We always want to store the log recorder in file to analysis the program after running when developing.
nxlog4go includes an io.Writer which is similar to go log. So we can use io.MultiWriter.
Building a new rotate file writer
Setting output as MultiWriter
Write log to MultiWriter
| Format by pattern layout
| Write to console
| Write to file
| +---------------------------------------
| | Rotate file if over max size or daily
| | Real write
| +---------------------------------------
Close rotate file writer
The writer costs more CPU usage. Especially, it is expensive when using the caller function to get source's file name and line number as default. You may disable it by:
Building a new rotate file writer
rfw := l4g.NewRotateFileWriter("_rfw.log").SetMaxSize(1024 * 5).SetMaxBackup(10)
Setting maxium file size as 5M, and keeping only 10 files.
rfw := l4g.NewRotateFileWriter("_rfw.log").SetDaily(true)
Rotating file every day at midnight.
Setting output as MultiWriter
Logging message to both term console and rotate file writer.
ww := io.MultiWriter(os.Stderr, rfw)
// Get a new logger instance
log := l4g.New(l4g.FINEST).SetOutput(ww).SetCaller(false)
log.SetPattern("[%D %T] [%L] (%s) %M
log.Finest("Everything is created now (notice that I will not be printing to the file)")
log.Info("%d. The time is now: %s", j, time.Now().Format("15:04:05 MST 2006/01/02"))
log.Critical("Time to close out!")
CLOSING rotate file writer
Do not forget.
Call Close() function at the end of main program.
It is necessary to guarantee that all log messages are written.
See also: