // is already a string, so parse and re-stringify in order to remove extra whitespace json = JSON.parse(json); json = JSON.stringify(json); } // add newline before and after curly braces reg = /([{}])/g; json = json.replace(reg, ' $1 '); // add newline before and after square brackets reg = /([[]])/g; json = json.replace(reg, ' $1 '); // add newline after comma reg = /(\,)/g; json = json.replace(reg, '$1 '); // remove multiple newlines reg = /( )/g; json = json.replace(reg, ' '); // remove newlines before commas reg = / \,/g; json = json.replace(reg, ','); // optional formatting... if (!options.newlineAfterColonIfBeforeBraceOrBracket) { reg = /: {/g; json = json.replace(reg, ':{'); reg = /: [/g; json = json.replace(reg, ':['); } if (options.spaceAfterColon) { reg = /:/g; json = json.replace(reg, ': '); } $.each(json.split(' '), function(index, node) { var i = 0, indent = 0, padding = ''; if (node.match(/{$/) || node.match(/[$/)) { indent = 1; } else if (node.match(/}/) || node.match(/]/)) { if (pad !== 0) { pad -= 1; } } else { indent = 0; } for (i = 0; i < pad; i++) { padding += PADDING; } formatted += padding + node + ' '; pad += indent; }); return formatted; }