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  • 企业搜索引擎开发之连接器connector(二)


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN" "http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd">
      <bean id="ApplicationContextProperties" class="java.lang.String">
        <constructor-arg value="/WEB-INF/applicationContext.properties"/>
      <bean id="EncryptedPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"
        <property name="location" ref="ApplicationContextProperties"/>
        <!-- Default values for some properties -->
        <property name="properties">
            <prop key="feedLoggingLevel">OFF</prop>
            <!-- Default Feeder gate port on a GSA -->
            <prop key="gsa.feed.port">19900</prop>
            <!-- These are used to throttle back the document feed if the
                 GSA has fallen behind processing outstanding feed items.
            <!-- Stop feeding if the backlog exceeds this value. -->
            <prop key="feed.backlog.ceiling">10000</prop>
            <!-- Resume feeding if the backlog falls below this value. -->
            <prop key="feed.backlog.floor">1000</prop>
            <!-- How often to check for feed backlog (in seconds). -->
            <prop key="feed.backlog.interval">900</prop>
            <!-- The target size in bytes of an accumulated feed file. -->
            <prop key="feed.file.size">10485760</prop>
            <!-- The maximum allowed size in bytes of a Document's content. -->
            <prop key="feed.document.size.limit">31457280</prop>
            <!-- The default time zone for Date values of fed Documents. -->
            <prop key="feed.timezone"></prop>
            <!-- Feed logging configuration.
                 TODO: [Issue 163] These should be moved to logging.properties.
            <prop key="feed.logging.FileHandler.pattern">${catalina.base}/logs/google-connectors.feed%g.log</prop>
            <prop key="feed.logging.FileHandler.limit">52428800</prop>
            <prop key="feed.logging.FileHandler.count">10</prop>
            <!-- The target number of items to be returned per traversal batch. -->
            <prop key="traversal.batch.size">500</prop>
            <!-- The number of seconds a Traversal may run before risking cancelation. -->
            <prop key="traversal.time.limit">1800</prop>
            <!-- This defines the number of seconds to wait after a Traversal
                 of the repository finds no new content before looking again.
            <prop key="traversal.poll.interval">300</prop>
            <!-- This enables content Traversal and Feeding. -->
            <prop key="traversal.enabled">true</prop>
            <!-- JDBC DataSource configuration. -->
            <prop key="jdbc.datasource.url">jdbc:h2:${catalina.base}/webapps/connector-manager/WEB-INF/connector_manager.dbstore/connector-manager</prop>
            <prop key="jdbc.datasource.user">sa</prop>
            <prop key="jdbc.datasource.password"></prop>
            <!-- JDBC Persistent Store for maintaining Connector Configuration,
                 Schedules, and Traversal State.  This DDL statement is used to
                 create the Connector instance configuration table if it does not
                 already exist.
                 Table creation and datatype syntax varies by database vendor.
                 The Create Table DDL is in java.text.MessageFormat syntax.
                 The placeholders will be filled in as follows:
                 {0} The name of the Connector Instance table that is created.
                 {1} Integer auto-incrementing primary key id for row.
                 {2} Integer modification stamp, updated when the value is changed.
                 {3} The connector name.  A string with maximum length of
                     64 characters.
                 {4} The property name of the configuration property.
                     A string with maximum length of 64 characters.
                 {5} The configuration property value.  This can theoretically be
                     an arbitrarily long String, although for Google-supplied
                     connectors, it ranges from tens of bytes to a few kilobytes.
                     The stored value may be NULL.
            <!-- Create Table DDL for H2 -->
            <prop key="jdbcstore.createtable.ddl">CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST {0} ( {1} INT IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, {2} INT, {3} VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, {4} VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, {5} VARCHAR NULL )</prop>
      <!-- Enables/Disables Traversal and Feeding for all Connector Instances. -->
      <bean id="Context" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
        <property name="staticMethod" value="com.google.enterprise.connector.manager.Context.getInstance"/>
      <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
        <property name="targetObject" ref="Context"/>
        <property name="targetMethod" value="setFeeding"/>
        <property name="arguments">
      <bean id="FeedConnection"
        <constructor-arg index="0" type="java.lang.String" value="${gsa.feed.host}"/>
        <constructor-arg index="1" type="int" value="${gsa.feed.port}"/>
      <!-- This is used to throttle back the document feed if the GSA has fallen
           behind processing outstanding feed items.  We periodically poll the
           GSA, asking for the count of unprocessed feed items (the backlog count).
           We also define a ceiling and a floor for the backlog count.  If the
           backlog count exceeds the ceiling we pause the feed.  We resume the
           feed once the backlog count drops down below the floor value.
