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  • SQL查询学习

    create database seldata
    log on
    use seldata
    create table teacher
    tno int not null,
    tname char(60) not null,
    cno int not null,
    sal int ,
    dname char(100) not null,
    sex char(2) not null default '男',
    age int not null age
    select * from teacher
    alter table teacher
    add constraint ck_age check(age between 1 and 200)
    alter table teacher
    drop constraint ck_age
    insert into teacher values (2,'李彤',5,1200,'生物','女',54)
    insert into teacher values (3,'王水军',5,900,'计算机','男',40)
    insert into teacher values (4,'刘小静',2,1200,'计算机','女',46)
    insert into teacher values (5,'高伟',8,2100,'电子工程','男',39)
    insert into teacher values (6,'李伟',7,1200,'机械工程','男',29)
    insert into teacher values (7,'刘辉',3,900,'生物','女',46)
    insert into teacher (tno,tname,cno,dname,sex,age)
    values (8,'李伟',9,'计算机','女',43)
    insert into teacher values (9,'刘静',12,1300,'经济管理','女',28)
    insert into teacher (tno,tname,cno,dname,sex,age)
    values (10,'刘一凯',13,'计算机','女',33)
    select * from teacher
    select * from teacher where 1>2
    select tname from teacher
    select tno,tname from teacher
    select distinct dname from teacher
    --加入distinct去除重复值 select disctinct 去除重复值字段 from 表 +条件
    select * from teacher where 1=2
    select tno,tname,sal,sex,age from teacher
    select distinct tname,sal,age from teacher
    --注意:distinct 后接多列字段时,需满足多列均相同才会去除重
    select tname,tno,sal from teacher order by tname
    select tname,tno,sal from teacher order by sal desc
    select tname,sal,sex,age from teacher order by sex,age
    select tname,sal,sex,age from teacher order by 3,4
    --采用序号进行排序,这里的3 和4 分别代表sex第三旬,4为第四列
    select tname,sal,sex,age from teacher order by sex,age desc
    --对指定序号做反向排序:age desc 而前一列sex依然是正向排序
    select tname,sal,sex,age,dname from teacher where dname='计算机'
    select top 1* from teacher
    create view cp_view
    as select tname,sal,sex,age,dname from teacher where dname='计算机'
    select * from cp_view
    drop view cp_view
    select tname,dname,age,sex from teacher where age>=40 order by age desc
    select tname,dname,sal,age,sex from teacher
    where dname like '计%' order by dname,sex
    select * from teacher where sex<>'男' order by age
    select * from teacher where sex!='男' order by age
    select tname,dname,sal,age,sex from teacher
    where sal <>1200 order by sal
    /*注意:在值为null参与比较运算时得到的结果为false 则结果不会表现在查询
    --关于Between 运算范围
    select tname,dname,age,sex from teacher
    where age between 30 and 50 order by age
    --在between 之间的值结果包括等于范围集。
    select tname,dname,age,sex from teacher
    where dname between '计算机' and '生物'
    select tname,sal,age,sex from teacher
    where sal is null order by sal

    select tname,sal,age,sex from teacher
    where sal is not null order by sal
    --注意:null值不能参与运算,只能表达为is null 或者is not null

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ccnlc/p/7561332.html
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