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  • Working with Tablespaces

    Tablespaces and the Structure of the Database

           People who have worked with computers for any period of time are familiar with the concept of a
    file; it’s a place on disk where information is stored, and it has a name. Its size is usually not fixed: If
    you add information to the file, it can grow larger and take up more disk space, up to the maximum
    available. This process is managed by the operating system, and often involves distributing the
    information in the file over several smaller sections of the disk that are not physically near each
    other. The operating system handles the logical connection of these smaller sections without your
    being aware of it at all. To you, the file looks like a single whole.
    Oracle uses files as a part of its organizational scheme, but its logical structure goes beyond
    the concept of a file. A datafile is an operating system file used to store Oracle data. Each datafile
    is assigned to a tablespace—a logical division within the database. Tablespaces commonly include
    SYSTEM (for Oracle’s internal data dictionary), SYSAUX (for auxiliary internal objects), USERS (for
    user objects), and others for application tables, indexes, and additional database structures.
    The datafiles can have a fixed size or can be allowed to extend themselves automatically
    when they are filled, up to a defined limit. To add more space to a tablespace, you can manually
    extend your datafiles or add new datafiles. New rows can then be added to existing tables, and
    those tables may then have rows in multiple datafiles.
    Each table has a single area of disk space, called a segment, set aside for it in the tablespace.
    Each segment, in turn, has an initial area of disk space, called the initial extent, set aside for it in
    the tablespace. Once the segment has used up this space, the next extent, another single area of
    disk space, is set aside for it. When it has used this up as well, yet another next extent is set aside.
    This process continues with every table until the whole tablespace is full. At that point, someone
    has to add a new file to the tablespace or extend the tablespace’s files before any more growth in
    the tables can take place.
    Every database also contains a SYSTEM tablespace, which contains the data dictionary as well
    as the names and locations of all the tablespaces, tables, indexes, and clusters for this database. The
    objects within the SYSTEM tablespace are owned by the SYS and SYSTEM users; no other users
    should own objects in this tablespace because they may impact the rest of the database.

                     You can rename a tablespace via the alter tablespace command.

         You can query the USER_TABLESPACES data dictionary view to see the tablespaces available in
    the database. Tablespaces are created by privileged users, via the create tablespace command.
    The simplest syntax is:

    1 create tablespace tablespace_name
    2 datafile datafile_name filesize;

         Database administrators specify the tablespace space-allocation method when creating the
    tablespace. The following example creates a tablespace whose initial space allocation is a single
    100MB file, but that file can automatically extend itself as needed:


        The Contents column of USER_TABLESPACES shows the type of objects supported in each
    tablespace. The following shows a sample listing from an Oracle installation:

    1 select Tablespace_Name, Contents from USER_TABLESPACES;

           The SYSTEM, SYSAUX, and USERS tablespaces support permanent objects—tables, indexes,
    and other user objects. The TEMP tablespace supports only temporary segments—segments created
    and managed by Oracle to support sorting operations. The UNDOTBS1 tablespace supports undo
    segment management.

         When you create a table without specifying a tablespace, the table will be stored in yourdefault tablespace. You can see that setting via the USER_USERS data dictionary view:


    SYS.USER_USERS:Information about the current user


        In this example, the default tablespace is USERS and the temporary tablespace is TEMP. Those
    settings can be changed via the alter user command.

        Although USERS is your default tablespace, you may not have any quota on the tablespace.
    To see how much space you have been granted in a tablespace, query USER_TS_QUOTAS, as
    shown in the following listing:(QUOTA-限额)

    USER_TS_QUOTAS:Tablespace quotas for the user

    1 select * from USER_TS_QUOTAS;

        The space in tablespaces can be locally managed. As an alternative, the space management
    can be dictionary managed (the space management records are maintained in the data dictionary).
    In general, locally managed tablespaces are simpler to administer and should be strongly favored.
    You can display the extent management setting via the Extent_Management column of USER_

    1 select Tablespace_Name, Extent_Management from USER_TABLESPACES;

        In a locally managed tablespace, the space map for the tablespace is maintained in the
    headers of the tablespace’s datafiles. To see the datafiles allocated to a tablespace, database
    administrators can query the DBA_DATA_FILES data dictionary view; there is no equivalent
    view for nonprivileged users.
       DBA_DATA_FILES :Information about database data files

    1 select * from dba_data_files

         The default values for storage are operating system specific. You can query USER_TABLESPACES
    to see the block size and the defaults for the initial extent size, next extent size, minimum number
    of extents, maximum number of extents, and pctincrease settings for objects:

    1 select Tablespace_Name,
    2 Block_Size,
    3 Initial_Extent,
    4 Next_Extent,
    5 Min_Extents,
    6 Max_Extents,
    7 Pct_Increase

      To override the default settings, you can use the storage clause when creating a table or index.See the entry for the storage clause in the Alphabetical Reference for the full syntax. In general,you should work with the database administrators to establish appropriate defaults for the locallymanaged tablespaces and then rely on that sizing for your objects. Unless there are objects withextraordinary space requirements, you should avoid setting custom sizes for each of your tablesand indexes. If you do not specify a storage clause when you create an object, it will use thedefault for its tablespace. If you do not specify a tablespace clause, the object will be stored in your default tablespace.