      <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
        <property name="targetObject" ref="FeedConnection"/>
        <property name="targetMethod" value="setBacklogCheck"/>
        <property name="arguments">
      <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
        <property name="staticMethod"
        <property name="arguments">
      <!-- Create a Handler for the Feed Logger and add it to the logger. -->
      <bean id="FeedFormatter" class="java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter"/>
      <bean id="FeedHandler"
        <constructor-arg index="0" value="${feed.logging.FileHandler.pattern}"/>
        <constructor-arg index="1" value="${feed.logging.FileHandler.limit}"/>
        <constructor-arg index="2" value="${feed.logging.FileHandler.count}"/>
        <property name="level" value="FINER"/>
        <property name="encoding" value="UTF-8"/>
        <property name="formatter" ref="FeedFormatter"/>
      <bean id="FeedWrapperLogger"
        <property name="staticMethod"
      <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
        <property name="targetObject" ref="FeedWrapperLogger"/>
        <property name="targetMethod" value="addHandler"/>
        <property name="arguments">
            <ref bean="FeedHandler"/>
      <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
        <property name="targetObject" ref="FeedWrapperLogger"/>
        <property name="targetMethod" value="setUseParentHandlers"/>
        <property name="arguments">
      <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
        <property name="targetObject" ref="FeedWrapperLogger"/>
        <property name="targetMethod" value="setLevel"/>
        <property name="arguments">
      <!-- H2 embedded database configuration. -->
      <!-- TODO: restore when H2 jar is added to third-party/prod
      <bean id="JdbcDataSource"
        <property name="URL" value="${jdbc.datasource.url}"/>
        <property name="user" value="${jdbc.datasource.user}"/>
        <property name="password" value="${jdbc.datasource.password}"/>
      <!-- Persistent Store mechanism used to store the Connector Configuration,
           Connector Schedule, and Connector Traversal State.  By default, this
           information is stored in files in the Connector instance directory.
           Only one PersistentStore bean should be defined at this time.
      <bean id="PersistentStore"
      <!-- Persistent Store mechanism used to store the Connector Configuration,
           Connector Schedule, and Connector Traversal State.  This implementation
           stores the information in a JDBC accessible database.
           Only one PersistentStore bean should be defined at this time.
      <!--jdbc存储连接器配置 调度 状态信息-->
      <bean id="PersistentStore"
        <property name="dataSource" ref="JdbcDataSource"/>
        <property name="createTableDdl" value="${jdbcstore.createtable.ddl}"/>
      <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
        <property name="staticMethod"
        <property name="arguments">
            <ref bean="ConnectorConfigStore"/>
            <ref bean="ConnectorScheduleStore"/>
            <ref bean="ConnectorStateStore"/>
      <!-- Legacy ConnectorStateStore and ConnectorScheduleStore used for
           upgrading existing connectors created by previous versions of
           the Connector Manager.
      <bean id="LegacyConnectorScheduleStores" class="java.util.ArrayList">
            <bean class="com.google.enterprise.connector.persist.PrefsStore"/>
      <bean id="LegacyConnectorStateStores" class="java.util.ArrayList">
            <bean class="com.google.enterprise.connector.persist.PrefsStore"/>
      <bean id="LegacyConnectorConfigStores" class="java.util.ArrayList">
            <!-- No Legacy ConnectorConfigStores at this time -->
      <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
        <property name="staticMethod"
        <property name="arguments">
            <ref bean="LegacyConnectorConfigStores"/>
            <ref bean="LegacyConnectorScheduleStores"/>
            <ref bean="LegacyConnectorStateStores"/>
    <!--bean:ThreadPool PusherFactory LoadManagerFactory供Instantiator引用-->
      <bean id="ThreadPool"
        <constructor-arg index="0" type="int" value="${traversal.time.limit}"/>
      <bean id="PusherFactory"
        <constructor-arg index="0" ref="FeedConnection" />
        <constructor-arg index="1" ref="FileSizeLimitInfo"/>
      <bean id="LoadManagerFactory"
        <property name="feedConnection" ref="FeedConnection"/>
        <property name="fileSizeLimitInfo" ref="FileSizeLimitInfo"/>
        <property name="batchSize" value="${traversal.batch.size}"/>
      <bean id="Instantiator"
        <property name="pusherFactory" ref="PusherFactory" />
        <property name="loadManagerFactory" ref="LoadManagerFactory"/>
        <property name="threadPool" ref="ThreadPool" />
      <bean id="Manager"
        <property name="instantiator" ref="Instantiator"/>
      <bean id="TraversalScheduler"
        <constructor-arg index="0" ref="Instantiator"/>
      <!-- This defines the number of seconds to wait after a Traversal of the
           repository finds no new content before looking again.  By default,
           the Scheduler waits 5 minutes (300 seconds) before retraversing the
           repository if no new content was found on the last attempt.
      <bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingFactoryBean">
        <property name="staticMethod"
        <property name="arguments">
      <!-- The TraversalContext is supplied to the Connector's TraversalManager,
           so that it may make more intelligent decisions about what types of
           content to feed.
