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  • Android sqlite 操作类


    其中用到了 LangUtil类,是个反射操作类,主要是获取get set方法啊,成员变量列表啊什么。可以自己去实现,也可以去down一个。


      1 package com.cczw.util;
      2 /**
      3  * @author awen
      4  * */
      5 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
      6 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
      7 import java.util.ArrayList;
      8 import java.util.List;
     10 import android.content.ContentValues;
     11 import android.content.Context;
     12 import android.database.Cursor;
     13 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
     14 import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
     15 import android.util.Log;
     17 public class SqliteUtil {
     18     public static final String WEBVIEWCACHEDB="webviewCache.db";
     20     private static final String TAG = "SqliteUtil";
     21      private SQLiteOpenHelper helper=null;
     22      private SQLiteDatabase db=null;
     24     private String tableName=null;
     25     private String primaryKey=null;
     26     private ArrayList<String> colums=null; //(key)键的名称 
     27     private Class<?> adpater=null;
     28     private Field[] fields=null;
     30     /***/
     31     public SqliteUtil(Context context,String dbname){
     32         helper=new SQLiteOpenHelper(context, dbname, null, 1) {
     33             @Override
     34             public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
     35                 //当打开数据库时传入的版本号与当前的版本号不同时会调用该方法。
     36             }
     37             @Override
     38             public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
     39                 //当数据库被首次创建时执行该方法,一般将创建表等初始化操作在该方法中执行。
     40             }
     41         };
     42          //SQLiteDatabase对象
     43         db=helper.getWritableDatabase();
     44         colums=new ArrayList<String>();
     45     }
     46     /**关闭数据库操作*/
     47     public void close(){
     48         db.close();
     49         helper.close();
     50     }
     51     /**返回数据库对象,可以自主的使用一些原生方法*/
     52     public SQLiteDatabase getSqliteDB(){
     53         return db;
     54     }
     55     /**查看数据库中是否存在某表*/
     56     public boolean hasTable(String table_name)
     57     {
     58         boolean result = false;
     59         Cursor cur = null;
     60         try {
     61             String sql_table = "select count(*) as c from Sqlite_master    where type='table' and name ='"    + table_name.trim() + "'";
     62             cur = db.rawQuery(sql_table, null);
     63             if (cur.moveToNext()) {
     64                 int count = cur.getInt(0);
     65                 if (count > 0) {
     66                     result = true;
     67                 }
     68             }
     69             cur.close();
     70         } catch (Exception e) {
     71             return result;
     72         }
     73         return result;
     74     }
     75     /**设定table的名称,和其适配的javabean,如果该表不存在将根据这两个参数建立该表
     76      * @param tableName 数据表名称
     77      * @param adpater   该数据表对应的javabean  注意,避免使用基本数据类型和数组
     78      * @param PRIMARY    主键 ,没有则为null,该值只有创建表的时候管用
     79      * */
     80     public void setTables(String tableName,Class<?> adpater,String primaryKey){
     81         this.tableName=tableName;
     82         this.adpater=adpater;
     83         this.primaryKey=primaryKey;
     84         this.fields=LangUtil.getFields(adpater);
     85         if(!hasTable(tableName)){
     86             StringBuffer createSql = new StringBuffer("CREATE TABLE " + tableName + "(");
     87             for(int i=0,len=fields.length;i<len;i++){
     88                 Field f=fields[i];
     89                 String fieldName=f.getName();
     90                 String fieldType=getSqliteTypeClass(f.getType()).getSimpleName();
     91                 colums.add(fieldName);
     92                 createSql.append(" "+fieldName+" "+fieldType+" ");
     93                 if(fieldName.equals(primaryKey)){
     94                     createSql.append(" PRIMARY KEY  AUTOINCREMENT  NOT NULL ");
     95                 }
     96                 if(i<len-1){createSql.append(",");}
     97              }
     98             createSql.append(")");
     99             Log.d(TAG, "创建表:"+createSql.toString());
    100             db.execSQL(createSql.toString());
    101         }else{
    102             for(int i=0,len=fields.length;i<len;i++){
    103                 colums.add(fields[i].getName());
    104             }
    105         }
    106      }
    107     /**删除数据库中的表*/
    108     public void delTable(String tablename){
    109         if(hasTable(tablename)){
    110             db.execSQL("DROP TABLE "+tablename);
    111         }
    112     }
    113     /**删除表中的所有数据*/
    114     public void clearTable(String tablename){
    115         if(hasTable(tablename)){
    116             db.execSQL("delete from "+tablename);
    117         }
    118     }
    119     /**通用查询接口,无返回值*/
    120     public void query(String sql){
    121         db.execSQL(sql);
    122     }
    123     /**增加记录,并返回增加记录的索引,否则返回-1
    124      * @param  bean table表对应的bean
    125      * @return long 插入字段的索引
    126      * */
    127     public long insertRow(Object bean){
    128         Long ret=-1L;
    129         if(bean!=null&&bean.getClass()==adpater){
    130              ContentValues  cv=BeanAdpater(bean,false);
    131              ret=db.insert(this.tableName, this.primaryKey, cv);
    132         }else{
    133             Log.d(TAG,"参数为空或者类型错误");
    134         }
    135         return ret;
    136     }
    137     /**根据查询条件返回数据表中的记录数组arrylist
    138      * @param <E>
    139      * @param condition 查询的条件语句,将补在全部查询sql语句之后
    140      * */
    141     @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    142     public <E> List<E> getRows(String condition){
    143         List<E> rows=new ArrayList<E>();
    144         String sql="select * from "+this.tableName;
    145         if(!("").equals(condition)&&condition!=null){
    146             sql+=" "+condition;
    147         }
    148         Cursor cursor=db.rawQuery(sql, null);
