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  • 选课系统项目_python


    1. 创建北京、上海 2 所学校
    2. 创建linux , python , go 3个课程 , linuxpy 在北京开, go 在上海开
    3. 课程包含,周期,价格,通过学校创建课程
    4. 通过学校创建班级, 班级关联课程、讲师
    5. 创建学员时,选择学校,关联班级
    5. 创建讲师角色时要关联学校,
    6. 提供两个角色接口
    6.1 学员视图, 可以注册, 交学费, 选择班级,
    6.2 讲师视图, 讲师可管理自己的班级, 上课时选择班级, 查看班级学员列表 , 修改所管理的学员的成绩
    6.3 管理视图,创建讲师, 创建班级,创建课程
    7. 上面的操作产生的数据都通过pickle序列化保存到文件里





     1 #!/usr/bin/env python
     2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
     3 #Author:chenxz
     4 import os,sys
     5 base_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
     6 sys.path.append(base_path)
     7 from core import main
    10 #开始启动程序
    11 if __name__ == '__main__':
    12     Mainprogram_obj=main.Mainprogram()
    13     Mainprogram_obj.run()


     1 #!/usr/bin/env python
     2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
     3 #Author:chenxz
     4 import logging
     5 import os,sys
     7 BASE_DIR=base_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
     8 split=os.path.sep
     9 #存放学校数据文件路径
    10 school_file_path=base_path+split+'db'+split+'school'+split+'school_data'
    14 #日志文件
    15 LOG_FILE=BASE_DIR+split+'log'+split+'service.log'
    16 #日志级别和格式设置
    17 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,
    18                     format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s',
    19                     datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S',
    20                     filename=LOG_FILE,
    21                     filemode='a+')
    25 if __name__ == '__main__':
    26     print(LOG_FILE)


      1 #!/usr/bin/env python
      2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
      3 #Author:chenxz
      4 import os,sys
      5 import  pickle
      6 base_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
      7 sys.path.append(base_path)
      8 from conf import setting
      9 from core import resource
     11 class Student_view(object):
     12     '''
     13     学生视觉类
     14     '''
     15     def __init__(self):
     16         self.Admin_view_obj = Admin_view()
     17         self.school_data = self.Admin_view_obj.school_data
     18     def run_view(self):
     19         '''
     20         执行学生视觉,选择登录或者注册
     21         :return:
     22         '''
     23         setting.logging.debug('run_student_view')
     24         while True:
     25             print('=====已有学校=======')
     26             for i in self.school_data:
     27                 print('学校:%s ,地址:%s' % (i, self.school_data[i].addr))
     28             school_choice=input('请输入你要管理的学校名(q退出r返回):')
     29             if school_choice in self.school_data:
     30                 self.school_obj=self.school_data[school_choice]
     31                 while True:
     32                     def_dict={'1':'register','2':'student_login'}
     33                     for i,j in enumerate(def_dict):
     34                         print(i+1,def_dict[j])
     35                     def_choice=input('请输入你的选择(q退出r返回):')
     36                     if def_choice.isdigit():
     37                         if 0 < int(def_choice) <= len(def_dict):
     38                             if hasattr(self,def_dict[def_choice]):
     39                                 getattr(self,def_dict[def_choice])()
     40                             else:
     41                                 print('没有这个功能方法')
     42                                 continue
     43                         else:
     44                             print('输入的数字不正确!')
     45                             continue
     46                     elif def_choice == 'r':
     47                         break
     48                     elif def_choice == 'q':
     49                         exit()
     50                     else:
     51                         print('输入必须是数字!')
     52                         continue
     53             elif school_choice == 'r':
     54                 break
     55             elif school_choice == 'q':
     56                 exit()
     57     def register(self,):
     58         '''
     59         注册方法
     60         :return:
     61         '''
     62         setting.logging.debug('学生开始注册')
     63         while True:
     64             student_name=input('请输入学生名称:')
     65             student_password=  input('请输入密码:')
     66             student_age = input('请输入学生年纪:')
     67             if student_name in self.school_obj.student_dict:
     68                 print('此学生已经注册')
     69                 continue
     70             else:
     71                 student_obj=resource.Student(student_name,student_password,student_age)
     72                 self.school_obj.student_dict[student_name]=student_obj
     73                 self.school_data[self.school_obj.name]=self.school_obj
     74                 f = open(setting.school_file_path, 'wb')
     75                 f.write(pickle.dumps(self.school_data))
     76                 f.close()
     77                 print('成功添加学生%s' % student_name)
     78                 break
     80     def student_login(self):
     81             '''
     82             学生登录校验以及选择登录成功后的操作
     83             :return:
     84             '''
     85             while True:
     86                 student_user = input('请输入你的用户名:').strip()
     87                 student_password = input('请输入你的密码:').strip()
     88                 if student_user in self.school_obj.student_dict and self.school_obj.student_dict[
     89                     student_user].password == student_password:
     90                     print('%s用户登录成功' % student_user)
     91                     student_obj = self.school_obj.student_dict[student_user]
     92                     while True:
     93                         def_dict = {'1': 'change_info', '2': 'tell_info', '3': 'test1', '4': 'test2',
     94                                     '5': 'test3'}
     95                         for i in def_dict:
     96                             print(i, def_dict[i])
     97                         def_choice = input("请输入你的选择(q退出r返回):")
     98                         if def_choice.isdigit():
     99                             if 0 < int(def_choice) <= len(def_dict):
    100                                 if hasattr(self, def_dict[def_choice]):
    101                                     getattr(self, def_dict[def_choice])(student_obj)
    102                                 else:
    103                                     print('没有这个功能方法')
    104                                     continue
    105                             else:
    106                                 print('输入的数字不正确!')
    107                                 continue
    108                         elif def_choice == 'r':
    109                             break
    110                         elif def_choice == 'q':
    111                             exit()
    112                         else:
    113                             print('输入必须是数字!')
    114                             continue
    115                     break
    116                 else:
    117                     print('用户密码不正确')
    118                     continue
    120     def tell_info(self,obj):
    121         '''
    122         查看学生信息
    123         :param obj: 学生对象
    124         :return:
    125         '''
    126         print('''
    127         姓名:%s
    128         年纪:%s
    129         '''%(obj.name,obj.age))
    131     def change_info(self,obj):
    132         '''
    133         修改学生信息
    134         :param obj: 学生对象
    135         :return:
    136         '''
    137         print('change_info')
    139         student_password = input('请输入新密码:')
    140         student_age = input('请输入老师新年纪:')
    141         student_name=obj.name
    142         obj.password=student_password
    143         obj.age=student_age
    144         self.school_data[self.school_obj.name].student_name=obj
    145         f = open(setting.school_file_path, 'wb')
    146         f.write(pickle.dumps(self.school_data))
    147         f.close()
    148         print('修改信息成功' )
    151 class Teacher_view(object):
    152     '''
    153     老师视觉类
    154     '''
    155     def __init__(self):
    156         self.Admin_view_obj=Admin_view()
    157         self.school_data=self.Admin_view_obj.school_data
    158     def run_view(self):
    159         '''
    160         执行老师视觉,进行登录以及选择对应的操作
    161         :return:
    162         '''
    163         setting.logging.debug('run Teacher_view')
    164         self.Admin_view_obj.show_school_list()
    165         choice_school=input('请选择你要进入的学校名称:').strip()
    166         if choice_school in self.school_data:
    167             self.school_obj=self.school_data[choice_school]
    168             while True:
    169                 teacher_user=input('请输入你的用户名:').strip()
    170                 teacher_password=input('请输入你的密码:').strip()
    171                 if teacher_user in self.school_obj.teacher_dict and self.school_obj.teacher_dict[teacher_user].password==teacher_password:
    172                     print('%s用户登录成功'%teacher_user)
    173                     teacher_obj=self.school_obj.teacher_dict[teacher_user]
    174                     while True:
    175                         def_dict = {'1': 'teaching', '2': 'tell_info', '3': 'show_classes', '4': 'show_student_scord',
    176                                     '5': 'change_info'}
    177                         for i in def_dict:
    178                             print(i, def_dict[i])
    179                         def_choice=input("请输入你的选择(q退出r返回):")
    180                         if def_choice.isdigit():
    181                             if 0 < int(def_choice) <= len(def_dict):
    182                                 if hasattr(self, def_dict[def_choice]):
    183                                     getattr(self, def_dict[def_choice])(teacher_obj)
    184                                 else:
    185                                     print('没有这个功能方法')
    186                                     continue
    187                             else:
    188                                 print('输入的数字不正确!')
    189                                 continue
    190                         elif def_choice == 'r':
    191                             break
    192                         elif def_choice == 'q':
    193                             exit()
    194                         else:
    195                             print('输入必须是数字!')
    196                             continue
    197                     break
    198                 else:
    199                     print('用户密码不正确')
    200                     continue
    201         else:
    202             print('学校名输入错误!')
    203     def teaching(self,obj):
    204         '''
    205         授课
    206         :param obj: 老师对象
    207         :return:
    208         '''
    209         print('%s is teaching'%obj.name)
    211     def tell_info(self,obj):
    212         '''
    213              查看老师信息
    214              :param obj: 老师对象
    215              :return:
    216              '''
    217         print('''
    218         姓名:%s
    219         年纪:%s
    220         工资:%s
    221         '''%(obj.name,obj.age,obj.salary))
    223     def show_classes(self,obj):
    224         '''
    225              查看授课班级
    226              :param obj: 老师对象
    227              :return:
    228              '''
    229         print('====老师授课班级===')
    230         for i in obj.classes:
    231             print(i)
    233     def show_course(self,obj):
    234         print('show_student_scord,未写')
    236     def change_info(self,obj):
    237         '''
    238              修改老师信息
    239              :param obj: 老师对象
    240              :return:
    241              '''
    242         print('change_info')
    243         #teacher_name = input('请输入新名称:')
    244         teacher_password = input('请输入新密码:')
    245         teacher_salary = input('请输入老师新工资:')
    246         teacher_age = input('请输入老师新年纪:')
    247         teacher_name=obj.name
    248         obj.password=teacher_password
    249         obj.salary=teacher_salary
    250         obj.age=teacher_age
    251         self.school_data[self.school_obj.name].teacher_name=obj
    252         f = open(setting.school_file_path, 'wb')
    253         f.write(pickle.dumps(self.school_data))
    254         f.close()
    255         print('修改信息成功' )
    260 class Admin_view(object):
    261     '''
    262     管理员视图类
    263     '''
    264     def __init__(self):
    265         self.f=open(setting.school_file_path,'rb')
    266         self.school_data=pickle.loads(self.f.read())
    267     def __del__(self):
    268         pass
    269     def run_view(self):
    270         '''
    271         执行管理员视图,并选择你要做的操作
    272         :return:
    273         '''
    274         setting.logging.debug('run Admin_view')
    275         def_dict = {'1': 'add_school', '2': 'show_school_list', '3': 'del_school','4':'manage_school'}
    276         while True:
    277             print('''
    278             ==========chen_school==========
    279                     ''')
    280             for i in def_dict:
    281                 print(i, def_dict[i])
    282             choice = input('请选择进入的视图(q退出,r返回):')
    283             if choice.isdigit():
    284                 if 0 < int(choice) <= len(def_dict):
    285                     if hasattr(self,def_dict[choice]):
    286                         getattr(self,def_dict[choice])()
    287                     else:
    288                         print('没有这个功能方法')
    289                         continue
    290                 else:
    291                     print('输入的数字不正确!')
    292                     continue
    293             elif choice == 'r':
    294                 break
    295             elif choice == 'q':
    296                 exit()
    297             else:
    298                 print('输入必须是数字!')
    299                 continue
    300     def add_school(self):
    301         '''
    302         添加学校方法
    303         :return:
    304         '''
    305         school_name = input('请输入学校名:')
    306         school_addr = input('请输入学校地址:')
    307         school_obj = resource.School(school_name, school_addr)
    308         self.school_data[school_name] = school_obj
    309         f = open(setting.school_file_path, 'wb')
    310         f.write(pickle.dumps(self.school_data))
    311         f.close()
    312         print('添加学校%s成功'%school_name)
    314     def show_school_list(self):
    315         '''
    316         查看所有的学校
    317         :return:
    318         '''
    319         print('=====已有学校=======')
    320         for i in self.school_data:
    321             print('学校:%s ,地址:%s'%(i,self.school_data[i].addr))
    322     def del_school(self):
    323         '''
    324         删除学校
    325         :return:
    326         '''
    327         print('=====已有学校=======')
    328         for i in self.school_data:
    329             print('学校:%s ,地址:%s' % (i, self.school_data[i].addr))
    330         del_choice=input('请选择你要删除的学校名(r返回):')
    331         if del_choice in self.school_data:
    333             del self.school_data[del_choice]
    334             f = open(setting.school_file_path, 'wb')
    335             f.write(pickle.dumps(self.school_data))
    336             f.close()
    337             print('删除%s学校成功'%del_choice)
    338         else:
    339                 print('你输入的学校不存在')
    341     def manage_school(self):
    342         '''
    343         管理学校方法,进行管理老师学生课程班级等作用
    344         :return:
    345         '''
    346         while True:
    347             print('=====已有学校=======')
    348             for i in self.school_data:
    349                 print('学校:%s ,地址:%s' % (i, self.school_data[i].addr))
    350             school_choice=input('请输入你要管理的学校名(q退出r返回):')
    351             if school_choice in self.school_data:
    352                 school_obj=self.school_data[school_choice]
    353                 while True:
    354                     manage_list=['add_teacher','add_classes','add_course','show_teacher','show_classes','show_course','del_teaher','del_classes','del_course']
    355                     for i,j in enumerate(manage_list):
    356                         print(i+1,j)
    357                     manage_choice=input('请输入你的选择(q退出r返回):')
    358                     if manage_choice.isdigit():
    359                         if 0 < int(manage_choice) <= len(manage_list):
    360                             if hasattr(self, manage_list[int(manage_choice)-1]):
    361                                 getattr(self, manage_list[int(manage_choice)-1])(school_obj)
    362                             else:
    363                                 print('没有这个功能方法')
    364                                 continue
    365                         else:
    366                             print('输入的数字不正确!')
    367                             continue
    368                     elif manage_choice == 'r':
    369                         break
    370                     elif manage_choice == 'q':
    371                         exit()
    372                     else:
    373                         print('输入必须是数字!')
    374                         continue
    375             elif school_choice == 'r':
    376                 break
    377             elif school_choice == 'q':
    378                 exit()
    379             else:
    380                 print('输入的学校不存在')
    381                 continue
    382     def add_teacher(self,school_obj):
    383         '''
    384         添加老师
    385         :param school_obj: 要管理的学校对象
    386         :return:
    387         '''
    388         while True:
    389             teacher_name=input('请输入老师名称:')
    390             teacher_password=  input('请输入密码:')
    391             teacher_salary = input('请输入老师工资:')
    392             teacher_age = input('请输入老师年纪:')
    393             if teacher_name in school_obj.teacher_dict:
    394                 print('此老师已经注册')
    395                 continue
    396             else:
    397                 teacher_obj=resource.Teacher(teacher_name,teacher_password,teacher_salary,teacher_age)
    398                 school_obj.teacher_dict[teacher_name]=teacher_obj
    399                 self.school_data[school_obj.name]=school_obj
    400                 f = open(setting.school_file_path, 'wb')
    401                 f.write(pickle.dumps(self.school_data))
    402                 f.close()
    403                 print('成功添加老师%s' % teacher_name)
    404                 break
    405     def add_classes(self,school_obj):
    406         '''
    407         添加班级
    408         :param school_obj: 要管理的学校对象
    409         :return:
    410         '''
    411         while True:
    412             classes_name=input('请输入班级名称:')
    413             if classes_name in school_obj.classes_dict:
    414                 print('此班级已经存在')
    415                 continue
    416             else:
    417                 classes_obj=resource.Classes(classes_name)
    418                 school_obj.classes_dict[classes_name]=classes_obj
    419                 self.school_data[school_obj.name]=school_obj
    420                 f = open(setting.school_file_path, 'wb')
    421                 f.write(pickle.dumps(self.school_data))
    422                 f.close()
    423                 print('成功添加班级%s' % classes_name)
    424                 break
    425     def add_course(self,school_obj):
    426         '''
    427             添加课程
    428             :param school_obj: 要管理的学校对象
    429             :return:
    430             '''
    431         while True:
    432             course_name=input('请输入课程名称:')
    433             course_pay=input('请输入课程价格:')
    434             if course_name in school_obj.course_dict:
    435                 print('此课程已经存在')
    436                 continue
    437             else:
    438                 course_obj=resource.Course(course_name,course_pay)
    439                 school_obj.course_dict[course_name]=course_obj
    440                 self.school_data[school_obj.name]=school_obj
    441                 f = open(setting.school_file_path, 'wb')
    442                 f.write(pickle.dumps(self.school_data))
    443                 f.close()
    444                 print('成功添加课程%s' % course_name)
    445                 break
    446     def show_teacher(self,school_obj):
    447         '''
    448             查看老师
    449             :param school_obj: 要管理的学校对象
    450             :return:
    451             '''
    452         teacher_dict=self.school_data[school_obj.name].teacher_dict
    453         for i in teacher_dict:
    454             print('姓名:%s'%i)
    455     def show_classes(self,school_obj):
    456         '''
    457             查看班级
    458             :param school_obj: 要管理的学校对象
    459             :return:
    460             '''
    461         classes_dict=self.school_data[school_obj.name].classes_dict
    462         for i in classes_dict:
    463             print('班级:%s'%i)
    464     def show_course(self,school_obj):
    465         '''
    466             查看课程
    467             :param school_obj: 要管理的学校对象
    468             :return:
    469             '''
    470         course_dict=self.school_data[school_obj.name].course_dict
    471         for i in course_dict:
    472             print('课程:%s'%i)
    473     def del_teaher(self,school_obj):
    474         print('删除老师,未写')
    475     def del_classes(self,school_obj):
    476         print('删除班级,未写')
    477     def del_course(self,school_obj):
    478         print('删除课程,未写')
    481 class Mainprogram(object):
    482     '''
    483     主程序类,开启程序,并选择不同视图进入
    484     '''
    485     def __init__(self):
    486         pass
    487     def run(self):
    488         '''
    489         按需选择不同视图
    490         :return:
    491         '''
    492         setting.logging.debug('开始启动程序...')
