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  • 个人职业素养20130217

    1. 数据说话/specific/清楚细节
           - 要提出什么申请,或者建议,或者问题,要有事实数据
           - 记住重要日期,数字
           - 用数据说服
    2. 谨慎/敏感/低调/少承诺,多兑现
           -  对于自己手里出去的活,一定要确保质量,要先自己仔细测试,double check。
           - 那些问题是sensitive的,需要非常清楚, forward邮件要小心
           - 说了就要做到,少承诺,多兑现
    3. 果断/立场鲜明 
          - 对问题和人,立场鲜明,不要模模糊糊,犹豫不决
    4. Priority 要和老板建立一致性
          - 从大老板来的任务,总是很紧急的
    5. 知道别人怎么想,思考全面
         - 站在别人的角度看问题,站在老板的角度看问题
         - 向老板提建议或者申请的时候,需要想得更多,想得全面,老板们总是会从各个方面提问题
    6. you can if you thingk you can/积极正面的态度
         - 态度要正确,积极主动的正面的态度,思考解决问题
         - 用于接受挑战
         - good role model/用行动带领人
    7. 沉稳/控制自己的情绪
          - 不随便发脾气
          - 不要随便发牢骚

    8. 无论做什么都清楚目标是什么
         - 从目标出发分析问题, 分析利弊,做出选择

    9. 优化的思想

    Item Description
    Sensitive/cautious 1. be careful when forwarding emails, expose something to others
    2. get approval before you do,
    3. something only for internal
    4. double check for what you have done
    5. less commmitted and over deliver
    Specific Do more homework
    1. know detail/date/numbers - headcount, holiday date, release date/milstones date
    2. be specific for data/date/facts
    3. use data to justify  - do more homework
    Crispy & Clear attitude 1. no "seemed" words, provide crispy answer, to be or not to be
    2. If you don't know, just say "don't know"
    Prioritize & Focus 1. keep accordance with management, work from them should take high priority
    2. Important/urgent thing first
    3. Focus on things help to achieve the goal
    Address possible questions in other's mind & Know their requirements know how other people think
    Know their requirement
    Strategic thinking & compresive thinking from goal, do prons/cons analysis
    Positive attitude & active attitude 1. no negative emotion and control yourself, 
    2. no complaints
    3. know/use someone's advantage
    Cool/calm have cool heads, face problems and fix
    Aggressive aggressive for recruiting or pushing for resolving blocking issues for Shanghai
    Stand upon your points of view deal with NALA, you should have your position
    Open and aboveboard image your boss behind you when you are working
    Reflect reflect and imporve, reflect what is good/bad and how to improve, summarize lessons/retrospectives
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/caoshenghe/p/2913892.html
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