之前介绍过ansible的使用,通过ssh授权批量控制服务器集群 但是生成密钥和分发公钥的时候都是需要确认密码的,这一步也是可以自动化的,利用ssh + expect + scp就可以实现,其实只用这几个命令结合也可以实现类似ansible的功能了 为了远程操作服务器进行环境初始化,总结我们都需要以下几步操作 1.ssh-keygen生成密钥对 2.将生成的公钥发送到node服务器 3.scp拷贝安装包到node服务器 4.ssh远程执行拷贝过去的安装包
下面进行集群环境初始化脚本的编写,通过ssh + expect + scp实现服务器集群自动化搭建
docker run -d --name node2 -p 2223:22 chenqionghe/ubuntu docker run -d --name node3 -p 2224:22 chenqionghe/ubuntu docker run -d --name node4 -p 2225:22 chenqionghe/ubuntu
docker run -d --name node1 -p 2222:22 --link node2:node2 --link node3:node3 --link node4:node4 chenqionghe/ubuntu
ssh root@ -p 2222
apt-get install expect -y
mkdir -p ~/env && cd ~/env
mkdir scripts cat > scripts/install.sh <<EOF #!/bin/bash bash apt-get install vim -y EOF
创建机器列表配置文件,vim nodes.txt
node2 node3 node4
第二步 编写自动化脚本
1.无交互ssh-keygen生成密钥对脚本,vim ssh-keygen.exp
#!/usr/bin/expect #set enter " " spawn ssh-keygen expect { "*(/root/.ssh/id_rsa)" {send " ";exp_continue} "*(empty for no passphrase)" {send " ";exp_continue} "*again" {send " "} } expect eof
2.无交互分发公钥脚本,vim send-sshkey.exp
#!/usr/bin/expect if { $argc != 2 } { send_user "usage: expect send-sshkey.exp file host " exit } #define var set file [lindex $argv 0] set host [lindex $argv 1] set password "88888888" spawn ssh-copy-id -i $file -p 22 root@$host expect { "yes/no" {send "yes ";exp_continue} "*password" {send "$password "} } expect eof
3.远程批量执行ssh脚本, vim mssh.sh
#!/bin/bash Port=22 if [ $# -lt 1 ];then echo "Usage: `basename $0` command" exit fi echo $@ for v in `cat nodes.txt` do ssh -t -p ${Port} root@${v} $@ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "执行成功:$v" else echo "执行失败:$v" fi done
4.自动化部署脚本,vim auto-deploy.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash #机器列表 HostList=`cat nodes.txt` #端口号 Port=22 # 1.无交互生成密钥对 if [ ! -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ];then expect ssh-keygen.exp fi # 2.无交互分发公密钥 for v in ${HostList} do expect send-sshkey.exp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ${v} if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "公钥-发送成功:$v" else echo "公钥-发送失败:$v" fi done # 3.分发脚本文件(安装软件包) for v in ${HostList} do scp -P ${Port} -rp ~/env/scripts root@${v}:~ if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "scripts-发送成功:$v" else echo "scripts-发送失败:$v" fi done # 4.使用脚本文件安装 for v in ${HostList} do ssh -t -p ${Port} root@${v} /bin/bash ~/scripts/install.sh done
├── auto-deploy.sh ├── mssh.sh ├── nodes.txt ├── scripts │ └── install.sh ├── send-sshkey.exp └── ssh-keygen.exp
第三步 执行自动化脚本查看效果
sh auto-deploy.sh
spawn ssh-keygen ... 公钥-发送成功:node2 ... 公钥-发送成功:node3 ... 公钥-发送成功:node4 install.sh 100% 40 41.4KB/s 00:00 scripts-发送成功:node2 install.sh 100% 40 45.0KB/s 00:00 scripts-发送成功:node3 install.sh 100% 40 39.9KB/s 00:00 scripts-发送成功:node4 ... Connection to node4 closed.
sh mssh.sh "cat /etc/os-release|head -n 1"
cat /etc/os-release|head -n 1 NAME="Ubuntu" Connection to node2 closed. 执行成功:node2 NAME="Ubuntu" Connection to node3 closed. 执行成功:node3 NAME="Ubuntu" Connection to node4 closed. 执行成功:node4
这样就实现了自动化创建密钥对+分发公钥+所有服务器软件环境安装+批量远程执行脚本mssh.sh,麻雀虽小,五脏俱全,绝对是干货!light weight baby!