    149         Log.d(TAG, "select查询:数据总行数:"+cursor.getCount()+";列数:"+cursor.getColumnNames().length);
    150         cursor.moveToFirst();
    151         while(!cursor.isAfterLast()){
    152             try {
    153                 Object bean=getRow(cursor);
    154                 rows.add((E) bean);
    155             } catch (Exception e) {
    156                 e.printStackTrace();
    157             }
    158             cursor.moveToNext();
    159         }
    160         cursor.close();
    161         return rows;
    162     }
    164     /**修改指定的bean记录,依据本类的bean类设置的主键的值,所以主键对应的成员变量的值必须存在*/
    165     public void updateRow(Object bean){
    166         if(bean!=null&&bean.getClass()==adpater){
    167              ContentValues  cv=BeanAdpater(bean,true);
    168              db.update(this.tableName, cv, this.primaryKey+"=?", new String[]{cv.getAsString(primaryKey)});
    169         }else{
    170             Log.d(TAG,"参数为空或者类型错误");
    171         }
    172     }
    173     /**删除指定的bean记录,依据本类的bean类设置的主键的值,所以主键对应的成员变量的值必须存在*/
    174     public void deleteRow(Object bean){
    175         if(bean!=null&&bean.getClass()==adpater){
    176              ContentValues  cv=BeanAdpater(bean,true);
    177              db.delete(this.tableName, this.primaryKey+"=?", new String[]{cv.getAsString(primaryKey)});
    178         }else{
    179             Log.d(TAG,"参数为空或者类型错误");
    180         }
    181     }
    182     /**bean 转换为 ContentValues
    183      * @param covertPrimaryKey  返回的ContentValues中是否包含主键
    184      * */
    185     private ContentValues BeanAdpater(Object bean,boolean covertPrimaryKey){
    186         ContentValues cv=new ContentValues();
    187         Field[] fields=LangUtil.getFields(bean.getClass());
    188         for(int i=0,len=fields.length;i<len;i++){
    189             Field f=fields[i];
    190             String fieldName=f.getName();
    191             if(fieldName.equals(this.primaryKey)&&!covertPrimaryKey){
    192                 continue;
    193             }
    194             Method getMethod = null;
    195             try {
    196                 getMethod =LangUtil.getGetter(bean.getClass(), fieldName);
    197                 String returntype=getSqliteTypeClass(f.getType()).getSimpleName().toLowerCase();
    198                 Object val=getMethod.invoke(bean);
    199                 //Log.d(TAG,returntype+":"+fieldName+":"+val);
    200                 if(val==null){continue;}
    201                 if(returntype.equals("string")){
    202                     cv.put(fieldName,(String)val);
    203                 }else if(returntype.equals("character")){
    204                     cv.put(fieldName,val.toString());
    205                 }else if(returntype.equals("boolean")){
    206                     cv.put(fieldName,(Boolean)val);
    207                 }else if(returntype.equals("integer")){
    208                     cv.put(fieldName,(Integer)val);
    209                 }else if(returntype.equals("byte")){
    210                     cv.put(fieldName,(Byte)val);
    211                 }else if(returntype.equals("short")){
    212                     cv.put(fieldName,(Short)val);
    213                 }else if(returntype.equals("double")){
    214                     cv.put(fieldName,(Double)val);
    215                 }else if(returntype.equals("float")){
    216                     cv.put(fieldName,(Float)val);
    217                 }else if(returntype.equals("long")){
    218                     cv.put(fieldName,(Long)val);
    219                 }else{
    220                     cv.putNull(fieldName);
    221                 }
    222             } catch (Exception e) {
    223                 e.printStackTrace();
    224             }
    225         }
    226         return cv;
    227     }
    228     /**获取当前指针所在位置的一行数据
    229      * @throws InstantiationException 
    230      * @throws IllegalAccessException */
    231     private Object getRow(Cursor cursor) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException{
    232         Object bean=adpater.newInstance();
    233         if(!cursor.isAfterLast()&&!cursor.isBeforeFirst()&&!cursor.isClosed()){
    234             for(int i=0,len=cursor.getColumnCount();i<len;i++){
    235                 String fieldName= cursor.getColumnName(i);
    236                 String returntype=getSqliteTypeClass(fields[i].getType()).getSimpleName().toLowerCase();
    237                 //Log.d(TAG, fieldName+"="+cursor.getString(i));
    238                 String val=cursor.getString(i);
    239                 if(val==null){continue;}
    240                 Object oval=null;
    241                 if(returntype.equals("string")){
    242                     oval=val;
    243                 }else if(returntype.equals("character")){
    244                     oval=(val.charAt(0));
    245                 }else if(returntype.equals("boolean")){
    246                     oval=val.equals("1")?true:false;
    247                 }else if(returntype.equals("integer")){
    248                     oval=Integer.parseInt(val);
    249                 }else if(returntype.equals("byte")){
    250                     oval=Byte.parseByte(val);
    251                 }else if(returntype.equals("short")){
    252                     oval=Short.parseShort(val);
    253                 }else if(returntype.equals("double")){
    254                     oval=Double.parseDouble(val);
    255                 }else if(returntype.equals("float")){
    256                     oval=Float.parseFloat(val);
    257                 }else if(returntype.equals("long")){
    258                     oval=Long.parseLong(val);
    259                 }
    260                 LangUtil.setValue(bean, fieldName, oval);
    261             }
    262         }
    263         return bean;
    264     }
    265     /**获取传入类型的非基本数据类型表示方式*/
    266     private Class<?> getSqliteTypeClass(Class<?> classz){
    267         return classz.isPrimitive()?LangUtil.getWrapperClass(classz):classz;
    268     }
    269 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cczw/p/2514544.html
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