You are given a simple task. Given a sequence A[i] with N numbers. You have to perform Q operations on the given sequence.
Here are the operations:
- A v l, add the value v to element with index l.(1<=V<=1000)
- R a l r, replace all the elements of sequence with index i(l<=i<= r) with a(1<=a<=10^6) .
- Q l r, print the number of elements with index i(l<=i<=r) and A[i] is a prime number
Note that no number in sequence ever will exceed 10^7.
The first line is a signer integer T which is the number of test cases.
For each test case, The first line contains two numbers N and Q (1 <= N, Q <= 100000) - the number of elements in sequence and the number of queries.
The second line contains N numbers - the elements of the sequence.
In next Q lines, each line contains an operation to be performed on the sequence.
For each test case and each query,print the answer in one line.
Sample Input
1 5 10 1 2 3 4 5 A 3 1 Q 1 3 R 5 2 4 A 1 1 Q 1 1 Q 1 2 Q 1 4 A 3 5 Q 5 5 Q 1 5
Sample Output
2 1 2 4 0 4
#include<stdio.h> #include<algorithm> #include<string.h> #include<iostream> using namespace std; #define mid (L+R)/2 #define lson rt*2,L,mid #define rson rt*2+1,mid+1,R const int maxn=1e5+200; const int maxv=1e7+200; struct SegTree{ int val,pnum,lazy; }segtrees[maxn*4]; int prime[maxv],pprime[maxv]; void getprime(){ int num_prime=0; prime[0]=prime[1]=1; for(int i=2;i<maxv;i++){ if(!prime[i]) pprime[num_prime++]=i; for(int j=0;j<num_prime && i*pprime[j]<maxv;j++){ prime[i*pprime[j]]=1;//合数标为1,同时,prime[j]是合数i*prime[j]的最小素因子 if(!(i%pprime[j]))//即比一个合数大的质数和该合数的乘积可用一个更大的合数和比其小的质数相乘得到 break; } } } void PushUp(int rt){ segtrees[rt].pnum = segtrees[rt*2].pnum + segtrees[rt*2+1].pnum; // } void build(int rt,int L,int R){ segtrees[rt].val=0; segtrees[rt].lazy=0; segtrees[rt].pnum=0; if(L==R){ int &v=segtrees[rt].val; scanf("%d",&v); if(prime[v]){ segtrees[rt].pnum=0; }else{ segtrees[rt].pnum=1; } return ; } build(lson); build(rson); PushUp(rt); } void PushDown(int rt,int L,int R){ if(segtrees[rt].lazy==1){ segtrees[rt].lazy=0; segtrees[rt*2].lazy=1; segtrees[rt*2+1].lazy=1; segtrees[rt*2].val=segtrees[rt].val; segtrees[rt*2+1].val=segtrees[rt].val; segtrees[rt].val=0; } } void add(int rt,int L,int R,int pos,int _val){ if(L==R){ int &v=segtrees[rt].val; v+=_val; if(prime[v]){ segtrees[rt].pnum=0; }else{ segtrees[rt].pnum=1; } return ; } PushDown(rt,L,R); if(pos<=mid){ add(lson,pos,_val); }else{ add(rson,pos,_val); } PushUp(rt); } void repla(int rt,int L,int R,int l_ran,int r_ran,int _val){ if(l_ran<=L&&R<=r_ran){ segtrees[rt].lazy=1; segtrees[rt].val=_val; int &v=segtrees[rt].val; if(prime[v]){ segtrees[rt].pnum=0; }else{ segtrees[rt].pnum=R-L+1; } return ; } PushDown(rt,L,R); if(l_ran<=mid){ repla(lson,l_ran,r_ran,_val); } if(r_ran>mid){ repla(rson,l_ran,r_ran,_val); } PushUp(rt); } int query(int rt,int L,int R,int l_ran,int r_ran){ if(l_ran<=L&&R<=r_ran){ return segtrees[rt].pnum; } PushDown(rt,L,R); int ret=0; if(l_ran<=mid){ ret+=query(lson,l_ran,r_ran); } if(r_ran>mid){ ret+=query(rson,l_ran,r_ran); } return ret; } int main(){ int T,n,m; char opr[10]; getprime(); scanf("%d",&T); while(T--){ scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); build(1,1,n); int a,b,c; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++){ scanf("%s",opr); if(opr[0]=='A'){ scanf("%d %d",&a,&b); add(1,1,n,b,a); }else if(opr[0]=='R'){ scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c); repla(1,1,n,b,c,a); }else{ scanf("%d %d",&a,&b); int ans=query(1,1,n,a,b); printf("%d ",ans); } } } return 0; }