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  • hdu2732 Leapin' Lizards 最大流+拆点

    Your platoon of wandering lizards has entered a strange room in the labyrinth you are exploring. As you are looking around for hidden treasures, one of the rookies steps on an innocent-looking stone and the room's floor suddenly disappears! Each lizard in your platoon is left standing on a fragile-looking pillar, and a fire begins to rage below... Leave no lizard behind! Get as many lizards as possible out of the room, and report the number of casualties.
    The pillars in the room are aligned as a grid, with each pillar one unit away from the pillars to its east, west, north and south. Pillars at the edge of the grid are one unit away from the edge of the room (safety). Not all pillars necessarily have a lizard. A lizard is able to leap onto any unoccupied pillar that is within d units of his current one. A lizard standing on a pillar within leaping distance of the edge of the room may always leap to safety... but there's a catch: each pillar becomes weakened after each jump, and will soon collapse and no longer be usable by other lizards. Leaping onto a pillar does not cause it to weaken or collapse; only leaping off of it causes it to weaken and eventually collapse. Only one lizard may be on a pillar at any given time.



      1 #include<stdio.h>
      2 #include<string.h>
      3 #include<vector>
      4 #include<queue>
      5 #include<algorithm>
      6 using namespace std;
      7 const int maxm=1000;
      8 const int INF=0x7fffffff;
     10 struct edge{
     11     int from,to,f;
     12     edge(int a,int b,int c):from(a),to(b),f(c){}
     13 };
     15 struct dinic{
     16     int s,t,m;
     17     vector<edge>e;
     18     vector<int>g[maxm];
     19     bool vis[maxm];
     20     int cur[maxm],d[maxm];
     22     void init(int n){
     23         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)g[i].clear();
     24         e.clear();
     25     }
     27     void add(int a,int b,int c){
     28         e.push_back(edge(a,b,c));
     29         e.push_back(edge(b,a,0));
     30         m=e.size();
     31         g[a].push_back(m-2);
     32         g[b].push_back(m-1);
     33     }
     35     bool bfs(){
     36         memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));
     37         queue<int>q;
     38         q.push(s);
     39         vis[s]=1;
     40         d[s]=0;
     41         while(!q.empty()){
     42             int u=q.front();
     43             q.pop();
     44             for(int i=0;i<g[u].size();i++){
     45                 edge tmp=e[g[u][i]];
     46                 if(!vis[tmp.to]&&tmp.f>0){
     47                     d[tmp.to]=d[u]+1;
     48                     vis[tmp.to]=1;
     49                     q.push(tmp.to);
     50                 }
     51             }
     52         }
     53         return vis[t];
     54     }
     56     int dfs(int x,int a){
     57         if(x==t||a==0)return a;
     58         int flow=0,f;
     59         for(int& i=cur[x];i<g[x].size();i++){
     60             edge& tmp=e[g[x][i]];
     61             if(d[tmp.to]==d[x]+1&&tmp.f>0){
     62                 f=dfs(tmp.to,min(a,tmp.f));
     63                 tmp.f-=f;
     64                 e[g[x][i]^1].f+=f;
     65                 flow+=f;
     66                 a-=f;
     67                 if(a==0)break;
     68             }
     69         }
     70         if(flow==0)d[x]=-1;
     71         return flow;
     72     }
     74     int mf(int s,int t){
     75         this->s=s;
     76         this->t=t;
     77         int flow=0;
     78         while(bfs()){
     79             memset(cur,0,sizeof(cur));
     80             flow+=dfs(s,INF);
     81         }
     82         return flow;
     83     }
     84 };
     86 char a[25][25],b[25][25];
     87 struct point{
     88     int x,y,n;
     89 }p[500];
     91 int aabs(int a){
     92     return a>=0?a:-a;
     93 }
     95 int main(){
     96     int T;
     97     scanf("%d",&T);
     98     for(int q=1;q<=T;q++){
     99         int i,j;
    100         int n,m,k;
    101         scanf("%d%d",&n,&k);
    102         for(i=1;i<=n;i++){
    103             scanf("%s",a[i]+1);
    104         }
    105         for(i=1;i<=n;i++){
    106             scanf("%s",b[i]+1);
    107         }
    108         m=strlen(a[1]+1);
    109         dinic d;
    110         d.init(n*m*2+10);
    111         int cnt=0,l,c=0;
    112         for(i=1;i<=n;i++){
    113             for(j=1;j<=m;j++){
    114                 if(a[i][j]!='0'){
    115                     int tmp=(i-1)*m+j;
    116                     d.add(tmp,tmp+m*n,a[i][j]-'0');
    117                     for(l=1;l<=cnt;l++){
    118                         if(aabs(i-p[l].x)+aabs(j-p[l].y)<=k){
    119                             d.add(tmp+m*n,p[l].n,INF);
    120                             d.add(p[l].n+n*m,tmp,INF);
    121                         }
    122                     }
    123                     cnt++;
    124                     p[cnt].x=i;
    125                     p[cnt].y=j;
    126                     p[cnt].n=tmp;
    127                     if(b[i][j]=='L'){
    128                         c++;
    129                         d.add(0,tmp,1);
    130                     }
    131                     if(i<=k||j<=k||n-i+1<=k||m-j+1<=k)d.add(tmp+n*m,n*m*2+1,INF);
    132                 }
    133             }
    134         }
    135         int ans=c-d.mf(0,2*n*m+1);
    136         printf("Case #%d: ",q);
    137         if(ans)printf("%d",ans);
    138         else printf("no");
    139         if(ans<=1)printf(" lizard was left behind.
    140         else printf(" lizards were left behind.
    141     }
    142     return 0;
    143 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cenariusxz/p/6592512.html
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