#!/usr/local/bin/python3.5 #coding:utf-8 import mailll, linecache, re, socket, os, time hostname = socket.gethostname() ip = socket.gethostbyname(hostname) def cpu_status(): with open("/proc/loadavg", 'rt') as f: data = f.read().split() if float(data[2]) > 0.7: with open("/home/cpustatus.txt", 'wt') as f: print("notice : Hostname : %s IP : %s The CPU loadavg will overload : %s" % (hostname, ip, data[2]), file = f) mailll.send_mail("/home/cpustatus.txt") def memory_status(): theline = linecache.getline(r'/proc/meminfo', 2) mem_free_num = "".join(re.findall(r"[0-9]", theline)) if (int(mem_free_num) / 1000) < 100: with open("/home/memory.txt", 'wt') as f: print("notice : Hostname : %s IP : %s Insufficient free memory : %s" % (hostname, ip, str(int(mem_free_num) / 1000) + "M"), file = f) mailll.send_mail("/home/memory.txt") def disk_status(): os.system("df -hT |grep ext4 |awk -F '[ %]+' ' {if($6 >= 70) print $6}' |wc -l > /home/diskstatus.txt") diskcount = int(linecache.getline(r'/home/diskstatus.txt', 1)) if diskcount >= 1 : with open("/home/diskstatus.txt", 'wt') as f: print("notice : Hostname : %s IP : %s " % (hostname, ip), file = f) os.system("echo 'Hard disk capacity is insufficient :' >> /home/diskstatus.txt") os.system("df -hT |grep 'ext4|Filesystem' >> /home/diskstatus.txt") mailll.send_mail('/home/diskstatus.txt') try: cpu_status() time.sleep(2) memory_status() time.sleep(2) disk_status() except Exception as e: print("program is error!!!")