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  • webpack构建速度优化







    // 分析打包时间
    const SpeedMeasurePlugin = require("speed-measure-webpack-plugin");
    const smp = new SpeedMeasurePlugin();
    // ...
    module.exports = smp.wrap(prodWebpackConfig)



     SMP  ⏱  
    General output time took 14 mins, 14.33 secs
     SMP  ⏱  Plugins
    ExtractTextPlugin took 6 mins, 50.99 secs
    PurifyPlugin took 6 mins, 11.47 secs
    UglifyJsPlugin took 6 mins, 10.98 secs
    NgcWebpackPlugin took 3 mins, 6.12 secs
    LoaderOptionsPlugin took 35.55 secs
    HtmlWebpackPlugin took 6.24 secs
    ModuleConcatenationPlugin took 0.582 secs
    HashedModuleIdsPlugin took 0.108 secs
    CommonsChunkPlugin took 0.057 secs
    Object took 0.031 secs
    ScriptExtHtmlWebpackPlugin took 0.016 secs
    HtmlElementsPlugin took 0.015 secs
    DefinePlugin took 0.012 secs
    InlineManifestPlugin took 0.01 secs
    ProvidePlugin took 0.009 secs
     SMP  ⏱  Loaders
    raw-loader took 6 mins, 17.56 secs
      module count = 1688
    css-loader took 6 mins, 17.053 secs
      module count = 1291
    css-loader, and 
    sass-loader took 4 mins, 53.45 secs
      module count = 402
    modules with no loaders took 3 mins, 20.57 secs
      module count = 1736
    file-loader took 1 min, 12.41 secs
      module count = 13
    @ngtools/webpack took 50.12 secs
      module count = 3487
    to-string-loader, and 
    css-loader took 14.66 secs
      module count = 1285
    json-loader took 4.9 secs
      module count = 3
    to-string-loader, and 
    css-loader, and 
    sass-loader took 3.83 secs
      module count = 402
    extract-text-webpack-plugin, and 
    style-loader, and 
    css-loader took 0.54 secs
      module count = 4
    html-webpack-plugin took 0.018 secs
      module count = 1

    speed-measure-webpack-plugin插件打包的时间分析可知,花销的总时间达到General output time took 14 mins, 14.33 secs14分钟之多,主要开销在loader的一些解析和编译操作上。


    1. 通过cache-loader进行缓存处理


    ⚠️ 请注意,保存和读取这些缓存文件会有一些时间开销,所以请只对性能开销较大的 loader 使用此 loader。

    module: {
    	rules: [
    			test: /.css$/,
    			use: ['cache-loader', 'to-string-loader', 'css-loader'], // use loader是从右至左执行的,							因此必须放在执行的最后一个,也就是配置的第一个loader['cache-loader',...loaders]
    			exclude: [helpers.root('src', 'styles')]
    			test: /.scss$/,
    			use: ['cache-loader', 'to-string-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader'],
    			exclude: [helpers.root('src', 'styles')] // to-string-loader、raw-loader、file-loader进行缓存存在一些问题,实际中不适用
    			test: /.html$/,
    			use: ['cache-loader', 'raw-loader'],
    			exclude: [helpers.root('src/index.html')]
    			test: /.(jpg|png|gif)$/,
    			use: ['cache-loader', 'file-loader']
    			test: /.(eot|woff2?|svg|ttf)([?]?.*)$/,
    			use: ['cache-loader', 'file-loader']

    2. UglifyJsPlugin开启压缩JavaScript代码


    new UglifyJsPlugin({
    	cache: true // 开启压缩js代码缓存

    ⚠️ 请注意使用cache-loader之后,我们再一次打包看看效果如何。因为第一次是没有生成缓存文件的,因此使用cache-loader要在打包之后缓存过后的第一次打包,也就是加了cache-loader之后的第二次打包才会生成缓存文件。

