Problem Description
The shorter, the simpler. With this problem, you should be convinced of this truth.
You are given an array A of N postive integers, and M queries in the form (l,r). A function F(l,r) (1≤l≤r≤N) is defined as:
F(l,r)={AlF(l,r−1) modArl=r;l<r.
You job is to calculate F(l,r), for each query (l,r).
You are given an array A of N postive integers, and M queries in the form (l,r). A function F(l,r) (1≤l≤r≤N) is defined as:
F(l,r)={AlF(l,r−1) modArl=r;l<r.
You job is to calculate F(l,r), for each query (l,r).
There are multiple test cases.
The first line of input contains a integer T, indicating number of test cases, and T test cases follow.
For each test case, the first line contains an integer N(1≤N≤100000).
The second line contains N space-separated positive integers: A1,…,AN (0≤Ai≤109).
The third line contains an integer M denoting the number of queries.
The following M lines each contain two integers l,r (1≤l≤r≤N), representing a query.
The first line of input contains a integer T, indicating number of test cases, and T test cases follow.
For each test case, the first line contains an integer N(1≤N≤100000).
The second line contains N space-separated positive integers: A1,…,AN (0≤Ai≤109).
The third line contains an integer M denoting the number of queries.
The following M lines each contain two integers l,r (1≤l≤r≤N), representing a query.
For each query(l,r), output F(l,r) on one line.
Sample Input
2 3 3
1 3
Sample Output
题意:一个长度为n的数列,q次询问,每次输入l 和 r 表示一个区间A[l]~A[r] 求A[l]%A[l+1]A[l+2]...A[r];
思路:a%b=r 那么r<a 所以在区间连续取余中 如果一个数对A[i]取完余,后面的数大于A[i],则不用取余,所以只需要找A[i]后小于A[i]且最近的A[j]进行取余,依次进行下去。其实找距离最近且小于自己的数就是 单调栈,这个算法很神奇,复杂度为O(n);
#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <set> using namespace std; int A[100005]; int pos[100005]; int s[100005]; int main() { int T,N,M; cin>>T; while(T--) { scanf("%d",&N); for(int i=1;i<=N;i++) scanf("%d",&A[i]); int num=1; A[N+1]=-1; s[1]=N+1; for(int i=N;i>=1;i--)///单调栈; { while(A[i]<A[s[num]]) num--; pos[i]=s[num]; s[++num]=i; } scanf("%d",&M); while(M--) { int l,r; scanf("%d%d",&l,&r); int tmp=A[l]; while(l<=r) { if(tmp==0) break; if(pos[l]>r) break; tmp=tmp%A[pos[l]]; l=pos[l]; } printf("%d ",tmp); } } return 0; }