最近遇到一个问题,需要sql 类似:
select * where xx = 'xx' and ( xx='xx' or xx='xx') order by id asc
可以去掉 前面 ” and (“ 和后面的 ”)“
<trim prefix="AND(" suffix=")" prefixoverride="AND|OR"> <if test="name != null and name.length()>0"> AND name=#{name}</if> <if test="gender != null and gender.length()>0"> AND gender=#{gender}</if> </trim> <trim prefix="AND(" suffix=")" prefixoverride="AND|OR">
SELECT cb_p FROM xxx WHERE app_source = #{appsource} AND channel = #{channel} AND model = #{model} AND ( <choose> <when test=" (imei != null and imei != '' ) or (androidid != null and androidid != '') or (idfa != null and idfa != '' ) or (oaid != null and oaid != '') or (mac != null and mac != '')"> <trim prefix="" prefixOverrides ="OR" > <if test="imei != null and imei != ''"> OR imei = #{imei} </if> <if test="androidid != null and androidid != '' "> OR android_id = #{androidid} </if> <if test="idfa != null and idfa != '' "> OR idfa = #{idfa} </if> <if test="oaid != null and oaid != '' "> OR oaid = #{oaid} </if> <if test="mac != null and mac != '' "> OR mac = #{mac} </if> </trim> </when> <otherwise> uip = #{ip} and uua = #{uua} </otherwise> </choose> ) ORDER BY ts DESC LIMIT 1