    // 加了cache-loade, cache: true之后的第一次打包(生成缓存文件,但是第一次不走缓存,开销变大,因为加了一些cache-loader的解析和编译) 由原来的14分钟上升到17分钟。
     SMP  ⏱  
    General output time took 17 mins, 15.61 secs
     SMP  ⏱  Plugins
    ExtractTextPlugin took 9 mins, 21.44 secs
    PurifyPlugin took 8 mins, 39.02 secs
    UglifyJsPlugin took 8 mins, 38.5 secs
    NgcWebpackPlugin took 3 mins, 20.037 secs
    LoaderOptionsPlugin took 38.75 secs
    HtmlWebpackPlugin took 6.41 secs
    ModuleConcatenationPlugin took 0.655 secs
    HashedModuleIdsPlugin took 0.107 secs
    CommonsChunkPlugin took 0.059 secs
    Object took 0.032 secs
    HtmlElementsPlugin took 0.016 secs
    ScriptExtHtmlWebpackPlugin took 0.016 secs
    InlineManifestPlugin took 0.011 secs
    ProvidePlugin took 0.01 secs
    DefinePlugin took 0.008 secs
     SMP  ⏱  Loaders
    cache-loader, and 
    raw-loader took 6 mins, 33.38 secs
      module count = 1688
    cache-loader, and 
    to-string-loader, and 
    css-loader took 6 mins, 20.15 secs
      module count = 1285
    css-loader took 6 mins, 16.26 secs
      module count = 1291
    css-loader, and 
    sass-loader took 4 mins, 49.26 secs
      module count = 402
    modules with no loaders took 4 mins, 25.23 secs
      module count = 1736
    cache-loader, and 
    to-string-loader, and 
    css-loader, and 
    sass-loader took 4 mins, 6.97 secs
      module count = 402
    @ngtools/webpack took 48.6 secs
      module count = 3487
    cache-loader, and 
    file-loader took 14.78 secs
      module count = 13
    json-loader took 7.36 secs
      module count = 3
    extract-text-webpack-plugin, and 
    style-loader, and 
    css-loader took 0.528 secs
      module count = 4
    html-webpack-plugin took 0.019 secs
      module count = 1
    // 第二次构建,走缓存。花销时间为8分钟40s,可以看到是有很大的提升的。
     SMP  ⏱  
    General output time took 8 mins, 40.22 secs
     SMP  ⏱  Plugins
    NgcWebpackPlugin took 3 mins, 20.82 secs
    ExtractTextPlugin took 42.63 secs
    LoaderOptionsPlugin took 38.24 secs
    HtmlWebpackPlugin took 11.55 secs
    UglifyJsPlugin took 1.74 secs
    PurifyPlugin took 1.012 secs
    ModuleConcatenationPlugin took 0.637 secs
    HashedModuleIdsPlugin took 0.1 secs
    CommonsChunkPlugin took 0.045 secs
    Object took 0.034 secs
    HtmlElementsPlugin took 0.015 secs
    ScriptExtHtmlWebpackPlugin took 0.013 secs
    InlineManifestPlugin took 0.01 secs
    ProvidePlugin took 0.005 secs
    DefinePlugin took 0.005 secs
     SMP  ⏱  Loaders
    cache-loader, and 
    raw-loader took 6 mins, 31.28 secs
      module count = 1688
    cache-loader, and 
    to-string-loader, and 
    css-loader took 6 mins, 25.46 secs
      module count = 1285
    css-loader took 6 mins, 19.084 secs
      module count = 1291
    css-loader, and 
    sass-loader took 4 mins, 46.74 secs
      module count = 402
    cache-loader, and 
    to-string-loader, and 
    css-loader, and 
    sass-loader took 4 mins, 14.074 secs
      module count = 402
    modules with no loaders took 4 mins, 0.806 secs
      module count = 1736
    @ngtools/webpack took 49.95 secs
      module count = 3487
    cache-loader, and 
    file-loader took 18.81 secs
      module count = 13
    json-loader took 5.15 secs
      module count = 3
    extract-text-webpack-plugin, and 
    style-loader, and 
    css-loader took 0.411 secs
      module count = 4
    html-webpack-plugin took 0.016 secs
      module count = 1


    1. 使用happypack开启多进程解析和处理。

    在使用 Webpack 对项目进行构建时,会对大量文件进行解析和处理。当文件数量变多之后,Webpack 构件速度就会变慢。由于运行在 Node.js 之上的 Webpack 是单线程模型的,所以 Webpack 需要处理的任务要一个一个进行操作。

    而 Happypack 的作用就是将文件解析任务分解成多个子进程并发执行。子进程处理完任务后再将结果发送给主进程。所以可以大大提升 Webpack 的项目构件速度

    cnpm i happypack --save-dev // 安装happypack
    // webpack.config.js
    const HappyPack = require('happypack'); // 通过node CommonJs模块导入
    const os = require('os');
    plugins: [
      new HappyPack({
        id: 'css',
        threads: os.cpus().length,
        loaders: ['to-string-loader', 'css-loader']
    	new HappyPack({
        id: 'scss', // 定义id为需开启happypack解析的loader进行标记
        threads: os.cpus().length, // 开启操作系统cpu的最大核心数
        loaders: ['to-string-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader']
    module: {
      rules: [
          test: /.css$/,
          use: 'happypack/loader?id=css' // id=css就是上述happypack定义的id
          test: /.scss$/,
          use: 'happypack/loader?id=scss' 

