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  • (八)cmockery中的calculator和run_tests函数的注释代码

        所分析的calculator.c和calculator_test.c文件位于 工程中的 cmockery/src/example/ 目录下,是一个相对而言比较全面的样例程序,用到了cmockery项目中的大多数单元测试方法。基本上涵盖了之前所有的样例程序中的用法,还有两组测试是database操作的样例程序没有做分析也不准备去做了。在结束了这一个样例程序的分析之后,大概就可以将整个cmockery程序过了百分之70的样子,接下来就可以将整个项目代码过一遍了。
    1. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
    2. #include "config.h"
    3. #endif
    4. #include <assert.h>
    5. #ifdef HAVE_MALLOC_H
    6. #include <malloc.h>
    7. #endif
    8. #include <stdio.h>
    9. #include <stdlib.h>
    10. #include <string.h>
    11. #define UNIT_TESTING 1
    12. // If this is being built for a unit test.
    13. #if UNIT_TESTING
    14. /* Redirect printf to a function in the test application so it's possible to
    15. * test the standard output. */
    16. #ifdef printf
    17. #undef printf
    18. #endif // printf
    19. #define printf example_test_printf
    20. extern void print_message(const char *format, ...);
    21. extern int example_test_printf(const char *format, ...);
    22. /* Redirect fprintf to a function in the test application so it's possible to
    23. * test error messages. */
    24. #ifdef fprintf
    25. #undef fprintf
    26. #endif // fprintf
    27. #define fprintf example_test_fprintf
    28. extern int example_test_fprintf(FILE * const file, const char *format, ...);
    29. // Redirect assert to mock_assert() so assertions can be caught by cmockery.
    30. #ifdef assert
    31. #undef assert
    32. #endif // assert
    33. #define assert(expression)
    34. mock_assert((int)(expression), #expression, __FILE__, __LINE__)
    35. void mock_assert(const int result, const char* expression, const char *file,
    36. const int line);
    37. /* Redirect calloc and free to test_calloc() and test_free() so cmockery can
    38. * check for memory leaks. */
    39. #ifdef calloc
    40. #undef calloc
    41. #endif // calloc
    42. #define calloc(num, size) _test_calloc(num, size, __FILE__, __LINE__)
    43. #ifdef free
    44. #undef free
    45. #endif // free
    46. #define free(ptr) _test_free(ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__)
    47. void* _test_calloc(const size_t number_of_elements, const size_t size,
    48. const char* file, const int line);
    49. void _test_free(void* const ptr, const char* file, const int line);
    50. /* main is defined in the unit test so redefine name of the the main function
    51. * here. */
    52. #define main example_main
    53. /* All functions in this object need to be exposed to the test application,
    54. * so redefine static to nothing. */
    55. #define static
    56. #endif // UNIT_TESTING
    57. // A binary arithmetic integer operation (add, subtract etc.)
    58. typedef int (*BinaryOperator)(int a, int b);
    59. // Structure which maps operator strings to functions.
    60. typedef struct OperatorFunction {
    61. const char* operator;
    62. BinaryOperator function;
    63. } OperatorFunction;
    64. int add(int a, int b);
    65. int subtract(int a, int b);
    66. int multiply(int a, int b);
    67. int divide(int a, int b);
    68. // Associate operator strings to functions.
    69. static OperatorFunction operator_function_map[] = {
    70. {"+", add},
    71. {"-", subtract},
    72. {"*", multiply},
    73. {"/", divide},
    74. };
    75. int add(int a, int b) {
    76. return a + b;
    77. }
    78. int subtract(int a, int b) {
    79. return a - b;
    80. }
    81. int multiply(int a, int b) {
    82. return a * b;
    83. }
    84. int divide(int a, int b) {
    85. assert(b); // Check for divide by zero.
    86. return a / b;
    87. }
    88. /* Searches the specified array of operator_functions for the function
    89. * associated with the specified operator_string. This function returns the
    90. * function associated with operator_string if successful, NULL otherwise.
