As mentioned earlier in the chapter, the first use case revolves around a stock portfolio use case for demonstrating publish/subscribe messaging. This example is simple and utilizes a Publisher class for sending stock price messages to a topic, as well as a Consumer class for registering a Listener class to consume messages from topics in an asynchronous manner. These three classes embody the functionality of generating ever-changing stock prices that are published to topics on which the consumer is subscribed.
In this example, stock prices are published to an arbitrary number of topics. The number of topics is based on the number of arguments sent to the Publisher and the Consumer on the command line. Each class will dynamically send and receive to/from the topics (an example is provided next). Take a look at figures 3.2 and 3.3 to see at a high level what the examples seek to achieve.
For the sake of this demonstration, two topics will be used. The Publisher class uses a single JMS MessageProducer to send 1,000 fictitious stock price messages in blocks of 10, randomly distributed across the topics named in the command-line argument. After it sends 1,000 messages, it shuts down. The Consumer class creates one JMS MessageConsumer per topic and registers a JMS MessageListener for each topic. Because this example demonstrates publish/subscribe, the Consumers must be online to consume messages being sent by the Publisher, because durable consumers aren’t used in the basic stock portfolio example. The next step is to actually run the example so that you can see them in action.
为了验证这个范例,我使用了2个topics, Publisher类使用了单独一个JMS 消息消费者发送了1000个股票行市的消息,一块10个消息,间隔1000毫秒,随机分布产生的由类启动时命令行输入产生的交叉主题,发送1000个消息后,生产者关闭。消费者类产生一个JMS消息消费者,对于每一个主题都会注册一个JMS消息监听者。因为这个实例是验证发布/订阅,消费之必须在线去消费由Publisher发布过来的消息,因在这个最基本的股票期货实例中将没有使用持久性的消费者,(这一点的理解应是消费者必须先启动类得以说明),下一步是实际运行这个例子以便让你看到怎样运行的。
3.2.1 运行股票期货stock portfolio实例
① 由总的一个会话来创建不同名字的发布主题Topic。
② 创建一个由自定义的能包装好自己需要数据的一个映射消息。
③ 最终由生产者把这个映射消息发送走,完成一个主题发布。
对于发布者,其实最终也是生产者,生产者是动作的执行者,只不过它发的消息已经不再普通的消息,这个消息会进入ActiveMQ的JMS 消息域了,即进入的是队列还是主题,这样的消息更像是具有了路由功能的更高级的消息。反正我是这样理解的,不知道对不对?