curl 分析 http 请求 rt时间延迟
20190905 Chenxin
curl发送post请求,统计各阶段的响应时间(rt值,response time)
curl -o /dev/null -s -w %{time_namelookup}::%{time_connect}::%{time_starttransfer}::%{time_total}::%{speed_download}"
" -d "param1=value1¶m2=value2" ""
curl -o /dev/null -s -w %{time_namelookup}::%{time_connect}::%{time_starttransfer}::%{time_total}::%{speed_download}"
" ""
curl -o /dev/null -s -w 'time_namelookup: %{time_namelookup}
time_connect: %{time_connect}
time_starttransfer: %{time_starttransfer}
time_total: %{time_total}
' #每个解释一个换行.
curl -o /dev/null -s -w 'time_namelookup: %{time_namelookup}
time_connect: %{time_connect}
time_starttransfer: %{time_starttransfer}
time_total: %{time_total}
time_namelookup: DNS 解析域名[]的时间
time_commect: client和server端建立TCP 连接的时间
time_starttransfer: 从client发出请求;到web的server 响应第一个字节的时间
time_total: client发出请求;到web的server发送会所有的相应数据的时间
speed_download: 下载速度 单位 byte/s
: 输出结果后回车(后面无需空格,加空格也可以)
time_namelookup time_commect time_starttransfer time_total speed_download
DNS tcp建立连接 server响应第一个字节 server返回所有数据 下载速度
这里可以优化(用IP) 物理距离导致(40ms) 服务器处理时间(45ms) 服务器处理时间(几乎0ms) 带宽
curl --help -
curl --manual
包含了 -w 的各个子参数解析说明
-w, --write-out <format>
Make curl display information on stdout after a completed trans-
fer. The format is a string that may contain plain text mixed
with any number of variables. The format can be specified as a
literal "string", or you can have curl read the format from a
file with "@filename" and to tell curl to read the format from
stdin you write "@-".
The variables present in the output format will be substituted
by the value or text that curl thinks fit, as described below.
All variables are specified as %{variable_name} and to output a
normal % you just write them as %%. You can output a newline by
, a carriage return with
and a tab space with .
NOTE: The %-symbol is a special symbol in the win32-environment,
where all occurrences of % must be doubled when using this
The variables available are:
content_type The Content-Type of the requested document, if
there was any.
The ultimate filename that curl writes out to.
This is only meaningful if curl is told to write
to a file with the -O, --remote-name or -o,
--output option. It's most useful in combination
with the -J, --remote-header-name option. (Added
in 7.26.0)
ftp_entry_path The initial path curl ended up in when logging on
to the remote FTP server. (Added in 7.15.4)
http_code The numerical response code that was found in the
last retrieved HTTP(S) or FTP(s) transfer. In
7.18.2 the alias response_code was added to show
the same info.
http_connect The numerical code that was found in the last
response (from a proxy) to a curl CONNECT
request. (Added in 7.12.4)
http_version The http version that was effectively used.
(Added in 7.50.0)
local_ip The IP address of the local end of the most
recently done connection - can be either IPv4 or
IPv6 (Added in 7.29.0)
local_port The local port number of the most recently done
connection (Added in 7.29.0)
num_connects Number of new connects made in the recent trans-
fer. (Added in 7.12.3)
num_redirects Number of redirects that were followed in the
request. (Added in 7.12.3)
The result of the HTTPS proxy's SSL peer certifi-
cate verification that was requested. 0 means the
verification was successful. (Added in 7.52.0)
redirect_url When an HTTP request was made without -L to fol-
low redirects, this variable will show the actual
URL a redirect would take you to. (Added in
remote_ip The remote IP address of the most recently done
connection - can be either IPv4 or IPv6 (Added in
remote_port The remote port number of the most recently done
connection (Added in 7.29.0)
scheme The URL scheme (sometimes called protocol) that
was effectively used (Added in 7.52.0)
size_download The total amount of bytes that were downloaded.
size_header The total amount of bytes of the downloaded head-
size_request The total amount of bytes that were sent in the
HTTP request.
size_upload The total amount of bytes that were uploaded.
speed_download The average download speed that curl measured for
the complete download. Bytes per second.
speed_upload The average upload speed that curl measured for
the complete upload. Bytes per second.
The result of the SSL peer certificate verifica-
tion that was requested. 0 means the verification
was successful. (Added in 7.19.0)
The time, in seconds, it took from the start
until the SSL/SSH/etc connect/handshake to the
remote host was completed. (Added in 7.19.0)
time_connect The time, in seconds, it took from the start
until the TCP connect to the remote host (or
proxy) was completed.
The time, in seconds, it took from the start
until the name resolving was completed.
The time, in seconds, it took from the start
until the file transfer was just about to begin.
This includes all pre-transfer commands and nego-
tiations that are specific to the particular pro-
tocol(s) involved.
time_redirect The time, in seconds, it took for all redirection
steps including name lookup, connect, pretransfer
and transfer before the final transaction was
started. time_redirect shows the complete execu-
tion time for multiple redirections. (Added in
The time, in seconds, it took from the start
until the first byte was just about to be trans-
ferred. This includes time_pretransfer and also
the time the server needed to calculate the
time_total The total time, in seconds, that the full opera-
tion lasted.
url_effective The URL that was fetched last. This is most mean-
ingful if you've told curl to follow location:
If this option is used several times, the last one will be used.
