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  • vue发送websocket请求和http post请求



      1 <script>
      2     import SockJS from 'sockjs-client';
      3     import Stomp from 'stompjs';
      4     import qs from "qs"
      6     export default {
      7         name: "pdf",
      8         data() {
      9             return {
     10                 newsData: [],
     11                 tagGuid_mx: "",
     12                 tagGuid_4AA_Ia: "",
     13                 tagGuid_4AA_P: "",
     14                 tagGuid_4AA_Q: "", 49                 tagGuid_1AA_6_Ib: "",
     50                 tagGuid_1AA_6_Ic: "",
     51                 tagGuid_pdfwd: "",
     52                 tagGuid_pdfsd: "",
     53                 stompClient: '',
     54                 timer: '',
     55                 visibilityHeZha: "hidden",
     56                 visibilityFenZha: "hidden",
     57                 hezhaData:[]
     58             }
     59         },
     60         methods: {
     61             initWebSocket() {
     62                 this.connection();
     63                 let that = this;
     64                 // 断开重连机制,尝试发送消息,捕获异常发生时重连
     65                 this.timer = setInterval(() => {
     66                     try {
     67                         that.stompClient.send("test");
     68                     } catch(err) {
     69                         console.log("断线了: " + err);
     70                         that.connection();
     71                     }
     72                 }, 5000);
     73             },
     74             connection() {
     75                 // 建立连接对象
     76                 let socket = new SockJS('http://XXX.XX.XX.XXX:8081/energy-system-websocket');
     77                 // 获取STOMP子协议的客户端对象
     78                 this.stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
     79                 // 定义客户端的认证信息,按需求配置
     80                 let headers = {
     81                     access_token: "92c31bd5-ae43-4f25-9aad-c4eb1a92d61d"
     82                     //                    Authorization: ''
     83                 }
     84                 // 向服务器发起websocket连接
     85                 this.stompClient.connect(headers, () => {
     86                     this.stompClient.subscribe('/user/topic/data', (msg) => { // 订阅服务端提供的某个topic
     87                             console.log('广播成功')
     88                             //                        console.log(msg); // msg.body存放的是服务端发送给我们的信息
     89                             console.log(msg.body);
     90                             this.newsData = JSON.parse(msg.body);
     92                         }, headers),
     93                         this.stompClient.subscribe('/user/topic/alarm', (msg) => { // 订阅服务端提供的某个topic
     94                             console.log('广播告警成功')
     95                             //console.log(msg); // msg.body存放的是服务端发送给我们的信息
     96                             console.log(msg.body);
     97                             this.newsData = JSON.parse(msg.body);
     99                         }, headers);
    100                     this.stompClient.subscribe('/user/topic/cmd_ack', (msg) => { // 订阅服务端提供的某个topic
    101                         console.log('下控指令应答成功')
    102                         //console.log(msg); // msg.body存放的是服务端发送给我们的信息
    103                         console.log(msg.body);
    104                         this.newsData = JSON.parse(msg.body);
    106                     }, headers);
    108                     this.stompClient.subscribe('/user/topic/response', (msg) => { //指令的应答(仅表示服务端接收成功或者失败)
    109                         console.log('SEND指令的应答成功')
    110                         //console.log(msg); // msg.body存放的是服务端发送给我们的信息
    111                         console.log(msg.body);
    112                         this.newsData = JSON.parse(msg.body);
    113                         this.newsData = this.newsData.data;
    114                         console.log(this.newsData);
    115                         for(var i = 0; i < this.newsData.length; i++) { 
    116                             //母线uab
    117                             if(this.newsData[i].tagGuid == "a3a95bf3-fef8-454e-9175-19a466e40c3d") {      
    118                                 this.tagGuid_mx = this.newsData[i].value != '' ? this.newsData[i].value.toFixed(2) : ""
    119                             }
    120                             //电容柜4AA_Ia
    121                             if(this.newsData[i].tagGuid == "4cf6e256-6c3a-4853-a087-dfd263916dab") {      
    122                                 this.tagGuid_4AA_Ia = this.newsData[i].value 
    123                             }
    124                             //电容柜4AA_P
    125                             if(this.newsData[i].tagGuid == "52e8265a-0a20-4e3b-a670-14a8df373bf7") {      
    126                                 this.tagGuid_4AA_P = this.newsData[i].value 
    127                             }
    128                             //电容柜4AA_Q
