yum -y install ansible
如果copy报错一下的语句 "msg": "Aborting, target uses selinux but python bindings (libselinux-python) aren't installed!"
需要在被分发的服务器上安装支持包 [root@www ~]# mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom/ mount: block device /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only [root@www ~]# yum -y install libselinux-python
[root@ansible myroles]# tree /myroles/ /myroles/ ├── nginx.yaml #nginx模组入口配置文件 └── roles └── nginx #nginx原型模组目录 ├── files ├── handlers ├── tasks │ └── main.yaml #nginx模组的tasks任务配置文件 ├── templates └── vars 7 directories, 2 files
- hosts: all
gather_facts: True
- nginx
#!/bin/bash mkdir -p /media/cdrom umount /dev/sr0 &>/dev/null mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom &>/dev/null dir=/etc/yum.repos.d [ -d $dir ] || mkdir -p $dir cd $dir mv * /tmp/ cat >/etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo << KOF [local] name=localrepo baseurl=file:///media/cdrom/ KOF yum -y clean all &>/dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] || echo "clean erro" yum makecache &>/dev/null || echo "erro cache" which "wget" [ $? -eq 0 ] || /usr/bin/yum -y install wget &>/dev/null /usr/bin/wget http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-6.repo [ $? -eq 0 ] || (/bin/echo "yun源出错" && exit) /usr/bin/yum -y clean all &>/dev/null /usr/bin/yum makecache &>/dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] || (/bin/echo "yun缓存错误" && exit) /usr/bin/yum -y install pcre-deved openssl-devel &>/dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] || /bin/echo "pcre error" useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin nginx &>dev/null cd ~ tar xf nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz -C /usr/src/ cd /usr/src/nginx-1.10.2/ ./configure --user=nginx --group=nginx --prefix=/usr/local/nginx-1.10.2/ --with-http_stub_status_module --with-http_ssl_module && make && make install &>/dev/null
- name: t1 copy: src=nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz dest=/root/ register: ttt - debug: var=ttt - name: t2 script: nginx.sh register: rrr - debug: var=rrr
[root@bogon myroles]# ansible-playbook nginx.yaml PLAY [all] ************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] ************************************************************************************* ok: [web1] ok: [web2] TASK [nginx : t1] ****************************************************************************************** ok: [web2] ok: [web1] TASK [nginx : debug] *************************************************************************************** ok: [web1] => { "ttt": { "changed": false, "checksum": "1bafb1557b8d5f992714c0dcbde77036bde98547", "dest": "/root/nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz", "diff": { "after": { "path": "/root/nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz" }, "before": { "path": "/root/nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz" } }, "failed": false, "gid": 0, "group": "root", "mode": "0644", "owner": "root", "path": "/root/nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz", "secontext": "unconfined_u:object_r:admin_home_t:s0", "size": 910812, "state": "file", "uid": 0 } } ok: [web2] => { "ttt": { "changed": false, "checksum": "1bafb1557b8d5f992714c0dcbde77036bde98547", "dest": "/root/nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz", "diff": { "after": { "path": "/root/nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz" }, "before": { "path": "/root/nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz" } }, "failed": false, "gid": 0, "group": "root", "mode": "0644", "owner": "root", "path": "/root/nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz", "secontext": "unconfined_u:object_r:admin_home_t:s0", "size": 910812, "state": "file", "uid": 0 } } TASK [nginx : t2] ****************************************************************************************** changed: [web2] changed: [web1] TASK [nginx : debug] *************************************************************************************** ok: [web1] => { "rrr": { "changed": true, "failed": false, "rc": 0, "stderr": "Shared connection to closed. ", "stderr_lines": [ "Shared connection to closed." ], "stdout": "/usr/bin/wget --2018-11-12 19:02:03-- http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-6.repo Resolving mirrors.aliyun.com... failed: Name or service not known. wget: unable to resolve host address “mirrors.aliyun.com” yun源出错 ", "stdout_lines": [ "/usr/bin/wget", "--2018-11-12 19:02:03-- http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-6.repo", "Resolving mirrors.aliyun.com... failed: Name or service not known.", "wget: unable to resolve host address “mirrors.aliyun.com”", "yun源出错" ] } } ok: [web2] => { "rrr": { "changed": true, "failed": false, "rc": 0, "stderr": "Shared connection to closed. ", "stderr_lines": [ "Shared connection to closed." ], "stdout": "/usr/bin/wget --2018-11-12 16:03:20-- http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-6.repo Resolving mirrors.aliyun.com...,,, ... Connecting to mirrors.aliyun.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 664 [application/octet-stream] Saving to: “epel-6.repo” 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s 100%[======================================>] 664 --.-K/s in 0s 2018-11-12 16:03:21 (62.4 MB/s) - “epel-6.repo” saved [664/664] ", "stdout_lines": [ "/usr/bin/wget", "--2018-11-12 16:03:20-- http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-6.repo", "Resolving mirrors.aliyun.com...,,, ...", "Connecting to mirrors.aliyun.com||:80... connected.", "HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK", "Length: 664 [application/octet-stream]", "Saving to: “epel-6.repo”", "", "", " 0% [ ] 0 --.-K/s ", "100%[======================================>] 664 --.-K/s in 0s ", "", "2018-11-12 16:03:21 (62.4 MB/s) - “epel-6.repo” saved [664/664]", "" ] } } PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************* web1 : ok=5 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 web2 : ok=5 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
