#!/bin/sh Interval=5 A=1000 Free=`cat /proc/meminfo|grep "MemFree" | awk '{print $2}'` if [ ! -f "pidconf" ] then echo "FILE pidconf NOT FOUND!" exit fi if [ ! -f "result" ] #不存在result这个file就touch一个 then touch result fi if [ ! -d "pidbak" ] #如果不存在pidbak这个目录directory就创建pidbak这个目录 then mkdir pidbak fi mv pidfile/* pidbak while [ 1 ] do echo "`date`" >> result while read line do if [ ! -f "pidfile/$line" ] then touch pidfile/$line old=`pgrep $line` new=$old echo "$old" > pidfile/$line else old=`cat pidfile/$line` new=`pgrep $line` if [ $? != 0 ] then new="NULL" fi fi if [ ${old} != ${new} ] then echo "===ERROR===[$line] pid change, [$old=>$new]" >> result echo "$new" > pidfile/$line else echo "==SUCCESS==[$line=$new]" >> result fi done < pidconf sleep 10 Free1=`cat /proc/meminfo|grep "MemFree" | awk '{print $2}'` T=`expr $Free - $Free1` if [ $T -le $A ] then echo "========memory normal======" >> result else echo "========memory leak========" >> result fi if [ $# != 1 ];then echo "wrong parameter!" exit 1 fi checktime=$1 check=1 allcpu=0 maxcpu=0 mincpu=100 while [ $check -le $checktime ] do docpu=`cpu -c 1` cucpu=`echo $docpu | cut -b 11-14 | cut -d \% -f 1` if [ $cucpu -gt $maxcpu ];then maxcpu=$cucpu fi if [ $cucpu -lt $mincpu ];then mincpu=$cucpu fi allcpu=`expr $allcpu + $cucpu` avcpu=`expr $allcpu / $check` echo "Average:$avcpu% Now:$docpu" check=`expr $check + 1` done echo "MAX CPU: $maxcpu% MIN CPU: $mincpu%" >> result echo "" >> result sleep $Interval done
#!/bin/sh echo "Read Config..." while read line; do eval "$line" done < perfConf cat perfConf echo "Read Config Successfully!" echo "Ip Test..." if [ $Protocol == "UDP" ] then iperf -c $Ip -u -t 1 > connectData 2>&1 else iperf -c $Ip -t 1 > connectData 2>&1 fi if [[ `grep -c "failed" connectData` -eq "1" ]] then echo "ERROR:iperf server can not connect" exit 0 fi echo "Ip Test Successfully!" function rand() { min=$1 max=$(($2-$min+1)) #num=$(tr -cd 1-9 < /dev/urandom 1 | head -c 10) num=$(tr -cd 1-9 < /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid 1 | head -c 10) echo $(($num%$max+$min)) } if [[ $Mode == "Auto" ]] then myloop=1 echo "Begin to Auto Test..." echo "" while [ $myloop -le $Loop ] do echo "==="`date`"===" echo "===NO."$myloop" Loop===" if [[ $Protocol == "UDP" ]] then len=$(rand $Start_Len $End_Len) bd=$(rand $Start_Bandwidth $End_Bandwidth)"K" echo "iperf -c "$Ip" -t "$CircleTime" -u -b "$bd" -l "$len" -p "$Port" -i "$Interval iperf -c $Ip -t $CircleTime -u -b $bd -l $len -p $Port -i $Interval else echo "iperf -c "$Ip" -t "$CircleTime" -i "$Interval" -p "$Port iperf -c $Ip -t $CircleTime -i $Interval -p $Port fi let myloop=myloop+1 echo "==============================" echo "" sleep $SleepTime done else echo "Begin to Passive Test..." if [[ $Protocol == "UDP" ]] then iperf -c $Ip -t $Time -u -b $Bandwidth -i $Interval else iperf -c $Ip -t $Time -i $Interval fi fi