SQL里面一种用来截取字符串的方法,用的是表函数实现字符串截取并应用的SQL操作语句中。 1、截取字符串表函数 ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitToTable] ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @SplitString nvarchar(max), @Separator nvarchar(10)='' ) RETURNS @SplitStringsTable TABLE ( -- Add the column definitions for the TABLE variable here [id] int identity(1,1), [value] nvarchar(max) ) AS BEGIN -- Fill the table variable with the rows for your result set DECLARE @CurrentIndex int; DECLARE @NextIndex int; DECLARE @ReturnText nvarchar(max); SELECT @CurrentIndex=1; WHILE(@CurrentIndex<=len(@SplitString)) BEGIN SELECT @NextIndex=charindex(@Separator,@SplitString,@CurrentIndex); IF(@NextIndex=0 OR @NextIndex IS NULL) SELECT @NextIndex=len(@SplitString)+1; SELECT @ReturnText=substring(@SplitString,@CurrentIndex,@NextIndex-@CurrentIndex); INSERT INTO @SplitStringsTable([value]) VALUES(@ReturnText); SELECT @CurrentIndex=@NextIndex+1; END RETURN END 2、应用表函数实现一次多语句添加数据 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[A_AccountPhotoInsert] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @accid int, @accphoto nvarchar(max), @albumname nvarchar(50) AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here DECLARE @Currentid int; --切割字符串表值函数的ID DECLARE @Excisionurl nvarchar(50); --字符串切割后的值,即要删除的ID SET @Currentid=1;--初始切割字符串表值函数的ID WHILE (@Currentid <= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SplitToTable(@accphoto,'|'))) BEGIN SELECT @Excisionurl = (select value from SplitToTable(@accphoto,'|') WHERE id = @Currentid) insert into A_AccountPhone ([Accountid],[AccountPhoto],[AlbumName],[photoName],[BlockNone],[Headphoto]) values(@accid,@Excisionurl,@albumname,'',0,0) SELECT @Currentid = @Currentid + 1; END SELECT @Currentid END 3、应用表函数实现一次多表数据的删除 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[A_AccountDelete] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @StrId nvarchar(max) AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from -- interfering with SELECT statements. SET NOCOUNT ON; -- Insert statements for procedure here DECLARE @Currentid int; --切割字符串表值函数的ID DECLARE @Excisionid int; --字符串切割后的值,即要删除的ID SET @Currentid=1;--初始切割字符串表值函数的ID WHILE (@Currentid <= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SplitToTable(@StrId,','))) BEGIN SET XACT_ABORT on BEGIN TRAN SELECT @Excisionid = (select value from SplitToTable(@StrId,',') WHERE id = @Currentid) DELETE FROM U_AccountInfo WHERE AccountID = @Excisionid DELETE FROM UserAccount WHERE id = @Excisionid SELECT @Currentid = @Currentid + 1; COMMIT TRAN END SELECT @Currentid END