[root@bogon ~]# tree /myroles/ /myroles/ ├── mysql.retry ├── mysql.yaml ├── nginx.retry ├── nginx.yaml └── roles ├── mysql │?? ├── files │?? │?? ├── mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz │?? │?? ├── mysql.sh │?? │?? └── yum.sh │?? ├── handlers │?? ├── tasks │?? │?? └── main.yaml │?? ├── templates │?? └── vars ├── nginx │?? ├── files │?? │?? ├── nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz │?? │?? └── nginx.sh │?? ├── handlers │?? ├── tasks │?? │?? └── main.yaml │?? ├── templates │?? └── vars └── php ├── files ├── handlers ├── tasks ├── templates └── vars
- hosts: all
gather_facts: True
- mysql
[root@bogon tasks]# vim main.yaml - name: t1 copy: src=mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz dest=/root/ register: ttt - debug: var=ttt #- name: yum # script: yum.sh # register: zzz #- debug: var=zzz - name: t2 script: mysql.sh register: rrr - debug: var=rrr ~
#!/bin/bash mkdir -p /media/cdrom umount /dev/sr0 &>/dev/null mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom &>/dev/null dir=/etc/yum.repos.d [ -d $dir ] || mkdir -p $dir cd $dir mv * /tmp/ cat >/etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo << KOF [local] name=localrepo baseurl=file:///media/cdrom/ KOF yum -y clean all &>/dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] || echo "clean erro" yum makecache &>/dev/null || echo "erro cache" which "wget" [ $? -eq 0 ] || /usr/bin/yum -y install wget &>/dev/null /usr/bin/wget http://mirrors.aliyun.com/repo/epel-6.repo [ $? -eq 0 ] || (/bin/echo "yun源出错" && exit) /usr/bin/yum -y clean all &>/dev/null /usr/bin/yum makecache &>/dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] || (/bin/echo "yun缓存错误" && exit) /usr/bin/yum -y install pcre-deved openssl-devel &>/dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] || /bin/echo "pcre error"
#!/bin/bash groupadd mysql useradd -s /sbin/nologin -g mysql -M mysql cd ~ tar xf mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/ cd /usr/local/ mv mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64 mysql-5.5.32 ln -s mysql-5.5.32 mysql [ -d /usr/local/mysql/data ] || mkdir -p /usr/local/mysql/data chown -R mysql.mysql /usr/local/mysql yum -y install libaio /usr/local/mysql/scripts/mysql_install_db --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/usr/local/mysql/data --user=mysql cd /usr/local/mysql cp support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld chmod +x /etc/init.d/mysqld /etc/init.d/mysqld start
[root@bogon myroles]# ansible-playbook mysql.yaml
[root@bogon myroles]# ansible-playbook mysql.yaml PLAY [all] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ***************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [web1] TASK [mysql : t1] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [web1] TASK [mysql : debug] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* ok: [web1] => { "ttt": { "changed": false, "checksum": "1861329e637aca5e143c436fd795d28ed8f10729", "dest": "/root/mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz", "diff": { "after": { "path": "/root/mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz" }, "before": { "path": "/root/mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz" } }, "failed": false, "gid": 0, "group": "root", "mode": "0644", "owner": "root", "path": "/root/mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz", "secontext": "system_u:object_r:admin_home_t:s0", "size": 186722932, "state": "file", "uid": 0 } } TASK [mysql : t2] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [web1] TASK [mysql : debug] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* ok: [web1] => { "rrr": { "changed": true, "failed": false, "rc": 0, "stderr": "Shared connection to closed. ", "stderr_lines": [ "Shared connection to closed." ], "stdout": "groupadd: group 'mysql' already exists useradd: user 'mysql' already exists mv: cannot move `mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64' to `mysql-5.5.32/mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64': Directory not empty ln: creating symbolic link `mysql/mysql-5.5.32': File exists Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile Setting up Install Process Package libaio-0.3.107-10.