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  • ElasticSearch(七):ElasticSearch集群的搭建


    1. 安装elasticSearch6.3.2


    2. 修改配置文件

    进入elasticSearch的config目录,打开 elasticsearch.yml文件,修改如下信息:




    # ======================== Elasticsearch Configuration =========================
    # NOTE: Elasticsearch comes with reasonable defaults for most settings.
    #       Before you set out to tweak and tune the configuration, make sure you
    #       understand what are you trying to accomplish and the consequences.
    # The primary way of configuring a node is via this file. This template lists
    # the most important settings you may want to configure for a production cluster.
    # Please consult the documentation for further information on configuration options:
    # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/index.html
    # ---------------------------------- Cluster -----------------------------------
    # Use a descriptive name for your cluster: 集群名,其余节点都是通过这个名字来找到集群
    cluster.name: zskj
    # ------------------------------------ Node ------------------------------------
    # Use a descriptive name for the node:
    # 节点名
    node.name: node
    # Add custom attributes to the node:
    #node.attr.rack: r1
    # ----------------------------------- Paths ------------------------------------
    # Path to directory where to store the data (separate multiple locations by comma):
    #path.data: /path/to/data
    # Path to log files:
    #path.logs: /path/to/logs
    # ----------------------------------- Memory -----------------------------------
    # Lock the memory on startup:
    #bootstrap.memory_lock: true
    # Make sure that the heap size is set to about half the memory available
    # on the system and that the owner of the process is allowed to use this
    # limit.
    # Elasticsearch performs poorly when the system is swapping the memory.
    # ---------------------------------- Network -----------------------------------
    # Set the bind address to a specific IP (IPv4 or IPv6):
    # 节点的ip地址
    # Set a custom port for HTTP:
    # 端口
    http.port: 9200
    # tcp端口。
    transport.tcp.port: 9300
    # For more information, consult the network module documentation.
    # --------------------------------- Discovery ----------------------------------
    # Pass an initial list of hosts to perform discovery when new node is started:
    # The default list of hosts is ["", "[::1]"]
    # elasticSearch集群的地址。这里使用的是一台机器的不同端口。
    discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["", "", ""]
    # Prevent the "split brain" by configuring the majority of nodes (total number of master-eligible nodes / 2 + 1):
    # 预防脑裂,建议为总集群数一半 + 1
    discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2
    # For more information, consult the zen discovery module documentation.
    # ---------------------------------- Gateway -----------------------------------
    # Block initial recovery after a full cluster restart until N nodes are started:
    #gateway.recover_after_nodes: 3
    # For more information, consult the gateway module documentation.
    # ---------------------------------- Various -----------------------------------
    # Require explicit names when deleting indices:
    #action.destructive_requires_name: true
    # 跨域
    http.cors.enabled: true
    http.cors.allow-origin: "*"


      1. 如果你的elasticSearch节点在 elasticsearch.yml中添加了中文之后,导致elasticSearch无法启动,就必须把yml文件中的中文删除,然后就可以重启启动了。报错信息如下:


      2. 配置文件书写的时候需要注意:属性必须定格写,之后是一个“:”,之后空格,然后是属性值。不能使用tab键。

    3. 启动集群


     4. 一个小的技巧



    @echo off
    title ES集群启动工具
    REM 切换命令行目录为当前BAT所在目录
    cd /d E:ElasticSearchelasticsearch-6.3.2in
    start elasticsearch.bat
    echo elasticsearch1正在启动。。。
    cd /d E:ElasticSearchelasticsearch-6.3.2_02in
    start elasticsearch.bat
    echo elasticsearch2正在启动。。。
    cd /d E:ElasticSearchelasticsearch-6.3.2_03in
    start elasticsearch.bat
    echo elasticsearch3正在启动。。。

    作用就是:分别自动切换到三个elasticSearch的目录,然后自动点击 elasticsearch.bat,启动服务端。


    echo 任意键继续启动head插件
    cd /d E:ElasticSearchhead
    call grunt server

    综上:你只需要双击你的批处理工具 xxxx.bat就可以完成集群的启动了,如果你在多台服务器上,那么还是一个一个启动吧。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenmc/p/9541632.html
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