- 附
-A/--user-agent <string> 设置用户代理发送给服务器
-b/--cookie <name=string/file> cookie字符串或文件读取位置
-c/--cookie-jar <file> 操作结束后把cookie写入到这个文件中
-C/--continue-at <offset> 断点续转
-D/--dump-header <file> 把header信息写入到该文件中
-e/--referer 来源网址
-f/--fail 连接失败时不显示http错误
-o/--output 把输出写到该文件中
-O/--remote-name 把输出写到该文件中,保留远程文件的文件名
-r/--range <range> 检索来自HTTP/1.1或FTP服务器字节范围
-s/--silent 静音模式。不输出任何东西
-T/--upload-file <file> 上传文件
-u/--user <user[:password]> 设置服务器的用户和密码
-w/--write-out [format] 什么输出完成后
-x/--proxy <host[:port]> 在给定的端口上使用HTTP代理
-#/--progress-bar 进度条显示当前的传送状态
-a/--append 上传文件时,附加到目标文件
--anyauth 可以使用“任何”身份验证方法
--basic 使用HTTP基本验证
-B/--use-ascii 使用ASCII文本传输
-d/--data <data> HTTP POST方式传送数据
--data-ascii <data> 以ascii的方式post数据
--data-binary <data> 以二进制的方式post数据
--negotiate 使用HTTP身份验证
--digest 使用数字身份验证
--disable-eprt 禁止使用EPRT或LPRT
--disable-epsv 禁止使用EPSV
--egd-file <file> 为随机数据(SSL)设置EGD socket路径
--tcp-nodelay 使用TCP_NODELAY选项
-E/--cert <cert[:passwd]> 客户端证书文件和密码 (SSL)
--cert-type <type> 证书文件类型 (DER/PEM/ENG) (SSL)
--key <key> 私钥文件名 (SSL)
--key-type <type> 私钥文件类型 (DER/PEM/ENG) (SSL)
--pass <pass> 私钥密码 (SSL)
--engine <eng> 加密引擎使用 (SSL). "--engine list" for list
--cacert <file> CA证书 (SSL)
--capath <directory> CA目 (made using c_rehash) to verify peer against (SSL)
--ciphers <list> SSL密码
--compressed 要求返回是压缩的形势 (using deflate or gzip)
--connect-timeout <seconds> 设置最大请求时间
--create-dirs 建立本地目录的目录层次结构
--crlf 上传是把LF转变成CRLF
--ftp-create-dirs 如果远程目录不存在,创建远程目录
--ftp-method [multicwd/nocwd/singlecwd] 控制CWD的使用
--ftp-pasv 使用 PASV/EPSV 代替端口
--ftp-skip-pasv-ip 使用PASV的时候,忽略该IP地址
--ftp-ssl 尝试用 SSL/TLS 来进行ftp数据传输
--ftp-ssl-reqd 要求用 SSL/TLS 来进行ftp数据传输
-F/--form <name=content> 模拟http表单提交数据
-form-string <name=string> 模拟http表单提交数据
-g/--globoff 禁用网址序列和范围使用{}和[]
-G/--get 以get的方式来发送数据
-h/--help 帮助
-H/--header <line> 自定义头信息传递给服务器
--ignore-content-length 忽略的HTTP头信息的长度
-i/--include 输出时包括protocol头信息
-I/--head 只显示文档信息
-j/--junk-session-cookies 读取文件时忽略session cookie
--interface <interface> 使用指定网络接口/地址
--krb4 <level> 使用指定安全级别的krb4
-k/--insecure 允许不使用证书到SSL站点
-K/--config 指定的配置文件读取
-l/--list-only 列出ftp目录下的文件名称
--limit-rate <rate> 设置传输速度
--local-port<NUM> 强制使用本地端口号
-m/--max-time <seconds> 设置最大传输时间
--max-redirs <num> 设置最大读取的目录数
--max-filesize <bytes> 设置最大下载的文件总量
-M/--manual 显示全手动
-n/--netrc 从netrc文件中读取用户名和密码
--netrc-optional 使用 .netrc 或者 URL来覆盖-n
--ntlm 使用 HTTP NTLM 身份验证
-N/--no-buffer 禁用缓冲输出
-p/--proxytunnel 使用HTTP代理
--proxy-anyauth 选择任一代理身份验证方法
--proxy-basic 在代理上使用基本身份验证
--proxy-digest 在代理上使用数字身份验证
--proxy-ntlm 在代理上使用ntlm身份验证
-P/--ftp-port <address> 使用端口地址,而不是使用PASV
-Q/--quote <cmd> 文件传输前,发送命令到服务器
--range-file 读取(SSL)的随机文件
-R/--remote-time 在本地生成文件时,保留远程文件时间
--retry <num> 传输出现问题时,重试的次数
--retry-delay <seconds> 传输出现问题时,设置重试间隔时间
--retry-max-time <seconds> 传输出现问题时,设置最大重试时间
-S/--show-error 显示错误
--socks4 <host[:port]> 用socks4代理给定主机和端口
--socks5 <host[:port]> 用socks5代理给定主机和端口
-t/--telnet-option <OPT=val> Telnet选项设置
--trace <file> 对指定文件进行debug
--trace-ascii <file> Like --跟踪但没有hex输出
--trace-time 跟踪/详细输出时,添加时间戳
--url <URL> Spet URL to work with
-U/--proxy-user <user[:password]> 设置代理用户名和密码
-V/--version 显示版本信息
-X/--request <command> 指定什么命令
-y/--speed-time 放弃限速所要的时间。默认为30
-Y/--speed-limit 停止传输速度的限制,速度时间'秒
-z/--time-cond 传送时间设置
-0/--http1.0 使用HTTP 1.0
-1/--tlsv1 使用TLSv1(SSL)
-2/--sslv2 使用SSLv2的(SSL)
-3/--sslv3 使用的SSLv3(SSL)
--3p-quote like -Q for the source URL for 3rd party transfer
--3p-url 使用url,进行第三方传送
--3p-user 使用用户名和密码,进行第三方传送
-4/--ipv4 使用IP4
-6/--ipv6 使用IP6