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  • The Preliminary Contest for ICPC Asia Shanghai 2019 G. Substring(字符串hash)





     1 #define bug(x) cout<<#x<<" is "<<x<<endl
     2 #define IO std::ios::sync_with_stdio(0)
     3 #define ull unsigned long long
     4 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
     5 #define iter ::iterator
     6 #define pa pair<int,ull>
     7 using namespace  std;
     8 #define ll long long
     9 #define mk make_pair
    10 #define pb push_back
    11 #define se second
    12 #define fi first
    13 #define ls o<<1
    14 #define rs o<<1|1
    15 const int N=1e5+5;
    16 int T;
    17 int n,m;
    18 ll mod[3]={1000000007,998244353};
    19 ll base[3]={127,131};
    20 int a[N];
    21 vector<pa>P[N];
    22 int ans[N];
    23 ull z[N];
    24 ull p[405];
    25 ll cal(int id){
    26     char s[N];
    27     scanf("%s",s);
    28     int L=strlen(s);
    29     a[id]=L;
    30     ull res=0;
    31     for(int i=1;i<L-1;i++){
    32         res+=p[s[i]-'a'];
    33     }
    34     res+=(s[0]-'a'+1)*p[233];
    35     res+=(s[L-1]-'a'+1)*p[234];
    36     return res;
    37 }
    38 int c[N];
    39 char S[N];
    40 int main(){
    41     p[0]=1;
    42     for(int i=1;i<=400;i++){
    43         p[i]=p[i-1]*mod[0];
    44     }
    45     scanf("%d",&T);
    46     while(T--){
    47         scanf("%s",S);
    48         scanf("%d",&n);
    49         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
    50             ull res=cal(i);
    51             pa p=mk(i,res);
    52             P[a[i]].pb(p);
    53         }
    54         sort(a+1,a+1+n);
    55         int na=unique(a+1,a+1+n)-a-1;
    56         int ns=strlen(S);
    57         for(int i=0;i<ns;i++){
    58             c[i]=S[i]-'a';
    59         }
    60         for(int i=1;i<=na;i++){
    61             int cnt=0;
    62             int k=a[i];
    63             ull h=0;
    64             for(int j=0;j<ns;j++){
    65                 if(j>=k-1){
    66                     h-=p[c[j-k+1]];
    67                     ull res=h+p[233]*(c[j-k+1]+1)+p[234]*(c[j]+1);
    68                     z[++cnt]=res;
    69                 }
    70                 h+=p[c[j]];
    71             }
    72             sort(z+1,z+1+cnt);
    73             for(auto tmp:P[k]){
    74                 int x=tmp.fi;
    75                 ull y=tmp.se;
    76                 int l=lower_bound(z+1,z+1+cnt,y)-z;
    77                 int r=upper_bound(z+1,z+1+cnt,y)-z;
    78                 ans[x]=r-l;
    79             }
    80             P[k].clear();
    81         }
    82         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
    83             printf("%d
    84         }
    85     }    
    86 }
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    B. Box Fitting
    E. Permutation by Sum
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/ccsu-kid/p/11545256.html
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