当要把方法传递给其他方法时,需要使用委托。我们习惯于把数据作为参数传递给方法,如 int i = int.Parse("99");而有时某个方法执行的操作并不是针对数据进行,而是要对另外一个方法进行操作。在编译时,我们不知道第二个方法是什么,其信息只能在运行时得到。很明显的示例有:
- 启动线程和任务:在计算机并行运行某些新的执行序列的同时运行当前的任务,这样的序列就叫做线程。在其中一个基类System.Threading,Thread的一个实例上使用方法Start(),就可以启动一个线程。在告诉计算机启动一个新的执行序列时,必须为其提供开始启动的方法的细节,即Thread类的构造函数必须带有一个参数,该参数定义了线程调用的方法。
- 通用库类:许多库包含执行各种标准任务的代码。例如,需要编写一个类,它带有一个对象数组,将它们按照升序排列。但是,排序的部分过程会涉及到重复使用数组的两个对象进行比较。若要编写的类能够对任何对象进行排序,就无法提前告诉计算机应该如何比较对象。处理类中对象数组的客户端代码必须给类传递某个可以调用并进行这种比较的合适方法的细节。
在C/C++中,只能提取函数的地址,并作为一个参数传递它。这种直接方法不仅会导致一些关于类型安全性的问题,且没有意思到:在进行面向对象编程时,几乎没有方法是孤立存在的,在调用方法前通常需要与类实例相关联。.NET Framwork在语法上不允许使用这种直接方法。如果要传递方法,必须将方法的细节封装在一种新类型的对象中,即委托。委托只是一种特殊类型的对象,其特殊点在于一般的对象都包含数据,而它包含的只是一个或多个方法的地址。
委托也要经过这两个步骤。定义委托的语法:delegate void IntMethodInvoker(int x); (定义时必须给出它所表示的方法的签名和返回类型等全部细节,以保证高的类型安全性)
private delegate string GetAStringent(); static void Main() { int x = 40; //x.ToString后面不能加(),否则就会返回一个不能赋予委托变量的字符串对象。只能将方法的地址赋予委托变量 GetAString firstStringMethod = new GetAString(x.ToString); //实例化类型为GetAString 的一个委托,并对它进行初始化,使它引用整型变量x的ToString()方法 Console.WriteLine("String is {0}", firstStringMethod()); //the above statement is equivalent to saying //Console.WriteLine("String is {0}", x.ToString()); }
namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { struct Currency { public uint Dollars; public ushort Cents; public Currency(uint dollars, ushort cents) { this.Dollars = dollars; this.Cents = cents; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("${0}.{1,-2:00}", Dollars, Cents); } public static string GetCurrencyUnit() { return "Dollar"; } public static explicit operator Currency(float value) { //explicit关键字的作用是强制转换用户自定义的类型转换运算符.通常前面用static后面用operator,一般是把当前类型转换成另一个类型(将原类型的转换成目标类型) checked { uint dollars = (uint)value; ushort cents = (ushort)((value - dollars) * 100); return new Currency(dollars, cents); } } public static implicit operator float(Currency value) { //implicit关键字用于声明隐式的用户定义类型转换运算符。 如果可以确保转换过程不会造成数据丢失,则可使用该关键字在用户定义类型和其他类型之间进行隐式转换 return value.Dollars + (value.Cents / 100.0f); } public static implicit operator Currency(uint value) { return new Currency(value, 0); } public static implicit operator uint(Currency value) { return value.Dollars; } } }
using System; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { class Program { private delegate string GetAString(); static void Main() { int x = 40; GetAString firstStringMethod = x.ToString; Console.WriteLine("String is {0}", firstStringMethod()); Currency balance = new Currency(34, 50); // firstStringMethod references an instance method firstStringMethod = balance.ToString; Console.WriteLine("String is {0}", firstStringMethod()); // firstStringMethod references a static method firstStringMethod = new GetAString(Currency.GetCurrencyUnit); Console.WriteLine("String is {0}", firstStringMethod()); } } }
namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { class MathOperations { public static double MultiplyByTwo(double value) { return value * 2; } public static double Square(double value) { return value * value; } } }
using System; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { delegate double DoubleOp(double x); class Program { static void Main() { //实例化了一个委托数组DoubleOp DoubleOp[] operations = { MathOperations.MultiplyByTwo, MathOperations.Square }; for (int i = 0; i < operations.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine("Using operations[{0}]:", i); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 2.0); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 7.94); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations[i], 1.414); Console.WriteLine(); } } static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(DoubleOp action, double value) { double result = action(value); //调用action委托实例封装的方法,返回结果存储在result中 Console.WriteLine( "Value is {0}, result of operation is {1}", value, result); } } }
- BubbleSorter示例
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { class BubbleSorter { static public void Sort<T>(IList<T> sortArray, Func<T, T, bool> comparison) { //冒泡排序的思想:重复遍历数组,比较每一对数字,交换位置,从而把最大或者最小的数字逐步移动到数组的最后! bool swapped = true; do { swapped = false; for (int i = 0; i < sortArray.Count - 1; i++) { if (comparison(sortArray[i+1], sortArray[i])) { T temp = sortArray[i]; sortArray[i] = sortArray[i + 1]; sortArray[i + 1] = temp; swapped = true; } } } while (swapped); } } }
其中,使用委托Func<T1, T2, TResult>传递一个封装的方法,用于比较两个新类的大小。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { class Employee { public Employee(string name, decimal salary) { this.Name = name; this.Salary = salary; } public string Name { get; private set; } public decimal Salary { get; private set; } public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{0}, {1:C}", Name, Salary); } public static bool CompareSalary(Employee e1, Employee e2) { return e1.Salary < e2.Salary; } } }
为了匹配Func<T, T, bool>委托的签名,在该类中必须定义CompareSalary,它的参数是两个Employee引用,并返回一个布尔值。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { class Program { static void Main() { Employee[] employees = { new Employee("Bugs Bunny", 20000), new Employee("Elmer Fudd", 10000), new Employee("Daffy Duck", 25000), new Employee("Wile Coyote", 1000000.38m), new Employee("Foghorn Leghorn", 23000), new Employee("RoadRunner", 50000) }; BubbleSorter.Sort(employees, Employee.CompareSalary); foreach (var employee in employees) { Console.WriteLine(employee); } } } }
- 多播委托
using System; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { class MathOperations { public static void MultiplyByTwo(double value) { double result = value * 2; Console.WriteLine("Multiplying by 2: {0} gives {1}", value, result); } public static void Square(double value) { double result = value * value; Console.WriteLine("Squaring: {0} gives {1}", value, result); } } }
using System; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { class Program { static void Main() { Action<double> operations = MathOperations.MultiplyByTwo; operations += MathOperations.Square; ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 2.0); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 7.94); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 1.414); Console.WriteLine(); } static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(Action<double> action, double value) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("ProcessAndDisplayNumber called with value = {0}", value); action(value); } } }
另外,如果我们要获得委托集合所有的返回值,可以使用GetInvocationList方法(Returns the invocation list of this multicast delegate, in invocation order.)。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { class Program { static void One() { Console.WriteLine("One"); throw new Exception("Error in one"); } static void Two() { Console.WriteLine("Two"); } static void Main() { Action d1 = One;//Action:Encapsulates a method that has no parameters and does not return a value. d1 += Two; Delegate[] delegates = d1.GetInvocationList(); foreach (Action d in delegates) { try { d(); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Exception caught"); } } } } }
using System; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { class Program { static void Main() { SimpleDemos(); int someVal = 5; Func<int, int> f = x => x + someVal; someVal = 7; Console.WriteLine(f(3)); } static void SimpleDemos() { Func<string, string> oneParam = s => String.Format("change uppercase {0}", s.ToUpper()); Console.WriteLine(oneParam("test")); Func<double, double, double> twoParams = (x, y) => x * y; Console.WriteLine(twoParams(3, 2)); Func<double, double, double> twoParamsWithTypes = (double x, double y) => x * y; Console.WriteLine(twoParamsWithTypes(4, 2)); Func<double, double> operations = x => x * 2; operations += x => x * x; ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 2.0); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 7.94); ProcessAndDisplayNumber(operations, 1.414); Console.WriteLine(); } static void ProcessAndDisplayNumber(Func<double, double> action, double value) { double result = action(value); Console.WriteLine( "Value is {0}, result of operation is {1}", value, result); } } }
