As a software engineer, I mainly work on C++ and Python under Ubuntu system. Sometimes I may also want to use Matlab, but not very often. I will go through some tools that I personally like to use thtoughout my developing.
Qt Creator
Qt Creator is mostly thought as the best C++ IDE in Linux platform. You basically can rely on the tool to do all the reading, editing and compling jobs. The drawback of it is obviously that it is heavy weighted.
VS Code
I have started to use VS Code only recently and I am so loving it now. It is a Lite C++ IDE and also provides abundant plugins so you can also integrate other languages like Python, Matlab, bash, markdown and etc.
A IDE liked took for python developers(, which I think can be replaced by VS Code now).
I was sticking to using Sublime when I only have the need to read and edit the code staticly. But when I found Atom, I quickly switched to this tool, which is so convenient and never remind you to buy the professional version.
Recently, I am surprised to find it can preview Markdown files. (ctl + shift +m)
Sublime Text
It is so commonly used and known. Just it is too anoiying when it notice you to buy the professional version now and then.
A free version of Matlab. It is quite enough when your Matlab programs doesn't rely on some libraries heavily.
A virtual environment platform. Quite useful for different AI projects which mostly are in Python.
A one time wrap-up for the project environment setting up. Docker seemed to cover broader and deeper than Anaconda.
A remote control gui tool. It is good as long as your internet connection is at a high speed.
Offer version control information in terminals.
An alternate for the original teminal tool. Easy to install and convenient to split.