    91. */
    92. BinaryOperator find_operator_function_by_string(
    93. const size_t number_of_operator_functions,
    94. const OperatorFunction * const operator_functions,
    95. const char* const operator_string) {
    96. size_t i;
    97. assert(!number_of_operator_functions || operator_functions);
    98. assert(operator_string);
    99. for (i = 0; i < number_of_operator_functions; i++) {
    100. const OperatorFunction *const operator_function =
    101. &operator_functions[i];
    102. if (strcmp(operator_function->operator, operator_string) == 0) {
    103. return operator_function->function;
    104. }
    105. }
    106. return NULL;
    107. }
    108. /* Perform a series of binary arithmetic integer operations with no operator
    109. * precedence.
    110. *
    111. * The input expression is specified by arguments which is an array of
    112. * containing number_of_arguments strings. Operators invoked by the expression
    113. * are specified by the array operator_functions containing
    114. * number_of_operator_functions, OperatorFunction structures. The value of
    115. * each binary operation is stored in a pointer returned to intermediate_values
    116. * which is allocated by malloc().
    117. *
    118. * If successful, this function returns the integer result of the operations.
    119. * If an error occurs while performing the operation error_occurred is set to
    120. * 1, the operation is aborted and 0 is returned.
    121. */
    122. int perform_operation(
    123. int number_of_arguments, char *arguments[],
    124. const size_t number_of_operator_functions,
    125. const OperatorFunction * const operator_functions,
    126. int * const number_of_intermediate_values,
    127. int ** const intermediate_values, int * const error_occurred) {
    128. char *end_of_integer;
    129. int value;
    130. unsigned int i;
    131. assert(!number_of_arguments || arguments);
    132. assert(!number_of_operator_functions || operator_functions);
    133. assert(error_occurred);
    134. assert(number_of_intermediate_values);
    135. assert(intermediate_values);
    136. *error_occurred = 0;
    137. *number_of_intermediate_values = 0;
    138. *intermediate_values = NULL;
    139. if (!number_of_arguments)
    140. return 0;
    141. // Parse the first value.
    142. value = (int)strtol(arguments[0], &end_of_integer, 10);
    143. if (end_of_integer == arguments[0]) {
    144. // If an error occurred while parsing the integer.
    145. fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse integer from argument %s ",
    146. arguments[0]);
    147. *error_occurred = 1;
    148. return 0;
    149. }
    150. // Allocate an array for the output values.
    151. *intermediate_values = calloc(((number_of_arguments - 1) / 2),
    152. sizeof(**intermediate_values));
    153. i = 1;
    154. while (i < number_of_arguments) {
    155. int other_value;
    156. const char* const operator_string = arguments[i];
    157. const BinaryOperator function = find_operator_function_by_string(
    158. number_of_operator_functions, operator_functions, operator_string);
    159. int * const intermediate_value =
    160. &((*intermediate_values)[*number_of_intermediate_values]);
    161. (*number_of_intermediate_values) ++;
    162. if (!function) {
    163. fprintf(stderr, "Unknown operator %s, argument %d ",
    164. operator_string, i);
    165. *error_occurred = 1;
    166. break;
    167. }
    168. i ++;
    169. if (i == number_of_arguments) {
    170. fprintf(stderr, "Binary operator %s missing argument ",
    171. operator_string);
    172. *error_occurred = 1;
    173. break;
    174. }
    175. other_value = (int)strtol(arguments[i], &end_of_integer, 10);
    176. if (end_of_integer == arguments[i]) {
    177. // If an error occurred while parsing the integer.
    178. fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse integer %s of argument %d ",
    179. arguments[i], i);
    180. *error_occurred = 1;
    181. break;
    182. }
    183. i ++;
    184. // Perform the operation and store the intermediate value.
    185. *intermediate_value = function(value, other_value);
    186. value = *intermediate_value;
    187. }
    188. if (*error_occurred) {
    189. free(*intermediate_values);
    190. *intermediate_values = NULL;
    191. *number_of_intermediate_values = 0;
    192. return 0;
    193. }
    194. return value;
    195. }
    196. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    197. int return_value;
    198. int number_of_intermediate_values;
    199. int *intermediate_values;
    200. // Peform the operation.
