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  • Apache Tika源码研究(五)

    Apache Tika是怎么识别待解析文档的mime类型的,是怎么根据mime类型得到相应的解析类Parser的,如果我们添加自定义mime类型以及相应的解析类,又该怎么处理呢?前面的文章还没有具体解决这些关键问题


      <mime-type type="application/activemessage"/>
      <mime-type type="application/andrew-inset">
        <glob pattern="*.ez"/>
      <mime-type type="application/applefile"/>
      <mime-type type="application/applixware">
        <glob pattern="*.aw"/>
      <mime-type type="application/atom+xml">
        <root-XML localName="feed" namespaceURI="http://purl.org/atom/ns#"/>
        <glob pattern="*.atom"/>



     Apache Tika是通过SAX方式来解析该XML文件的,事件处理类MimeTypesReader的源码如下:

    class MimeTypesReader extends DefaultHandler implements MimeTypesReaderMetKeys {
        private final MimeTypes types;
        /** Current type */
        private MimeType type = null;
        private int priority;
        private StringBuilder characters = null;
        MimeTypesReader(MimeTypes types) {
            this.types = types;
        void read(InputStream stream) throws IOException, MimeTypeException {
            try {
                SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
                SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
                parser.parse(stream, this);
            } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
                throw new MimeTypeException("Unable to create an XML parser", e);
            } catch (SAXException e) {
                throw new MimeTypeException("Invalid type configuration", e);
        void read(Document document) throws MimeTypeException {
            try {
                TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
                Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer();
                transformer.transform(new DOMSource(document), new SAXResult(this));
            } catch (TransformerException e) {
                throw new MimeTypeException("Failed to parse type registry", e);
        public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) {
            return new InputSource(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]));
        public void startElement(
                String uri, String localName, String qName,
                Attributes attributes) throws SAXException {
            if (type == null) {
                if (MIME_TYPE_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                    String name = attributes.getValue(MIME_TYPE_TYPE_ATTR);
                    try {
                        type = types.forName(name);
                    } catch (MimeTypeException e) {
                        throw new SAXException(e);
            } else if (ALIAS_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                String alias = attributes.getValue(ALIAS_TYPE_ATTR);
                types.addAlias(type, MediaType.parse(alias));
            } else if (SUB_CLASS_OF_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                String parent = attributes.getValue(SUB_CLASS_TYPE_ATTR);
                types.setSuperType(type, MediaType.parse(parent));
            } else if (COMMENT_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                characters = new StringBuilder();
            } else if (GLOB_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                String pattern = attributes.getValue(PATTERN_ATTR);
                String isRegex = attributes.getValue(ISREGEX_ATTR);
                if (pattern != null) {
                    try {
                        types.addPattern(type, pattern, Boolean.valueOf(isRegex));
                    } catch (MimeTypeException e) {
                        throw new SAXException(e);
            } else if (ROOT_XML_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                String namespace = attributes.getValue(NS_URI_ATTR);
                String name = attributes.getValue(LOCAL_NAME_ATTR);
                type.addRootXML(namespace, name);
            } else if (MATCH_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                String kind = attributes.getValue(MATCH_TYPE_ATTR);
                String offset = attributes.getValue(MATCH_OFFSET_ATTR);
                String value = attributes.getValue(MATCH_VALUE_ATTR);
                String mask = attributes.getValue(MATCH_MASK_ATTR);
                if (kind == null) {
                    kind = "string";
                current = new ClauseRecord(
                        new MagicMatch(type.getType(), kind, offset, value, mask));
            } else if (MAGIC_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                String value = attributes.getValue(MAGIC_PRIORITY_ATTR);
                if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
                    priority = Integer.parseInt(value);
                } else {
                    priority = 50;
                current = new ClauseRecord(null);
        public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) {
            if (type != null) {
                if (MIME_TYPE_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                    type = null;
                } else if (COMMENT_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                    characters = null;
                } else if (MATCH_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                } else if (MAGIC_TAG.equals(qName)) {
                    for (Clause clause : current.getClauses()) {
                        type.addMagic(new Magic(type, priority, clause));
                    current = null;
        public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
            if (characters != null) {
                characters.append(ch, start, length);
        private ClauseRecord current = new ClauseRecord(null);
        private class ClauseRecord {
            private ClauseRecord parent;
            private Clause clause;
            private List<Clause> subclauses = null;
            public ClauseRecord(Clause clause) {
                this.parent = current;
                this.clause = clause;
            public void stop() {
                if (subclauses != null) {
                    Clause subclause;
                    if (subclauses.size() == 1) {
                        subclause = subclauses.get(0);
                    } else {
                        subclause = new OrClause(subclauses);
                    clause = new AndClause(clause, subclause);
                if (parent.subclauses == null) {
                    parent.subclauses = Collections.singletonList(clause);
                } else {
                    if (parent.subclauses.size() == 1) {
                        parent.subclauses = new ArrayList<Clause>(parent.subclauses);
                current = current.parent;
            public List<Clause> getClauses() {
                return subclauses;

