Long Short Term Memory networks,简称作LSTM。
Recurrent Neural Networks
Recurrent Neural Networks,简称作RNN,其结构包含回环,可以用来解决有信息停留的问题。
这种结构自然被用于语音识别(speech recognition),语言建模( language modeling),翻译(translation),图片抓取(image captioning)等问题中。应用范围还在不断扩展中。
长期依赖问题(The Problem of Long-Term Dependencies)
- Christopher Olah's blog post on RNNs and LSTMs.
- This is the shortest and most accessible read.
- [post] 翻译理解LSTM网络
- Deep Learning Book chapter on RNNs.
- This will be a very technical read and is recommended for students very comfortable with advanced mathematical notation and scientific papers.
- Andrej Karpathy's lecture on Recurrent Neural Networks.
- This is a fairly long lecture (around an hour) but covers the content quite well as always with Karpathy.
- [post] Anyone Can Learn To Code an LSTM-RNN in Python (Part 1: RNN)