    2. 同时使用cache-loader和happypack进行打包优化。

    // 要同时使用cache-loader和happypack,只需要在happypack插件中的loaders配置把cache-loader加载配置最前头就可以,如下。
    plugins: [
    	new HappyPack({
        id: 'scss', // 定义id为需开启happypack解析的loader进行标记
        threads: os.cpus().length, // 开启操作系统cpu的最大核心数
        loaders: ['cache-loader', 'style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader'] // cache-loader最前
    module: {
      rules: [
          test: /.scss$/,
          use: 'happypack/loader?id=scss'

    3. UglifyJsPlugin开启多进程压缩JavaScript代码

    new UglifyJsPlugin({
    	cache: true,
    	parallel: true // 开启多进程压缩js代码
    // 同时使用缓存和多进程,可以看到进一步的提升
     SMP  ⏱  
    General output time took 7 mins, 35.03 secs
     SMP  ⏱  Plugins
    NgcWebpackPlugin took 3 mins, 17.25 secs
    ExtractTextPlugin took 43.79 secs
    LoaderOptionsPlugin took 39.64 secs
    HtmlWebpackPlugin took 4.98 secs
    UglifyJsPlugin took 1.83 secs
    PurifyPlugin took 1.018 secs
    ModuleConcatenationPlugin took 0.717 secs
    HappyPlugin took 0.364 secs
    Object took 0.117 secs
    HashedModuleIdsPlugin took 0.108 secs
    CommonsChunkPlugin took 0.051 secs
    HtmlElementsPlugin took 0.016 secs
    ScriptExtHtmlWebpackPlugin took 0.015 secs
    InlineManifestPlugin took 0.012 secs
    ProvidePlugin took 0.008 secs
    DefinePlugin took 0.008 secs
     SMP  ⏱  Loaders
    happypack took 5 mins, 30.95 secs
      module count = 1687
    cache-loader, and 
    raw-loader took 6 mins, 28.28 secs
      module count = 1688
    modules with no loaders took 4 mins, 15.065 secs
      module count = 1736
    css-loader, and 
    sass-loader took 2 mins, 31.25 secs
      module count = 402
    @ngtools/webpack took 49.56 secs
      module count = 3487
    css-loader took 28.089 secs
      module count = 1291
    cache-loader, and 
    file-loader took 17.45 secs
      module count = 13
    json-loader took 6.14 secs
      module count = 3
    extract-text-webpack-plugin, and 
    style-loader, and 
    css-loader took 0.509 secs
      module count = 4




    1. 使用DllPlugin需要先创建一个webpack.dll.config.js
    2. 文件写入需要抽离的第三方包,如下的vendor: []
    // webpack.dll.config.js
    module.exports = {
      entry: {
        vendor: ["immutable", "ng-drag-drop", "ng-zorro-antd", "ngx-amap", "ngx-clipboard", "ngx-color-picker", "ngx-echarts", "ngx-infinite-scroll", "ngx-ueditor", "ngx-umeditor"]
      output: {
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dll'),
        filename: '[name].dll.js',
        library: '[name]_[hash]'
      plugins: [
        new webpack.DllPlugin({
          path: path.resolve(__dirname, '../dll', 'manifeset.json'),
          name: '[name]_[hash]'
    // package.json中配置
    	"scripts": {
      	"build:dll": "npm run webpack -- --config config/webpack.dll.config.js --progress",
    // 执行npm run build:dll生成vendor.dll.js和manifeset.json文件
    1. 在webpack.prod.js生产配置文件中通过DLLReferencePlugin去引用对应的生成的manifeset.json文件
    // webpack.prod.js
    plugins: [
      new webpack.DllReferencePlugin({
        manifest: require('../dll/manifeset.json'),
    1. 也可以使用externals外部扩展,来从输出的bundle中排除依赖。然后在index.html通过script标签引用。这个不仅可以提升打包的速度,也可以缩小bundle的体积,从而提升http请求的速度来提高首屏渲染速度。
    // webpack.prod.js
    module.exports = {
      externals: {
        jquery: 'jQuery',
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
      <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.0.js"></script>
    // index.js
    import $ from 'jquery';
    console.log($); // 输出成功,代表配置成功
    • ⚠️但是要注意的是,在使用Externals的时候,如果我们更新了我们的代码依赖包的话,比如说通过npm undate <package name>更新的话,我们还要把我们的第三方依赖包更新一下版本在通过script去引入,比较麻烦。可以通过一些webpack插件去自动生成CDN Link Script标签。(有兴趣的话可以继续去了解)。
    • ⚠️还有一点是使用DllPlugin生成动态链接库的时候,在我们更新第三方依赖的时候,如果涉及到我们抽离出来的第三方包的话,我们首先要执行npm run build:dll重新生成manifest.json,才不会出错。





    • 如何解决路由的问题
    • 公共模块如何维护的问题
    • ......等一些问题



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