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  • 实现一个简单的C++协程库

    之前看协程相关的东西时,曾一念而过想着怎么自己来实现一个给 C++ 用,但在保存现场恢复现场之类的细节上被自己的想法吓住,也没有深入去研究,后面一丢开就忘了。近来微博上看人在讨论怎么实现一个 user space 上的线程库,有人提到了 setcontext,swapcontext 之类的函数,说可以用来保存和切换上下文,我忽然觉得这应该也能用来实现协程,回头搜,果然已经有人曾用这些函数做过相关的事情,略略看了几个,觉得到底不大好用,还不如自己搞一个简单点的。

    说到 c++ 上的协程,boost 里其实已经有相关的实现了,不过接口上看用起来有些麻烦,单纯从语法上来说,我觉得 Lua 的协程最简洁易用了,概念上也比较直接,为什么不做一个类似的呢?所以我就打算照着 Lua 来山寨一个,只需要支持四个接口就够了:

    1)create coroutine。

    2)run/resume coroutine。

    3)Yield running corouinte。



    实现协程/线程,最麻烦莫过于保存和切换上下文了,好在 makecontext,swapcontext 这几个函数相当好用,已经完全帮忙解决了这个难题:makecontext 可以帮我们建立起协程的上下文,swapcontext 则可以切换不同的上下文,从而实现那种把当前函数暂时停住,切换出去执行别的函数然后再切换回来继续执行的效果:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <ucontext.h>
    using namespace std;
    static char g_stack[2048];
    static ucontext_t ctx,ctx_main;
    void func()
        // do something.
        cout << "enter func" << endl;
        swapcontext(&ctx, &ctx_main);
        cout << "func1 resume from yield" << endl;
        // continue to do something.
    int main()
       ctx.uc_stack.ss_sp = g_stack;
       ctx.uc_stack.ss_size = sizeof g_stack;
       ctx.uc_link = &ctx_main;
       makecontext(&ctx, func, 0);
       cout << "in main, before coroutine starts" << endl;
       swapcontext(&ctx_main, &ctx);
       cout << "back to main" << endl;
       swapcontext(&ctx_main, &ctx);
       cout << "back to main again" << endl;
       return 0;

    如上代码所示,显然我们只要简单包装一下 swapcontext,很容易就可以实现 Yield 和 Resume,有了它们的帮助协程做起来就容易多了。


    在使用 makecontext,swapcontext 的基础上,我花了一个多小时简单实现了一个协程库,参看这里,代码写下来总共才200多行,出乎意料的简单,用起来也很方便了:

    #include "coroutine.h"
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    CoroutineScheduler* sched = NULL;
    void func1(void* arg)
        uintptr_t ret;
        cout << "function1 a now!,arg:" << arg << ", start to yield." << endl;
        ret = sched->Yield((uintptr_t)"func1 yield 1");
        cout << "1.fun1 return from yield:" << (const char*)ret << endl;
        ret = sched->Yield((uintptr_t)"func1 yield 2");
        cout << "2.fun1 return from yield:" << (const char*)ret << ", going to stop" << endl;
    void func2(void* s)
        cout << "function2 a now!, arg:" << s << ", start to yield." << endl;
        const char* y = (const char*)sched->Yield((uintptr_t)"func2 yield 1");
        cout << "fun2 return from yield:" << y <<", going to stop" << endl;
    int main()
        sched = new CoroutineScheduler();
        bool stop = false;
        int f1 = sched->CreateCoroutine(func1, (void*)111);
        int f2 = sched->CreateCoroutine(func2, (void*)222);
        while (!stop)
            stop = true;
            if (sched->IsCoroutineAlive(f1))
                stop = false;
                const char* y1 = (const char*)sched->ResumeCoroutine(f1, (uintptr_t)"resume func1");
                cout << "func1 yield:" << y1 << endl;
            if (sched->IsCoroutineAlive(f2))
                stop = false;
                const char* y2 = (const char*)sched->ResumeCoroutine(f2, (uintptr_t)"resume func2");
                cout << "func2 yield:" << y2 << endl;
        delete sched;
        return 0;

    如上所示,Yield 里传的参数会在调用 Resume 时被返回,同理 Resume 里的第二个参数,会在 Yield 里被返回,这种机制也是模仿 Lua 来的,有些时候可以用来在协程间传递一些参数,很方便,看起来也挺酷的,但在实现上却相当地简洁,核心代码如下:

    // static function
    void CoroutineScheduler::SchedulerImpl::Schedule(void* arg)
        SchedulerImpl* sched = (SchedulerImpl*) arg;
        int running = sched->running_;
        coroutine* cor = sched->id2routine_[running];
        sched->running_ = -1;
        cor->status = CO_FINISHED;
    // resume coroutine.
    uintptr_t CoroutineScheduler::SchedulerImpl::ResumeCoroutine(int id, uintptr_t y)
        coroutine* cor = id2routine_[id];
        if (cor == NULL || cor->status == CO_RUNNING) return 0;
        cor->yield = y;
        switch (cor->status)
            case CO_READY:
                    cor->status = CO_RUNNING;
                    cor->cxt.uc_stack.ss_sp = cor->stack;
                    cor->cxt.uc_stack.ss_size = stacksize_;
                    // sucessor context.
                    cor->cxt.uc_link = &mainContext_;
                    running_ = id;
                    makecontext(&cor->cxt, (void (*)())Schedule, 1, this);
                    swapcontext(&mainContext_, &cor->cxt);
            case CO_SUSPENDED:
                    running_ = id;
                    cor->status = CO_RUNNING;
                    swapcontext(&mainContext_, &cor->cxt);
        uintptr_t ret = cor->yield;
        if (running_ == -1 && cor->status == CO_FINISHED) DestroyCoroutine(id);
        return ret;
    uintptr_t CoroutineScheduler::SchedulerImpl::Yield(uintptr_t y)
        if (running_ < 0) return 0;
        int cur = running_;
        running_ = -1;
        coroutine* cor = id2routine_[cur];
        cor->yield = y;
        cor->status = CO_SUSPENDED;
        swapcontext(&cor->cxt, &mainContext_);
        return cor->yield;

    单就代码量和程序结构而言,以上的实现很简洁,但细节上看,每个协程都要分配一个一定大小的栈空间,空间效率上可能不大好,不够轻量;运行效率上来说,swapcontext 的执行效率如何,现在也未知,只是出于学习的目的,就先这样吧,可以再了解了解别人是怎么做的。 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/catch/p/3617962.html
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