问题 H: 乾隆巡江南
时间限制: 2 Sec 内存限制: 128 MB提交: 13 解决: 3
话说乾隆带着他的宰相刘罗锅和你出巡江南,被杭州城府邀请去听戏,至于什么戏,那就不知了。乾隆很高兴,撒酒与君臣共享。三更欲回住处,可是乾隆这人挺怪,他首先要到西湖边散散步,而且命令不准有人跟着他。 小醉,步于西湖岸,停于断桥前,突闻琴声悠悠,歌儿婉婉。这乐曲不哀伤不愁怅,少了一分怨女的羁绊,多了一分少女的期盼。乾隆走上前去,视其背影,为一女子手抚古琴,悠悠而唱。可是这么晚了,小女怎么还不回家呢,莫非是她起早床?乾隆走上前去,小声问道:“伊为何未宿?”,小女沉默片刻,转身而来。顿时,顿时,顿时!!!!!乾隆惊呆了!!!!哇!!!!噻!!!!!!这人,这伊!!!!原来!!!!!!!不是一个美女(狂汗ing)。小女并未回答她的话,只是与乾隆侃了侃诗。乾隆兴哉,问其曰:“不知偶能助伊否?”,小女曰:“偶无所以助,且有一事相求,愿君能解之。” 乾隆一看,立刻晕到在地,片刻而起,曰:“明日必解之”,且去。 回到家中,乾隆夜召你“入寝”,曰:“如此姑娘,如此情调,如此罗曼蒂克,竟然丢一个如此煞风景之问”,一边发气,一边把这个问题交给你。你一看,顿然发现,原来是用蝌蚪文写的: Problems involving the computation of exact values of very large magnitude and precision are common. For example, the computation of the national debt is a taxing experience for many computer systems. This problem requires that you write a program to compute the exact value of Rn where R is a real number ( 0.0 < R < = 9999.9) and n is an integer such that 0 < n < = 200. 此时的你,已经是皇帝身边的小太监,自然有必要为皇上解决此题。
The input will consist of a set (less than 11) of pairs of values for R and n. The R value will occupy columns 1 through 6, and the n value will be in columns 8 and 9.
The output will consist of one line for each line of input giving the exact value of R^n. Leading zeros should be suppressed in the output. Insignificant trailing zeros must not be printed. Don't print the decimal point if the result is an integer.
95.123 2
0.4321 5
5.1234 7
6.7592 3
98.999 5
1.0100 10
9048.385129 .01506334182914325601 92663.3181348508776705891407804544 308.806114738688 9509420210.697891990494999 1.10462212541120451001
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { char a1[15]; int a[10005]; int b[10005]; int c[10005]; int n; while (cin >> a1 >> n) { memset(a, 0, sizeof(a)); memset(b, 0, sizeof(b)); memset(c, 0, sizeof(c)); int l = strlen(a1); int k=-1, j, i;//k一开始初始化为-1,为了辨别输进来的是小数还是整数 for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (a1[i] == '.') {//是小数的话,先把"."去了 k = i; for (j = i; j < l; j++) { a1[j] = a1[j + 1];//小数点后的几位都向前移一位 } k = l - k - 1;//k用来标记第几位应该有小数 break; } } if (k != -1) {//输进来是小数的话 for (i = 0; i <= l - 2; i++) { a[l - 1 - i] = a1[i] - '0'; b[l - 1 - i] = a1[i] - '0'; } l--; } else {//是整数的话 for (i = 0; i <= l - 1; i++) { a[l - i] = a1[i] - '0';//倒的存入a数组 b[l - i] = a1[i] - '0'; } } int lc = l; int x; int nn = n - 1; while (nn--) { for (i = 1; i <= l; i++)//这里是l { x = 0; for (j = 1; j <= lc; j++)//这里是lc,别弄反了,一开始我就反了 {//乘法运算 c[i + j - 1] = a[i] * b[j] + x + c[i + j - 1];//当前位=乘机+进的位+当前位 x = c[i + j - 1] / 10; c[i + j - 1] = c[i + j - 1] % 10; } c[lc + i] = x; } lc = l + lc; for (i = 1; i <= lc; i++) { b[i] = c[i]; } memset(c, 0, sizeof(c)); } if (k == -1) {//整数的情况 while (b[lc] == 0 && lc>1) lc--;//删除前导零 for (i = lc; i >= 1; i--) cout << b[i]; cout << endl; } else {//小数的情况 bool f = 0; for (i = lc; i >= n * k + 1; i--)//n*k这个位置要放‘.’ {//先输出整数部分 if (b[i] == 0 && f == 0) continue; else if (b[i] != 0) { f = 1; cout << b[i]; } else cout << b[i]; } f = 1; int pp = 1; for (i = 1; i <= n * k; i++) { if (b[i] == 0 && f == 0) continue; else if (b[i] != 0 && f == 1) { f = 1; pp = i; break; } } if (i != n * k + 1)//i==n*k+1时,代表小数位全是0,不需要输出‘.’ { cout << "."; for (i = n * k; i >= pp; i--) cout << b[i]; } cout << endl; } } return 0; }