在 工作中 遇到这样一种需求:
在群里问了下朋友,朋友 SQL 代码如下:
create table dou ( number nvarchar(10), no int, name nvarchar(10), height int ) insert into dou select 'AAA',1,'张三',120 union all select 'AAA',1,'李四', 115 union all select 'AAA',2,'王五', 112 union all select 'AAA',3,'赵六', 125 union all select 'AAA',3,'周八', 132 union all select 'AAA',3,'刘九', 136 union all select 'AAA',3,'草根', 136 union all select 'BBB',1,'B第一', 132 union all select 'BBB',2,'B第二', 136 union all select 'CCC',1,'C第一', 136 go --SELECT * FROM dou if object_id('tempdb..#t') is not null Begin drop table #t End create table #t (row int, number nvarchar(10)) -- 列 declare @maxrow int set @maxrow = 0 select @maxrow = max(no) from dou declare @i int set @i =1 declare @tempsql nvarchar(max) while @i <= @maxrow begin set @tempsql = 'alter table #t add no'+cast(@i as nvarchar(10))+' int;' set @tempsql = @tempsql + 'alter table #t add name'+cast(@i as nvarchar(10))+' nvarchar(10);' set @tempsql = @tempsql + 'alter table #t add height'+cast(@i as nvarchar(10))+' int;' exec(@tempsql) set @i = @i +1 end -- 行 declare @maxcol int set @maxcol = 0 select @maxcol = max(couno) from (select no,count(no) couno from dou group by no ) a declare @sqlinsone nvarchar(max) set @sqlinsone ='insert into #t (row,number,no'+cast(@maxrow as varchar)+',name'+cast(@maxrow as varchar)+',height'+cast(@maxrow as varchar)+') select row_number() over (order by getdate()),number,no,name,height from dou where no =' + cast(@maxrow as varchar) exec(@sqlinsone) set @i =1 while @i <= @maxrow begin set @sqlinsone = 'update a set no'+cast(@i as varchar)+' = no,name'+cast(@i as varchar)+' =name,height'+cast(@i as varchar)+' = height from #t a inner join (select * ,row_number() over (order by getdate()) row from dou where no = '+cast(@i as varchar)+') b on a.number = b.number and a.row = b.row' exec(@sqlinsone) set @i = @i +1 end select * from #t drop table #t
结果如下,但只显示 AAA 的,BBB的没有显示(在WHERE 条件中 限制了 NUBLER 的条件 ,一次只查一个内容):
create table dou ( number nvarchar(10), no int, name nvarchar(10), height int ) go insert into dou select 'AAA',1,'张三',120 union all select 'AAA',1,'李四', 115 union all select 'AAA',2,'王五', 112 union all select 'AAA',3,'赵六', 125 union all select 'AAA',3,'周八', 132 union all select 'AAA',3,'刘九', 136 union all select 'AAA',3,'草根', 136 union all select 'BBB',1,'草根1', 136 union all select 'BBB',2,'草根2', 136 union all select 'BBB',3,'草根3', 136 union all select 'BBB',2,'草根4', 136 union all select 'CCC',1,'草根5', 136 union all select 'CCC',2,'草根6', 136 go if object_id('tempdb..#t') is not null Begin drop table #t End create table #t (row int, number nvarchar(10)) -- 列 declare @maxrow int set @maxrow = 0 select @maxrow = max(no) from dou declare @i int set @i =1 declare @tempsql nvarchar(max) while @i <= @maxrow begin set @tempsql = 'alter table #t add no'+cast(@i as nvarchar(10))+' int;' set @tempsql = @tempsql + 'alter table #t add name'+cast(@i as nvarchar(10))+' nvarchar(10);' set @tempsql = @tempsql + 'alter table #t add height'+cast(@i as nvarchar(10))+' int;' exec(@tempsql) set @i = @i +1 end -- 一共几种类型 declare @type int declare @number nvarchar(10) select @type = count(*) from ( select number from dou group by number) a declare @j int set @j = 1 while @j <= @type begin ;with cte as ( select number,max(no) no,row_number() over (order by getdate()) row from dou group by number ) select @maxrow = no,@number = number from cte where row = @j -- 行 declare @maxcol int set @maxcol = 0 select @maxcol =max(no) from dou where number = 'BBB' declare @sqlinsone nvarchar(max) set @sqlinsone ='insert into #t (row,number,no'+cast(@maxrow as varchar)+',name'+cast(@maxrow as varchar)+',height'+cast(@maxrow as varchar)+') select row_number() over (order by getdate()),number,no,name,height from dou where no =' + cast(@maxrow as varchar) + ' and number = ''' + @number + '''' exec(@sqlinsone) set @i =1 while @i <= @maxrow begin set @sqlinsone = 'update a set no'+cast(@i as varchar)+' = no,name'+cast(@i as varchar)+' =name,height'+cast(@i as varchar)+' = height from #t a inner join (select * ,row_number() over (order by getdate()) row from dou where no = '+cast(@i as varchar)+' and number = '''+@number+''') b on a.number = b.number and a.row = b.row where b.number = ''' + @number + '''' exec(@sqlinsone) set @i = @i +1 end set @j = @j + 1 end select * from #t drop table #t