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version Nothing to do Installing MySQL system tables... OK Filling help tables... OK To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system PLEASE REMEMBER TO SET A PASSWORD FOR THE MySQL root USER ! To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password' /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h www.sunan.com password 'new-password' Alternatively you can run: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_secure_installation which will also give you the option of removing the test databases and anonymous user created by default. This is strongly recommended for production servers. See the manual for more instructions. You can start the MySQL daemon with: cd /usr/local/mysql ; /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe & You can test the MySQL daemon with mysql-test-run.pl cd /usr/local/mysql/mysql-test ; perl mysql-test-run.pl Please report any problems with the /usr/local/mysql/scripts/mysqlbug script! Starting MySQL SUCCESS! ", "stdout_lines": [ "groupadd: group 'mysql' already exists", "useradd: user 'mysql' already exists", "mv: cannot move `mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64' to `mysql-5.5.32/mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64': Directory not empty", "ln: creating symbolic link `mysql/mysql-5.5.32': File exists", "Loaded plugins: fastestmirror", "Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile", "Setting up Install Process", "Package libaio-0.3.107-10.el6.x86_64 already installed and latest version", "Nothing to do", "Installing MySQL system tables...", "OK", "Filling help tables...", "OK", "", "To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy", "support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system", "", "PLEASE REMEMBER TO SET A PASSWORD FOR THE MySQL root USER !", "To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:", "", "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'", "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h www.sunan.com password 'new-password'", "", "Alternatively you can run:", "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_secure_installation", "", "which will also give you the option of removing the test", "databases and anonymous user created by default. This is", "strongly recommended for production servers.", "", "See the manual for more instructions.", "", "You can start the MySQL daemon with:", "cd /usr/local/mysql ; /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe &", "", "You can test the MySQL daemon with mysql-test-run.pl", "cd /usr/local/mysql/mysql-test ; perl mysql-test-run.pl", "", "Please report any problems with the /usr/local/mysql/scripts/mysqlbug script!", "", "Starting MySQL SUCCESS! " ] } } PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************** web1 : ok=5 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
如果报错ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)
[root@www ~]# vim /etc/my.cnf
[mysqld] datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock user=mysql # Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks symbolic-links=0 [mysqld_safe] log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
ln -s /var/lib/mysql/* /tmp/
[root@bogon php]# tree /myroles/ /myroles/ ├── mysql.retry ├── mysql.yaml ├── nginx.retry ├── nginx.yaml ├── php.retry ├── php.yaml └── roles ├── mysql │ ├── files │ │ ├── mysql-5.5.32-linux2.6-x86_64.tar.gz │ │ ├── mysql.sh │ │ └── yum.sh │ ├── handlers │ ├── tasks │ │ └── main.yaml │ ├── templates │ └── vars ├── nginx │ ├── files │ │ ├── nginx-1.10.2.tar.gz │ │ └── nginx.sh │ ├── handlers │ ├── tasks │ │ └── main.yaml │ ├── templates │ └── vars └── php ├── files │ ├── libiconv-1.14.tar.gz │ ├── php-5.3.28.tar.gz │ └── php.sh ├── handlers ├── tasks │ └── main.yaml ├── templates └── vars
[root@bogon myroles]# vim php.yaml
--- - hosts: all gather_facts: True roles: - php
[root@bogon tasks]# vim main.yaml - name: t1 copy: src=php-5.3.28.tar.gz dest=/root/ register: ttt - debug: var=ttt - name: t3 copy: src=libiconv-1.14.tar.gz dest=/root/ register: ttt - debug: var=ttt - name: t2 script: php.sh register: rrr - debug: var=rrr
[root@bogon files]# pwd
[root@bogon files]# vim php.sh
#!/bin/bash yum -y zlib-devel libxml2-devel libjpeg-devel libjpeg-turbo-devel libiconv-devel install freetype-devel libpng-devel gd libcurl-devel libxslt-devel cd ~ tar xf libiconv-1.14.tar.gz -C /usr/src cd /usr/src/libiconv-1.14 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libiconv && make && make install yum -y install libmcrypt-devel mhash mcrypt useradd -s /sbin/nologin -M www cd ~ tar xf php-5.3.28.tar.gz -C /usr/src/ cd /usr/src/php-5.3.28 && ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php5.3.28 --with-mysql=mysqlnd --with-iconv-dir=/usr/local/libiconv --with-freetype-dir --with-jpeg-dir --with-png-dir --with-zlib --with-libxml-dir=/usr --enable-xml --disable-rpath --enable-safe-mode --enable-bcmath --enable-shmop --enable-sysvsem --enable-inline-optimization --with-curl --with-curlwrappers --enable-mbregex --enable-fpm --enable-mbstring --with-mcrypt --with-gd --enable-gd-native-ttf --with-openssl --with-mhash --enable-pcntl --enable-sockets --with-xmlrpc --enable-zip --enable-soap --enable-short-tags --enable-zend-multibyte --enable-static --with-xsl --with-fpm-user=www --with-fpm-group=www --enable-ftp make && make install ln -s /usr/local/php5.3.28/ /usr/local/php cd /usr/src/php-5.3.28 cp php.ini-production /usr/local/php/lib/php.ini cd /usr/local/php/etc/
cp php-fpm.conf.default php-fpm.conf