    201. const int result = perform_operation(
    202. argc - 1, &argv[1],
    203. sizeof(operator_function_map) / sizeof(operator_function_map[0]),
    204. operator_function_map, &number_of_intermediate_values,
    205. &intermediate_values, &return_value);
    206. // If no errors occurred display the result.
    207. if (!return_value && argc > 1) {
    208. unsigned int i;
    209. unsigned int intermediate_value_index = 0;
    210. printf("%s ", argv[1]);
    211. for (i = 2; i < argc; i += 2) {
    212. assert(intermediate_value_index < number_of_intermediate_values);
    213. printf(" %s %s = %d ", argv[i], argv[i + 1],
    214. intermediate_values[intermediate_value_index++]);
    215. }
    216. printf("= %d ", result);
    217. }
    218. if (intermediate_values) {
    219. free(intermediate_values);
    220. }
    221. return return_value;
    222. }
    这个是calculator.c的源码,里面自带了一个main.c程序。这个文件可以直接编译:gcc calculator.c 然后生成 a.out之后  运行就是: ./a.out 1 + 2 - 3 + 4。我在做测试的时候发现不能很好的支持*号。
    1. // A binary arithmetic integer operation (add, subtract etc.)
    2. typedef int (*BinaryOperator)(int a, int b);
    3. // Structure which maps operator strings to functions.
    4. typedef struct OperatorFunction {
    5. const char* operator;
    6. BinaryOperator function;
    7. } OperatorFunction;
    8. int add(int a, int b);
    9. int subtract(int a, int b);
    10. int multiply(int a, int b);
    11. int divide(int a, int b);
    12. // Associate operator strings to functions.
    13. static OperatorFunction operator_function_map[] = {
    14. {"+", add},
    15. {"-", subtract},
    16. {"*", multiply},
    17. {"/", divide},
    18. };
    19. int add(int a, int b) {
    20. return a + b;
    21. }
    22. int subtract(int a, int b) {
    23. return a - b;
    24. }
    25. int multiply(int a, int b) {
    26. return a * b;
    27. }
    28. int divide(int a, int b) {
    29. assert(b); // Check for divide by zero.
    30. return a / b;
    31. }




        在以./a.out 2 * 3  这个命令行进行执行程序的时候,会将其中*号解析为一个通配符,即当前目录下的所有内容名字的集合。  如果想正常调用乘法的话,可以将 * 号用单引号进行包起来就可以正常的调用了。还有就是这个方法只会从左向右进行计算,不会进行优先级的区分(有兴趣可以进一步完善哟)。

    calculator_test.c函数中对于calculator.c函数中的方法进行了单元测试,需要在calculator.c的最开始添加一行  #define UNIT_TESTING 1  这样使能单元测试功能。然后执行make:
    1. test : cmockery.c calculator.c calculator_test.c
    2. gcc cmockery.c calculator.c calculator_test.c -g -O0 -o test
    3. clean:
    4. rm -f test

    1. int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    2. UnitTest tests[] = {
    3. unit_test(test_add),
    4. unit_test(test_subtract),
    5. unit_test(test_multiply),
    6. unit_test(test_divide),
    7. unit_test(test_divide_by_zero),
    8. unit_test(test_find_operator_function_by_string_null_functions),
    9. unit_test(test_find_operator_function_by_string_null_string),
    10. unit_test(test_find_operator_function_by_string_valid_null_functions),
    11. unit_test(test_find_operator_function_by_string_not_found),
    12. unit_test(test_find_operator_function_by_string_found),
    13. unit_test(test_perform_operation_null_args),
    14. unit_test(test_perform_operation_null_operator_functions),
    15. unit_test(test_perform_operation_null_number_of_intermediate_values),
    16. unit_test(test_perform_operation_null_intermediate_values),
    17. unit_test(test_perform_operation_no_arguments),
    18. unit_test(test_perform_operation_first_arg_not_integer),
    19. unit_test(test_perform_operation_unknown_operator),
    20. unit_test(test_perform_operation_missing_argument),
    21. unit_test(test_perform_operation_no_integer_after_operator),
    22. unit_test(test_perform_operation),
    23. unit_test(test_example_main_no_args),
    24. unit_test(test_example_main),
    25. };
    26. return run_tests(tests);
    27. }
    1. // Ensure add() adds two integers correctly.