    493         view_dict = {'1': 'Student_view', '2': 'Teacher_view', '3': 'Admin_view'}
    494         view_list = [Student_view, Teacher_view, Admin_view]
    495         while True:
    496             print('''
    497     ==========chen_school==========
    498             ''')
    499             for i in view_dict:
    500                 print(i, view_dict[i])
    501             choice = input('请选择进入的视图(q退出):')
    502             if choice.isdigit():
    503                 if 0 < int(choice) <= len(view_dict):
    504                     obj=view_list[int(choice) - 1]()
    505                     obj.run_view()
    506                 else:
    507                     print('输入的数字不正确!')
    508                     continue
    509             elif choice=='q':
    510                 break
    511             else:
    512                 print('输入必须是数字!')
    513                 break
    517 if __name__ == '__main__':
    518     Mainprogram_obj=Mainprogram()
    519     Mainprogram_obj.run()
    View Code


     1 #!/usr/bin/env python
     2 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_
     3 #Author:chenxz
     6 class School(object):
     7     '''
     8     学校类
     9     '''
    10     def __init__(self,name,addr,):
    11         self.name=name
    12         self.addr=addr
    13         self.teacher_dict={}
    14         self.student_dict={}
    15         self.classes_dict={}
    16         self.course_dict={}
    18 class Teacher(object):
    19     '''
    20     老师类
    21     '''
    22     def __init__(self,name,password,salary,age):
    23         self.name=name
    24         self.salary=salary
    25         self.age=age
    26         self.password=password
    27         self.classes={}
    28         self.course={}
    30 class Classes(object):
    31     '''
    32     班级类
    33     '''
    34     def __init__(self,name):
    35         self.name=name
    36         self.student={}
    37         self.course={}
    39 class Course(object):
    40     '''
    41     课程类
    42     '''
    43     def __init__(self,name,pay):
    44         self.name=name
    45         self.pay=pay
    46         self.student={}
    48 class Student(object):
    49     '''
    50     学生类
    51     '''
    52     def __init__(self,name,password,age):
    53         self.name=name
    54         self.age=age
    55         self.password=password


     1 import pickle
     2 import os,sys
     3 base_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))
     4 split=os.path.sep
     5 sys.path.append(base_path)
     6 from core import resource
     7 from conf import setting
    10 def add_achool():
    11     '''
    12     重置学校文件数据的方法
    13     :return:
    14     '''
    15     school_name=input('请输入学校名:')
    16     school_addr=input('请输入学校地址:')
    17     school_obj=resource.School(school_name,school_addr)
    18     schoo_data={school_name:school_obj}
    19     schoo_data_path=setting.school_file_path
    20     data=pickle.dumps(schoo_data)
    21     f=open(schoo_data_path,'wb')
    22     f.write(data)
    23     f.close()
    25 def open_school_file():
    26     '''
    27     查看学校文件
    28     :return:
    29     '''
    30     f = open(setting.school_file_path, 'rb')
    31     school_data = pickle.loads(f.read())
    32     print(school_data['beijing'].teacher_list[0].name)
    34 if __name__ == '__main__':
    35     add_achool()
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenxiaozan/p/12373071.html
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