delphi dcp component
md5 String;
md5 stream;流文件
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var hashd: array [0 .. 31] of Byte; abytes: TByteDynArray; s: string; read, len: integer; ast: AnsiString; begin ast := '中国'; self.DCP_md51.Init; self.DCP_md51.UpdateStr(ast); self.DCP_md51.Final(hashd); len := DCP_md51.HashSize; s := ''; for Read := 0 to ((len div 8) - 1) do s := s + IntToHex(hashd[Read], 2); Caption := s; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var hashd: array [0 .. 31] of Byte; s: string; read, len: integer; ast: string; begin ast := '中国'; self.DCP_md51.Init; self.DCP_md51.UpdateStr(ast); self.DCP_md51.Final(hashd); len := DCP_md51.HashSize; s := ''; for Read := 0 to ((len div 8) - 1) do s := s + IntToHex(hashd[Read], 2); Caption := s; end; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var hashd: array [0 .. 41] of Byte; s: string; read, len: integer; ast: AnsiString; begin ast := '中国'; self.DCP_sha11.Init; self.DCP_sha11.UpdateStr(ast); self.DCP_sha11.Final(hashd); len := DCP_sha11.HashSize; s := ''; for Read := 0 to ((len div 8) - 1) do s := s + IntToHex(hashd[Read], 2); Caption := s; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var hashd: array [0 .. 31] of Byte; s: string; read, len: integer; ast: AnsiString; ss: TStringStream; begin ast := '中国'; ss := TStringStream.Create; ss.WriteString('ww'); self.DCP_md51.Init; DCP_md51.UpdateStream(ss, ss.Size); self.DCP_md51.Final(hashd); ss.Free; len := DCP_md51.HashSize; s := ''; for Read := 0 to ((len div 8) - 1) do s := s + IntToHex(hashd[Read], 2); Caption := s; end;