    2. void test_add(void **state) {
    3. assert_int_equal(add(3, 3), 6);
    4. assert_int_equal(add(3, -3), 0);
    5. }

    1. int _run_test(
    2. const char * const function_name, const UnitTestFunction Function,
    3. void ** const state, const UnitTestFunctionType function_type,
    4. const void* const heap_check_point) {
    5. const ListNode * const check_point = heap_check_point ?
    6. heap_check_point : check_point_allocated_blocks();
    7. void *current_state = NULL;
    8. int rc = 1;
    9. int handle_exceptions = 1;
    10. #ifdef _WIN32
    11. handle_exceptions = !IsDebuggerPresent();
    12. #endif // _WIN32
    14. handle_exceptions = 0;
    15. #endif // UNIT_TESTING_DEBUG
    16. if (handle_exceptions) {
    17. #ifndef _WIN32
    18. unsigned int i;
    19. //注册新号处理函数,出现异常的时候,会跳到exception_handler这里去处理,
    20. //然后再exception_handler调用longjmp跳回到setjmp位置继续下一次单元测试。
    21. //会返回并保存默认的信号处理方发指针
    22. for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(exception_signals); i++) {
    23. default_signal_functions[i] = signal(
    24. exception_signals[i], exception_handler);
    25. }
    26. #else // _WIN32
    27. previous_exception_filter = SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(
    28. exception_filter);
    29. #endif // !_WIN32
    30. }
    31. if (function_type == UNIT_TEST_FUNCTION_TYPE_TEST) {
    32. print_message("%s: Starting test ", function_name);
    33. }
    34. initialize_testing(function_name);
    35. global_running_test = 1;
    36. //在这里进行的setjmp,后续如果出现新号或者错误处理,后会返回这里继续else部分的执行。
    37. if (setjmp(global_run_test_env) == 0) {
    38. Function(state ? state : &current_state);
    39. fail_if_leftover_values(function_name);
    40. /* If this is a setup function then ignore any allocated blocks
    41. * only ensure they're deallocated on tear down. */
    42. if (function_type != UNIT_TEST_FUNCTION_TYPE_SETUP) {
    43. fail_if_blocks_allocated(check_point, function_name);
    44. }
    45. global_running_test = 0;
    46. if (function_type == UNIT_TEST_FUNCTION_TYPE_TEST) {
    47. print_message("%s: Test completed successfully. ", function_name);
    48. }
    49. rc = 0;
    50. } else {
    51. global_running_test = 0;
    52. print_message("%s: Test failed. ", function_name);
    53. }
    54. teardown_testing(function_name);
    55. if (handle_exceptions) {
    56. #ifndef _WIN32
    57. unsigned int i;
    58. //在这里回复默认的异常处理函数,每一个单元测试都要这么做一次。
    59. for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH(exception_signals); i++) {
    60. signal(exception_signals[i], default_signal_functions[i]);
    61. }
    62. #else // _WIN32
    63. if (previous_exception_filter) {
    64. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter(previous_exception_filter);
    65. previous_exception_filter = NULL;
    66. }
    67. #endif // !_WIN32
    68. }
    69. return rc;
    70. }
    71. int _run_tests(const UnitTest * const tests, const size_t number_of_tests) {
    72. print_message("%d ",sizeof(int));
    73. // 是否执行下一个测试.
    74. int run_next_test = 1;
    75. // 是否前一个测试执行失败了.
