1. __construct:
<?php class ConstructTest { private $arg1; private $arg2; public function __construct($arg1, $arg2) { $this->arg1 = $arg1; $this->arg2 = $arg2; print "__construct is called... "; } public function printAttributes() { print '$arg1 = '.$this->arg1.' $arg2 = '.$this->arg2." "; } } $testObject = new ConstructTest("arg1","arg2"); $testObject->printAttributes();
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php __construct is called... $arg1 = arg1 $arg2 = arg2
2. parent:
<?php class BaseClass { protected $arg1; protected $arg2; function __construct($arg1, $arg2) { $this->arg1 = $arg1; $this->arg2 = $arg2; print "__construct is called... "; } function getAttributes() { return '$arg1 = '.$this->arg1.' $arg2 = '.$this->arg2; } } class SubClass extends BaseClass { protected $arg3; function __construct($baseArg1, $baseArg2, $subArg3) { parent::__construct($baseArg1, $baseArg2); $this->arg3 = $subArg3; } function getAttributes() { return parent::getAttributes().' $arg3 = '.$this->arg3; } } $testObject = new SubClass("arg1","arg2","arg3"); print $testObject->getAttributes()." ";
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php __construct is called... $arg1 = arg1 $arg2 = arg2 $arg3 = arg3
3. self:
<?php class StaticExample { static public $arg1 = "Hello, This is static field. "; static public function sayHello() { print self::$arg1; } } print StaticExample::$arg1; StaticExample::sayHello();
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php Hello, This is static field. Hello, This is static field.
4. static:
这里介绍的static关键字主要用于PHP 5.3以上版本新增的延迟静态绑定功能。请看一下代码和关键性注释。
<?php abstract class Base { public static function getInstance() { //这里的new static()实例化的是调用该静态方法的当前类。 return new static(); } abstract public function printSelf(); } class SubA extends Base { public function printSelf() { print "This is SubA::printSelf. "; } } class SubB extends Base { public function printSelf() { print "This is SubB::printSelf. "; } } SubA::getInstance()->printSelf(); SubB::getInstance()->printSelf();
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php This is SubA::printSelf. This is SubB::printSelf.
<?php abstract class Base { private $ownedGroup; public function __construct() { //这里的static和上面的例子一样,表示当前调用该方法的实际类。 //需要另外说明的是,这里的getGroup方法即便不是静态方法,也会得到相同的结果。然而倘若 //getGroup真的只是普通类方法,那么这里还是建议使用$this。 $this->ownedGroup = static::getGroup(); } public function printGroup() { print "My Group is ".$this->ownedGroup." "; } public static function getInstance() { return new static(); } public static function getGroup() { return "default"; } } class SubA extends Base { } class SubB extends Base { public static function getGroup() { return "SubB"; } } SubA::getInstance()->printGroup(); SubB::getInstance()->printGroup();
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php My Group is default My Group is SubB
5. __destruct:
<?php class TestClass { function __destruct() { print "TestClass destructor is called. "; } } $testObj = new TestClass(); unset($testObj); print "Application will exit. ";
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php TestClass destructor is called. Application will exit.
6. __clone:
在PHP 5之后的版本中,对象之间的赋值为引用赋值,即赋值后的两个对象将指向同一地址空间,如果想基于对象赋值,可以使用PHP提供的clone方法。该方法将当前对象浅拷贝之后的副本返回,如果想在clone的过程中完成一些特殊的操作,如深拷贝,则需要在当前类的声明中实现__clone方法,该方法在执行clone的过程中会被隐式调用。另外需要格外注意的是,__clone方法是作用再被拷贝的对象上,即赋值后的对象上执行。
<?php class InnerClass { public $id = 10; public function printSelf() { print '$id = '.$this->id." "; } } class OuterClass { public $innerClass; public function __construct() { $this->innerClass = new InnerClass(); } public function __clone() { $this->innerClass = clone $this->innerClass; print "__clone is called. "; } } $outerA = new OuterClass(); print "Before calling to clone. "; $outerB = clone $outerA; print "After calling to clone. "; $outerA->innerClass->id = 20; print "In outerA: "; $outerA->innerClass->printSelf(); print "In outerB: "; $outerB->innerClass->printSelf();
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php Before calling to clone. __clone is called. After calling to clone. In outerA: $id = 20 In outerB: $id = 10
7. const:
<?php class TestClass { const AVAILABLE = 0; } print "TestClass::AVAILABLE = ".TestClass::AVAILABLE." ";
0Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php TestClass::AVAILABLE = 0
1. __toString:
<?php class TestClass { public function __toString() { return "This is TestClass::__toString. "; } } $testObj = new TestClass(); print $testObj;
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php This is TestClass::__toString.
2. __get和__set:
<?php class TestClass { private $privateField; public $publicField; public function __construct() { $this->privateField = "This is a private Field. "; $this->publicField = "This is a public Field. "; } public function __get($property) { print "__get() is called. "; $method = "get${property}"; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { return $this->$method(); } return "This is undefined field. "; } public function getPrivateField() { return $this->privateField; } } $testObj = new TestClass(); print $testObj->privateField; print $testObj->undefinedField; print $testObj->publicField;
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php __get() is called. This is a private Field. __get() is called. This is undefined field. This is a public Field.