    129                             if(this.newsData[i].tagGuid == "ef369a17-0bbd-4295-8ac7-816c23fcb065") {      
    130                                 this.tagGuid_4AA_Q = this.newsData[i].value != '' ? this.newsData[i].value.toFixed(2) : 0 
    131                             }276                             //配电房温度
    277                             if(this.newsData[i].tagGuid == "ead49446-07f9-43b7-a4ce-cd974d53728e") {      
    278                                 this.tagGuid_pdfwd = this.newsData[i].value 
    279                             }
    280                             //配电房湿度
    281                             if(this.newsData[i].tagGuid == "baaf1733-124e-46fd-9d58-c069b747317a") {      
    282                                 this.tagGuid_pdfsd = this.newsData[i].value 
    283                             }
    285                         }
    286                     }, headers);
    287                     this.stompClient.send("/app/monitor/subTagGuid", // # 订阅需要监控的测点ID
    288                         headers,
    290                         JSON.stringify({
    291                             "stationCode": "00013",
    292                             "tagGuids": [
    293                                 "a3a95bf3-fef8-454e-9175-19a466e40c3d", //
    294                                 "4cf6e256-6c3a-4853-a087-dfd263916dab", //
    295                                 "52e8265a-0a20-4e3b-a670-14a8df373bf7", //
    296                                 "ef369a17-0bbd-4295-8ac7-816c23fcb065", //334                                 "baaf1733-124e-46fd-9d58-c069b747317a"
    335                             ]
    336                         })
    337                     ) //用户加入接口
    338                 }, (err) => {
    339                     // 连接发生错误时的处理函数
    340                     console.log('失败')
    341                     console.log(err);
    342                 });
    343             }, //连接 后台
    344             disconnect() {
    345                 if(this.stompClient) {
    346                     this.stompClient.disconnect();
    347                 }
    348             }, // 断开连接
    349             changeColor(evt) {
    350                 this.rect.setAttributeNS(null, "fill", "blue")
    351             },
    352             shl3aa4() {
    353                 this.visibilityHeZha = this.visibilityHeZha == "visibility" ? "hidden" : "visibility";
    354                 this.visibilityFenZha = this.visibilityFenZha == "visibility" ? "hidden" : "visibility";
    355             },
    356             shl3aa42() {
    357                 setTimeout(() => {
    358                     this.visibilityHeZha = "hidden";
    359                     this.visibilityFenZha = "hidden";
    360                 }, 1200)
    361             },
    362             hezha() {
    363                 //3#楼3AA-4_合闸
    364                 this.$axios.post("/energy-system/auth/monitor/ykcmd", {
    365                         checkUser: "admin",
    366                         checkPass: "123456",
    367                         stationCode:"00013",
    368                         tagGuid: "89d1d312-17be-4d20-8471-baa08ba734e0",
    369                         value: 1
    370                     })
    371                     .then(res => {
    372                         this.hezhaData=JSON.parse(res.config.data)
    373                         if(this.hezhaData.tagGuid=="89d1d312-17be-4d20-8471-baa08ba734e0" && this.hezhaData.value==1){
    374                             alert("合闸成功!");
    375                         }else{
    376                             alert("合闸失败!请联系管理员");
    377                         }379                     })
    380                     .catch(error => {
    381                         console.log(error)
    382                     })
    383             },
    384             fenzha() {
    385                 alert("分闸"); //3#楼3AA-4_分闸
    386             }
    387         },
    388         mounted() {
    389             this.initWebSocket();
    390         },
    391         beforeDestroy: function() { // 页面离开时断开连接,清除定时器
    392             this.disconnect();
    393             clearInterval(this.timer);
    394         },
    395         created() {
    397         }
    398     }
    399 </script>


    Axios.defaults.baseURL = 'http://XXX.XXX.XX.XXX:9001';
    Axios.defaults.headers.post['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';


    // 添加请求拦截器
    Axios.interceptors.request.use(function(config) {
        config.headers.access_token = "add7c097-f12b-40fe-8e48-6fe1f2120fa5";
        //    config.headers.Authorization = localStorage.token; //将token设置成请求头
        console.log("请求============" + config);
        // 在发送请求之前做些什么
        return config;
    }, function(error) {
        // 对请求错误做些什么
        return Promise.reject(error);


  • 相关阅读:
    BZOJ 1753 Who's in the Middle
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenyangjava/p/10529592.html
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