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  • ANT之macrodef

    macrodef 的意思是宏定义, 可以理解为自定义函数。



    <macrodef name="macro-send-file">
      		<attribute name="host" />
    		<attribute name="toPath" />
    		<attribute name="file" />
    		<attribute name="userID" />
    		<attribute name="password" />
    <scp verbose="false" trust="true" localFile="@{file}" todir="@{userID}:@{password}@@@{host}:@{toPath}" failonerror="true" />
    <!-- sshexec trust="true" host="@{host}" username="@{userID}" password="@{password}" command="chmod -R u+rw,g+rwx @{toPath}/*.ear"/ --><sshexec trust="true" host="@{host}" username="@{userID}" password="@{password}" command="chown thangamm:wadmfsms  @{toPath}/*.ear"/>
    <echo>Sent @{file} to @{host}:@{toPath}</echo>
    <!-- delete build dir -->
    <echo message="clean app project" />
    <!-- after done, should clean the preparation folders but keep release folder -->		
    <delete dir="${build.dir.app}${file.separator}${name.bin}" failonerror="false" />
    <delete dir="${build.dir.app}${file.separator}${name.docs}" failonerror="false" />
    <delete dir="${build.dir.app}${file.separator}${name.reports}" failonerror="false" />
    <delete dir="${build.dir.app}${file.separator}${name.stage}" failonerror="false" />
    			<echo message="clean core project" />
    			<delete dir="${build.dir.core}" failonerror="false" />		
    			<echo message="clean web project" />
    			<delete dir="${build.dir.web}" failonerror="false" />				

    name 属性说明这个自定义宏的名字 通过这个name 来调用这个宏

    <macro-send-file file="${file}" host="${autodeploy.host}" topath="${autodeploy.path}/${envName}" userid="${autodeploy.userID}" password="${autodeploy.password}" />

    表示宏的输入参数(相当于函数的参数)。在marcodef 中不同通过${}来调用attrbute 的值而要通过@{}。例如显示传入参数userID 是什么通过@{userID}.

    相当于函数的body 就是你这个可以调用常用ant tag 如何copy javac mkdir jar war 等



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