- 外部类只能看到和使用委托所提供的+=和-=行为,不能直接对其赋值(即=操作),即使继承类也是如此,这样可以不影响委托对其他观察者的通知.(委托的invoke或GetInvocationList等方法在event中不能使用)
- 只有声明类可以调用(或触发)一个事件,外部类不可以直接调用其事件。
using System; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { public class CarInfoEventArgs : EventArgs { public CarInfoEventArgs(string car) { this.Car = car; } public string Car { get; private set; } } public class CarDealer { public event EventHandler<CarInfoEventArgs> NewCarInfo; public void NewCar(string car) { Console.WriteLine("CarDealer, new car {0}", car); if (NewCarInfo != null) { NewCarInfo(this, new CarInfoEventArgs(car)); } } } }
public event EventHandler<CarInfoEventArgs> NewCarInfo; 定义事件是C#的简化记法。编译器会创建一个EventHandler<CarInfoEventArgs>委托类型的变量,并添加方法,以便从委托中订阅和取消。该简化记法的较长形式如下所示:
public delegate EventHandler<CarInfoEventArgs> NewCarInfo; public event EventHandler<CarInfoEventArgs> NewCarInfo { add { newCarInfo += value; } remove { newCarInfo = value; } }
using System; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { public class Consumer { private string name; public Consumer(string name) { this.name = name; } public void NewCarIsHere(object sender, CarInfoEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: car {1} is new", name, e.Car); } } }
namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { class Program { static void Main() { var dealer = new CarDealer(); var michael = new Consumer("Michael"); dealer.NewCarInfo += michael.NewCarIsHere; //消费者michael(变量)订阅了事件 dealer.NewCar("Mercedes"); //一辆Mercedes到达,Michael得到了通知 var nick = new Consumer("Nick"); dealer.NewCarInfo += nick.NewCarIsHere; dealer.NewCar("Ferrari"); dealer.NewCarInfo -= michael.NewCarIsHere; dealer.NewCar("Toyota"); } } }
- 弱事件管理器
using System.Windows; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { public class WeakCarInfoEventManager : WeakEventManager { public static void AddListener(object source, IWeakEventListener listener) { CurrentManager.ProtectedAddListener(source, listener); } public static void RemoveListener(object source, IWeakEventListener listener) { CurrentManager.ProtectedRemoveListener(source, listener); } public static WeakCarInfoEventManager CurrentManager //静态属性CurrentManager创建了一个WeakCarInfoEventManager类型的对象(如果它不存在),并返回对该对象的引用 { get { WeakCarInfoEventManager manager = GetCurrentManager(typeof(WeakCarInfoEventManager)) as WeakCarInfoEventManager; if (manager == null) { manager = new WeakCarInfoEventManager(); SetCurrentManager(typeof(WeakCarInfoEventManager), manager); } return manager; } } protected override void StartListening(object source) //重写:添加第一个侦听器时调用该方法 { (source as CarDealer).NewCarInfo += CarDealer_NewCarInfo; } void CarDealer_NewCarInfo(object sender, CarInfoEventArgs e) { DeliverEvent(sender, e); //把事件传递给侦听器 } protected override void StopListening(object source) //重写:删除最后一个侦听器时调用该方法 { (source as CarDealer).NewCarInfo -= CarDealer_NewCarInfo; } } }
- 事件侦听器
using System; using System.Windows; namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { public class Consumer : IWeakEventListener //实现IWeakEventListener接口 { private string name; public Consumer(string name) { this.name = name; } public void NewCarIsHere(object sender, CarInfoEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: car {1} is new", name, e.Car); } bool IWeakEventListener.ReceiveWeakEvent(Type managerType, object sender, EventArgs e) //触发事件时,从弱事件管理器中调用IWeakEventListener定义的ReceiveWeakEvent方法 { NewCarIsHere(sender, e as CarInfoEventArgs); return true; } } }
namespace Wrox.ProCSharp.Delegates { class Program { static void Main() { var dealer = new CarDealer(); var michael = new Consumer("Michael"); WeakCarInfoEventManager.AddListener(dealer, michael); dealer.NewCar("Mercedes"); var nick = new Consumer("Nick"); WeakCarInfoEventManager.AddListener(dealer, nick); dealer.NewCar("Ferrari"); WeakCarInfoEventManager.RemoveListener(dealer, michael); dealer.NewCar("Toyota"); } } }