1. 知乎上关于DRL入门的系列文章
1.1 DQN 从入门到放弃
DQN 从入门到放弃1 DQN与增强学习
DQN 从入门到放弃2 增强学习与MDP
DQN 从入门到放弃3 价值函数与Bellman方程
DQN 从入门到放弃4 动态规划与Q-Learning
DQN从入门到放弃5 深度解读DQN算法
DQN从入门到放弃6 DQN的各种改进
DQN从入门到放弃7 连续控制DQN算法-NAF
- 12/29/2016 看完1和2;
1.2 Deep Reinforcement Learning 深度增强学习资源 (持续更新)
2. Papers
2.1 入门两篇
- Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning [paper] [code](第一次提出Deep Reinforcement Learning 这个名称)
- Human-level Control through Deep Reinforcement Learning
3. Books
- Reinforcement Learning: an Introduction, Sutton&Barto ,Second Edition (pdf) & also ebook here
- Reinforcement Learning, Marco Wiering and Martijn van Otterlo (Eds.)
4. Course
4.1 UCL Course on RL
4.2 深度增强学习暑期学校(Bercley)
- 官方课程资料:http://rl-gym-doc.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/mlss/index.html
- 知乎PPT详解:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/21369441?refer=intelligentunit
4.3 莫烦教程
5. Practice
5.1 Tutorials
5.2 Projects / Packages
- Simple Reinforcement Learning with Tensorflow
- 智能车 self driving car + 强化学习 reinforcement learning + 神经网络 模拟
- Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving Obstacle Avoidance using LIDAR
- DeepMind's deep Q learning technology
- Q-Learning to Walk - Evolution [Youtube Video] [Github Repo]