    RECYCLEBIN Space in Tablespaces
             1、RECYCLEBIN :User view of his recyclebin .

             2、DBA_RECYCLEBIN Description of the Recyclebin view accessible to the user

         Dropped objects do not release their allocated space unless you specify the purge clause when
    dropping them. By default, the objects maintain their space, allowing you to later recover them
    via the flashback table to before drop command.

          The space currently used by dropped objects is recorded in each user’s RECYCLEBIN view (or,
    for the DBA, the DBA_RECYCLEBIN view). You can see how many bytes you are presently using
    in each tablespace, and you can use the purge command to purge old entries from the RECYCLEBIN.
    Here’s an example:

    1 select Space --number of blocks still allocated
    2 from RECYCLEBIN
    3 where Ts_Name = 'USERS';

    comment on column USER_RECYCLEBIN.SPACE is 'Number of blocks used by this object';



    1、Read-Only Tablespaces

    2、nologging Tablespaces

    3、Temporary Tablespaces

    4、Tablespaces for System-Managed Undo

    5、Bigfile Tablespaces

    6、Encrypted Tablespaces

    nologging Tablespaces
        You can disable the creation of redo log entries for specific objects. By default, Oracle generates
    log entries for all transactions. If you wish to bypass that functionality—for instance, if you are
    loading data and you can completely re-create all the transactions—you can specify that the
    loaded object or the tablespace be maintained in nologging mode.
    You can see the current logging status for tablespaces by querying the Logging column of

    1 SELECT t.LOGGING FROM User_Tablespaces t

    Temporary Tablespaces
         When you execute a command that performs a sorting or grouping operation, Oracle may create a
    temporary segment to manage the data. The temporary segment is created in a temporary tablespace,
    and the user executing the command does not have to manage that data. Oracle will dynamically
    create the temporary segment and will release its space when the instance is shut down and
    restarted. If there is not enough temporary space available and the temporary tablespace datafiles
    cannot auto-extend, the command will fail. Each user in the database has an associated temporary
    tablespace(查询user_users视图,找到它的默认表空间和默认的临时空间)—there may be just one such tablespace for all users to share. A default temporary tablespace is set at the database level so all new users will have the same temporary tablespace unless a different one is specified during the create user or alter user command(默认所有用户使用同一个临时表空间).You can create multiple temporary tablespaces and group them. Assign the temporary tablespaces to tablespace groups via the tablespace group clause of the create temporary tablespaceor alter tablespace command. You can then specify the group as a user’s default tablespace.Tablespace groups can help to support parallel operations involving sorts.

    Tablespaces for System-Managed Undo
         You can use Automatic Undo Management (AUM) to place all undo data in a single tablespace.
    When you create an undo tablespace, Oracle manages the storage, retention, and space utilization
    for your rollback data via system-managed undo (SMU). When a retention time is set (in the
    database’s initialization parameter file), Oracle will make a best effort to retain all committed
    undo data in the database for the specified number of seconds. With that setting, any query taking
    less than the retention time should not result in an error as long as the undo tablespace has been
    sized properly. While the database is running, DBAs can change the UNDO_RETENTION
    parameter value via the alter system command.
    You can guarantee undo data is retained, even at the expense of current transactions in the
    database. When you create the undo tablespace, specify retention guarantee as part of your
    create database or create undo tablespace command. Use care with this setting, because it may
    force transactions to fail in order to guarantee the retention of old undo data in the undo tablespace.

    Supporting Flashback Database
          You can use the flashback database command to revert an entire database to a prior point in time.
    DBAs can configure tablespaces to be excluded from this option—the alter tablespace flashback
    off command tells Oracle to exclude that tablespace’s transaction from the data written to the
    flashback database area.


    1 --建立表空间
    3 DATAFILE '&1/a.DBF'
    5 或者
    7 DATAFILE '&1/a.DBF'
    9 (表示按照每次10M的速度递增)



    1 SELECT * FROM user_tablespaces;




    1 SELECT * FROM user_users;


    1 SELECT * FROM user_ts_quotas;
    I believe that we are who we choose to be. Nobody‘s going to come and save you, you‘ve got to save yourself. 我相信我们成为怎样的人是我们自己的选择。没有人会来拯救你,你必须要自己拯救自己。
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/caroline/p/2382930.html
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