      <bean id="TraversalContext"
        <property name="fileSizeLimitInfo" ref="FileSizeLimitInfo"/>
        <property name="mimeTypeMap" ref="MimeTypeMap"/>
        <property name="traversalTimeLimitSeconds" value="${traversal.time.limit}"/>
      <bean id="FileSizeLimitInfo"
        <!-- The maximum allowed size in bytes of a Document's content.
             Documents whose content exceeds maxDocumentSize will still have
             metadata indexed, however the content itself will not be fed.
             Maximum file size accepted by the GSA is 30MB
        <property name="maxDocumentSize" value="${feed.document.size.limit}"/>
        <!-- The target size in bytes of an accumulated feed file.  DocPusher tries
             to collect many feed Documents into a single feed file to improve the
             efficiency of sending feed data to the GSA.  Too many small feeds
             may overrun the GSA's feed processor.  However, specifying too large
             a feed size reduces concurrency and will likely result in OutOfMemory
             errors in the Java VM, especially if using multiple Connector Instances.
             The default feed size is 10MB.
        <property name="maxFeedSize" value="${feed.file.size}"/>
      <bean id="MimeTypeMap"
        <!-- Setting unknownMimeTypeSupportLevel to a positive value will allow
             the GSA to attempt to index the document contents of documents with
             unrecognized content types.  Set unknownMimeTypeSupportLevel to zero
             (or any other non-positive value) to disable sending document content
             for unknown content types to the GSA.  See unsupportedMimeTypes below.
             Note that unknownMimeTypeSupportLevel (from an earlier design) overlaps
             in functionality with the content types (sans subtypes) entries in the
             preferred/supported/unsupported mime types below.  This is only because
             all of the IANA recognized content type classes are well represented
             in the tables below, so very few mime types should end up as "unknown".
             Removing content type (sans subtype) entries from the following sets
             would force more mime types to become "unknown".
             The default value of 1 ranks "unknown" mime types below supported
             mime types (levels 2,3,4,5) and preferred mime types (levels 6,7,8,9),
             but above unsupported mime types (0 and below).
        <property name="unknownMimeTypeSupportLevel" value="1"/>
        <!-- These three properties group most known mime types into three broad
             classes - preferred, supported, and unsupported.  Connectors may
             use this information to optimize their feeds, supplying preferred
             formats over simply supported formats (if both are available), and
             skipping unsupported formats. The entries of each of these three
             classes are a list of content types that may or may not include
             subtypes.  Exact (case-insensitive) matches are attempted first.
             If a match is not found, a match is attempted using just the base
             type without the subtype.
             For instance, suppose these properties were as follows:
             preferredMimeTypes={} (empty), supportedMimeTypes={"foo/bar"},
             unsupportedMimeTypes={"foo", "cat"}.  "Foo/Bar" matches (case-
             insensitively) "foo/bar", so it would be considered supported.
             "Foo/baz" does not have an exact match, but its content type
             (sans subtype) "foo" does have a match in the unsupported table,
             so it should be considered unsupported. Similarly, "cat/persian"
             would be considered unsupported.  "Xyzzy/bar" lacks an exact
             match, and its content type (sans subtype), "xyzzy", is also not
             present, so it would be assigned the unknownMimeTypeSupportLevel.
             Note that modifying entries in these properties may require
             corresponding modifications to the Google Search Appliance Crawl
             and Index administration page.  Similarly, modifications to the
             Crawl and Index page may also require changes to these entries.
        <!-- Sets the preferred mime types to index.
             These mime types require little or no preprocessing
             or file format conversion to extract text and metadata.
        <property name="preferredMimeTypes">
            <!-- Prefer plain text, html, sgml, & xml types  -->
        <!--  Sets the supported mime types to index.
              These mime types may require some preprocessing or
              file format conversion to extract text and metadata.
              Some information may be lost or discarded.
        <property name="supportedMimeTypes">
            <!-- Support various document formats -->
            <!-- Support multipart files with possibly supported subparts -->
            <!-- Catch-all to support other text subtypes -->
        <!-- Sets the unsupported mime types whose content should not be indexed.
             These mime types provide little or no textual content, or are data
             formats that are either unknown or do not have a format converter.
             The connector may still provide meta-data describing the content,
             but the content itself should not be pushed.
             If even the indexing of meta-data for documents of certain types is
             not desired, then move those types to the excludedMimeTypes set, below.
        <property name="unsupportedMimeTypes">
            <!-- Don't feed non-text media types -->
            <!-- Don't feed binary executables -->
            <!-- Don't feed compressed archives -->
            <!-- Catch-all for media types that are not explicitly mentioned above. -->
            <!-- Comment out the following if you want to classify other application
                 subtypes as 'unknown mime type' rather than 'unsupported mime type'.
        <!-- Sets the mime types whose document should not be indexed.
             The connector should skip the document, providing neither meta-data,
             nor the content.
        <property name="excludedMimeTypes">
            <!-- Types explicitly excluded in the default GSA Crawl and Index form. -->
            <!-- Catch-all for media types that are not explicitly mentioned above. -->
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenying99/p/2879231.html
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