    76. int previous_test_failed = 0;
    77. //检查堆指针的状态
    78. const ListNode * const check_point = check_point_allocated_blocks();
    79. //当前的测试索引
    80. size_t current_test = 0;
    81. //已经执行过测试的个数
    82. size_t tests_executed = 0;
    83. //测试失败的数目
    84. size_t total_failed = 0;
    85. // setup 函数的个数
    86. size_t setups = 0;//(setup主要实现测试前的初始化工作,teardown主要实现测试完成后的垃圾回收工作)
    87. // teardown 函数的个数
    88. size_t teardowns = 0;
    89. /* 一个测试状态的栈. 一个状态是当测试的setup发生时入栈
    90. * 另个是当测试的teardown发生时出栈 */
    91. TestState* test_states = malloc(number_of_tests * sizeof(*test_states));
    92. size_t number_of_test_states = 0;
    93. //失败测试的名字指针数组,最多为所有的都失败
    94. const char** failed_names = malloc(number_of_tests *
    95. sizeof(*failed_names));
    96. void **current_state = NULL;
    97. //确保最大的整数类型要不小于一个指针类型
    98. assert_true(sizeof(LargestIntegralType) >= sizeof(void*));
    99. while (current_test < number_of_tests)
    100. {
    101. const ListNode *test_check_point = NULL;
    102. TestState *current_TestState;
    103. const UnitTest * const test = &tests[current_test++];
    104. if (!test->function)
    105. {//如果结构体中的函数指针为空,那么就continue
    106. continue;
    107. }
    108. //以run_next_test控制是否为test,区分setup必须首先被执行。
    109. switch (test->function_type)
    110. {
    112. run_next_test = 1;
    113. break;
    115. {
    116. // Checkpoint the heap before the setup.
    117. current_TestState = &test_states[number_of_test_states++];
    118. current_TestState->check_point = check_point_allocated_blocks();
    119. test_check_point = current_TestState->check_point;
    120. current_state = &current_TestState->state;
    121. *current_state = NULL;
    122. run_next_test = 1;
    123. setups ++;
    124. break;
    125. }
    127. // Check the heap based on the last setup checkpoint.
    128. assert_true(number_of_test_states);
    129. current_TestState = &test_states[--number_of_test_states];
    130. test_check_point = current_TestState->check_point;
    131. current_state = &current_TestState->state;
    132. teardowns ++;
    133. break;
    134. default:
    135. print_error("Invalid unit test function type %d ",
    136. test->function_type);
    137. exit_test(1);
    138. break;
    139. }
    140. if (run_next_test)
    141. {//进入测试单元进行运行函数
    142. int failed = _run_test(test->name, test->function, current_state,
    143. test->function_type, test_check_point);
    144. if (failed)
    145. {//记录错误函数的名字,后续会用来记录输出
    146. failed_names[total_failed] = test->name;
    147. }
    148. switch (test->function_type)
    149. {//统计信息
    151. previous_test_failed = failed;
    152. total_failed += failed;
    153. tests_executed ++;
    154. break;
    156. if (failed)
    157. {
    158. total_failed ++;
    159. tests_executed ++;
    160. // Skip forward until the next test or setup function.
    161. run_next_test = 0;
    162. }
    163. previous_test_failed = 0;
    164. break;
    166. // If this test failed.
    167. if (failed && !previous_test_failed)
    168. {
    169. total_failed ++;
    170. }
    171. break;
    172. default:
    173. assert_false("BUG: shouldn't be here!");
    174. break;
    175. }
    176. }
    177. }
    178. //输出打印信息,并且释放申请的资源
    179. if (total_failed)
    180. {
    181. size_t i;
    182. print_error("%d out of %d tests failed! ", total_failed,
    183. tests_executed);
    184. for (i = 0; i < total_failed; i++)
    185. {
    186. print_error(" %s ", failed_names[i]);
    187. }
    188. }
    189. else
    190. {
    191. print_message("All %d tests passed ", tests_executed);
    192. }
    193. if (number_of_test_states)
    194. {
    195. print_error("Mismatched number of setup %d and teardown %d "
    196. "functions ", setups, teardowns);
    197. total_failed = -1;
    198. }
    199. free(test_states);
    200. free((void*)failed_names);
    201. //如果在这里还没有回复堆区域,那么就说明内存存在泄漏
    202. fail_if_blocks_allocated(check_point, "run_tests");
    203. return (int)total_failed;
    204. }

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cfzhang/p/a1d8bd91d72fbe49bd015471b049f2bb.html
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