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  • oracle 分析函数1

    -- FUNCTION_NAME(<argument>,<argument>...)
    -- OVER
    -- (<Partition-Clause><Order-by-Clause><Windowing Clause>)
    partition : 按照表达式分区(就是分组),如果省略了分区子句,则全部的结果集被看作是一个单一的组
    order by : 计算中所使用的行的集合是当前分区中当前行和前面所有行,没有ORDERBY时,默认的窗口是全部的分区
    sum(sal) over (partition by deptno order by ename) new_alias
    -- 开窗(windowing)函数
    sum(t.sal) over (order by t.deptno,t.ename) running_total,
    sum(t.sal) over (partition by t.deptno order by t.ename) department_total
    -- 制表(reporting)函数
    -- 与开窗函数同名,作用于一个分区或一组上的所有列,
    -- 与开窗函数的关键不同之处在于OVER语句上缺少一个ORDER BY子句!
    sum(t.sal) over () running_total2,
    sum(t.sal) over (partition by t.deptno ) department_total2
    avg(t.sal) over(order by t.hiredate asc range 100 preceding) -- 统计前100天平均工资
    -- Specifying窗口
    range between 100 preceding and 100 following; --当前行100前,当前后100后
    -- 按区域查找上一年度订单总额占区域订单总额20%以上的客户 table : orders_tmp
    -- 1.找出2001年度区域订单总额
    select o.cust_nbr customer,o.region_id region,sum(o.tot_sales) cust_sales,
    sum(sum(o.tot_sales)) over(partition by o.region_id) region_sales
    from orders_tmp o where o.year = 2001 group by o.region_id, o.cust_nbr;
    -- 2.在1的基础上得出订单总额占区域订单总额20%以上的客户
    select * from 
    (select o.cust_nbr customer, o.region_id region,
        sum(o.tot_sales) cust_sales,
        sum(sum(o.tot_sales)) over(partition by o.region_id) region_sales
        from orders_tmp o where o.year = 2001
        group by o.region_id, o.cust_nbr) all_sales
    where all_sales.cust_sales > all_sales.region_sales * 0.2;
    -- 加上百分比 round()
    select cust_nbr, region_id, cust_sales, region_sales,  -- 此处可以用tmptb.* , 但不能用 *
    100 * round(cust_sales / region_sales, 2) || '%' Percent from 
    (select cust_nbr, region_id,
    sum(TOT_SALES) cust_sales,
    sum(sum(tot_sales)) over(partition by REGION_ID) as region_sales
    from orders_tmp where o.year = 2001 group by CUST_NBR, REGION_ID 
    order by REGION_ID) tmptb
    where cust_sales > region_sales * 0.2;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/c0liu/p/5469006.html
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