<?php class TestClass { private $privateField; public $publicField; public function __construct() { $this->privateField = "This is a private Field. "; $this->publicField = "This is a public Field. "; } public function __get($property) { print "__get() is called. "; $method = "get${property}"; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { return $this->$method(); } return "This is an undefined field. "; } public function __set($property, $value) { print "__set is called. "; $method = "set${property}"; if (method_exists($this, $method)) { $this->$method($value); } else { print "This is an undefined field. "; } } public function getPrivateField() { return $this->privateField; } public function setPrivateField($value) { $this->privateField = $value; } } $testObj = new TestClass(); $testObj->privateField = "This is a private Field after set. "; $testObj->undefinedField = "This is a undefined Field after set. "; $testObj->publicField = "This is a public Field after set. "; print $testObj->privateField; print $testObj->undefinedField; print $testObj->publicField;
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php __set is called. __set is called. This is an undefined field. __get() is called. This is a private Field after set. __get() is called. This is an undefined field. This is a public Field after set.
3. __isset和__unset:
<?php class TestClass { private $privateField; public $publicField; public function __construct() { $this->privateField = "Defined private field"; $this->publicField = "Defined public field"; } public function __isset($property) { print "__isset is called. "; return isset($this->$property); } public function __unset($property) { print "__unset is called. "; if (isset($this->$property)) { unset($this->$property); } } } $testObj = new TestClass(); print 'isset($testObj->privateField) is '.(isset($testObj->privateField) ? "true" : "false")." "; print 'isset($testObj->undefinedField) is '.(isset($testObj->undefinedField) ? "true" : "false")." "; print 'isset($testObj->publicField) is '.(isset($testObj->publicField) ? "true" : "false")." "; print "After unset...... "; //下面两个函数调用后,$testObj的两个对象属性均会变为不可用。 //另外从输出结果来看,__unset方法仅仅被调用一次,因为publicField为可见属性,所以__unset不会因该属性而被调用。 unset($testObj->privateField); unset($testObj->publicField); print 'isset($testObj->privateField) is '.(isset($testObj->privateField) ? "true" : "false")." "; print 'isset($testObj->publicField) is '.(isset($testObj->publicField) ? "true" : "false")." ";
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php __isset is called. isset($testObj->privateField) is true __isset is called. isset($testObj->undefinedField) is false isset($testObj->publicField) is true After unset...... __unset is called. __isset is called. isset($testObj->privateField) is false __isset is called. isset($testObj->publicField) is false
4. __call:
<?php class DelegateClass { function printMessage($arg1, $arg2) { print "DelegateClass:delegatedMethod is called. "; print '$arg1 = '.$arg1.'and $arg2 = '.$arg2." "; } } class TestClass { private $delegateObj; public function __construct() { $this->delegateObj = new DelegateClass(); } public function __call($method, $args) { $this->delegateObj->$method($args[0],$args[1]); } } $testObj = new TestClass(); $testObj->printMessage("hello","world");
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php DelegateClass:delegatedMethod is called. $arg1 = helloand $arg2 = world
5. 回调函数:
回调函数的应用场景无须多述,在C/C++中充斥着无数的回调函数典型用例。 这里只是简单给出PHP中回调函数的使用规则。见如下示例代码和关键性注释:
<?php class Product { public $name; public $price; public function __construct($name, $price) { $this->name = $name; $this->price = $price; } } class ProcessSale { private $callbacks; function registerCallback($cb) { if (!is_callable($cb)) { throw new Exception("callback not callable."); } $this->callbacks[] = $cb; } function sale($product) { print "{$product->name}: processing "; foreach ($this->callbacks as $cb) { //以下两种调用方式均可。 call_user_func($cb, $product); $cb($product); } } } $logger = function($product) { print " logging ({$product->name}) "; }; $processor = new ProcessSale(); $processor->registerCallback($logger); $processor->sale(new Product("shoes",6)); print " "; $processor->sale(new Product("coffee",6));
Stephens-Air:Desktop$ php Test.php shoes: processing logging (shoes) logging (shoes) coffee: processing logging (coffee) logging (coffee)
6. use(闭包):
<?php class Product { public $name; public $price; public function __construct($name, $price) { $this->name = $name; $this->price = $price; } } class ProcessSale { private $callbacks; function registerCallback($cb) { if (!is_callable($cb)) { throw new Exception("callback not callable."); } $this->callbacks[] = $cb; } function sale($product) { print "{$product->name}: processing "; foreach ($this->callbacks as $cb) { $cb($product); } } } class Totalizer { static function warnAmount($amt) { $count = 0; //注意这里的$amt和$count均为闭包变量,其中&$count是以引用的形式传递的,即一旦函数内部修改了该变量的值, //那么下次再访问该闭包变量时,$count将为之前调用中修改后的值。 return function($product) use($amt, &$count) { $count += $product->price; print " count: $count "; if ($count > $amt) { print " high price reached: {$count} "; } }; } } $processor = new ProcessSale(); $processor->registerCallback(Totalizer::warnAmount(8)); $processor->sale(new Product("shoes",6)); $processor->sale(new Product("coffee",6));
shoes: processing count: 6 coffee: processing count: 12 high price reached: 12