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  • return 通过文件后缀名得到的函数字符串

    class Image{
    private $thumb_width; //缩略图的宽
    private $thumb_height;
    public $thumb_error;
    public function __construct($width = 0,$height = 0){
    $this->thumb_width = ($width == 0) ? $GLOBALS['config']['admin_goods_thumb']['width'] : $width;
    $this->thumb_height = ($height == 0) ? $GLOBALS['config']['admin_goods_thumb']['height'] : $height;
    * 制作缩略图
    * @param1 string $src,原图路径,/uploads/20150122101010abcdef.gif
    * @param2 string $path,缩略图保存路径/uploads/thumb_20150122101010abcdef.gif
    * @return 缩略图的名字
    public function makeThumb($src,$path){
    $this->thumb_error = '原图不存在!';
    return false;
    $ext = $this->getFunctionName($src); //gif
    $open = 'imagecreatefrom' . $ext; //imagecreatefromgif
    $save = 'image' . $ext; //imagegif
    //如果不清楚;echo $open,$save;exit;
    $src_img = $open($src); //利用可变函数打开图片资源
    $dst_img = imagecreatetruecolor($this->thumb_width,$this->thumb_height);
    $dst_bg_color = imagecolorallocate($dst_img,255,255,255);
    $dst_size = $this->thumb_width / $this->thumb_height;
    $file_info = getimagesize($src);
    $src_size = $file_info[0]/$file_info[1];
    if($src_size > $dst_size){
    $width = $this->thumb_width;
    $height = round($width / $src_size);
    $height = $this->thumb_height;
    $width = round($height * $src_size);
    $dst_x = round($this->thumb_width - $width)/2;
    $dst_y = round($this->thumb_height - $height)/2;
    $thumb_name = 'thumb_' . basename($src);
    $save($dst_img,$path . '/' . $thumb_name);
    return $thumb_name;
    $this->thumb_error = '缩略图采样失败!';
    return false;
    * 获取文件要调用的函数名
    * @param1 string $file,文件名字
    * @return 通过文件后缀名得到的函数字符串
    private function getFunctionName($file){
    $file_info = pathinfo($file);
    $ext = $file_info['extension']; //后缀:gif,png,jpg,jpeg,pjpeg
    $func = array(
    'gif' => 'gif',
    'png' => 'png',
    'jpg' => 'jpeg',
    'jpeg' => 'jpeg',
    'pjpeg' => 'jpeg'
    return $func[$ext];

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cbryge/p/6071188.html
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