     这里的关键方法是void read(InputStream stream),调用SAXParser的parse方法执行事件处理,解析tika-mimetypes.xml文件,初始化MimeTypes types成员变量


     * Creates instances of MimeTypes.
    public class MimeTypesFactory {
         * Creates an empty instance; same as calling new MimeTypes().
         * @return an empty instance
        public static MimeTypes create() {
            return new MimeTypes();
         * Creates and returns a MimeTypes instance from the specified document.
         * @throws MimeTypeException if the type configuration is invalid
        public static MimeTypes create(Document document) throws MimeTypeException {
            MimeTypes mimeTypes = new MimeTypes();
            new MimeTypesReader(mimeTypes).read(document);
            return mimeTypes;
         * Creates and returns a MimeTypes instance from the specified input stream.
         * Does not close the input stream(s).
         * @throws IOException if the stream can not be read
         * @throws MimeTypeException if the type configuration is invalid
        public static MimeTypes create(InputStream... inputStreams)
                throws IOException, MimeTypeException {
            MimeTypes mimeTypes = new MimeTypes();
            MimeTypesReader reader = new MimeTypesReader(mimeTypes);
            for(InputStream inputStream : inputStreams) {
            return mimeTypes;
        /** @see #create(InputStream...) */
        public static MimeTypes create(InputStream stream)
                throws IOException, MimeTypeException {
            return create(new InputStream[] { stream });
         * Creates and returns a MimeTypes instance from the resource
         * at the location specified by the URL.  Opens and closes the
         * InputStream from the URL.
         * If multiple URLs are supplied, then they are loaded in turn. 
         * @throws IOException if the URL can not be accessed
         * @throws MimeTypeException if the type configuration is invalid
        public static MimeTypes create(URL... urls)
                throws IOException, MimeTypeException {
            InputStream[] streams = new InputStream[urls.length];
            for(int i=0; i<streams.length; i++) {
               streams[i] = urls[i].openStream();
            try {
                return create(streams);
            } finally {
                for(InputStream stream : streams) {
        /** @see #create(URL...) */
        public static MimeTypes create(URL url)
                throws IOException, MimeTypeException {
            return create(new URL[] { url });
         * Creates and returns a MimeTypes instance from the specified file path,
         * as interpreted by the class loader in getResource().
         * @throws IOException if the file can not be accessed
         * @throws MimeTypeException if the type configuration is invalid
        public static MimeTypes create(String filePath)
                throws IOException, MimeTypeException {
            return create(MimeTypesReader.class.getResource(filePath));
         * Creates and returns a MimeTypes instance. The core mimetypes
         *  will be loaded from the specified file path, and any custom
         *  override mimetypes found will loaded afterwards.
         * The file paths will be interpreted by the class loader in 
         *  getResource().
         * @param coreFilePath The main MimeTypes file to load
         * @param extensionFilePath The name of extension MimeType files to load afterwards
         * @throws IOException if the file can not be accessed
         * @throws MimeTypeException if the type configuration is invalid
        public static MimeTypes create(String coreFilePath, String extensionFilePath)
                throws IOException, MimeTypeException {
            // This allows us to replicate class.getResource() when using
            //  the classloader directly
            String classPrefix = MimeTypesReader.class.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/') + "/";
            ClassLoader cl = MimeTypesReader.class.getClassLoader();
            // Get the core URL, and all the extensions URLs
            URL coreURL = cl.getResource(classPrefix+coreFilePath);
            List<URL> extensionURLs = Collections.list(
            // Swap that into an Array, and process
            List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>();
            return create( urls.toArray(new URL[urls.size()]) );



    public final class MimeTypes implements Detector, Serializable {
         * Serial version UID.
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1350863170146349036L;
         * Name of the {@link #rootMimeType root} type, application/octet-stream.
        public static final String OCTET_STREAM = "application/octet-stream";
         * Name of the {@link #textMimeType text} type, text/plain.
        public static final String PLAIN_TEXT = "text/plain";
         * Name of the {@link #xml xml} type, application/xml.
        public static final String XML = "application/xml";
         * Root type, application/octet-stream.
        private final MimeType rootMimeType;
         * Text type, text/plain.
        private final MimeType textMimeType;
         * xml type, application/xml
        private final MimeType xmlMimeType;
         * Registered media types and their aliases.
        private final MediaTypeRegistry registry = new MediaTypeRegistry();
        /** All the registered MimeTypes indexed on their canonical names */
        private final Map<MediaType, MimeType> types =
            new HashMap<MediaType, MimeType>();
        /** The patterns matcher */
        private Patterns patterns = new Patterns(registry);
        /** Sorted list of all registered magics */
        private final List<Magic> magics = new ArrayList<Magic>();
        /** Sorted list of all registered rootXML */
        private final List<MimeType> xmls = new ArrayList<MimeType>();
        public MimeTypes() {
            rootMimeType = new MimeType(MediaType.OCTET_STREAM);
            textMimeType = new MimeType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN);
            xmlMimeType = new MimeType(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML);
         * Find the Mime Content Type of a document from its name.
         * Returns application/octet-stream if no better match is found.
         * @deprecated Use {@link Tika#detect(String)} instead
         * @param name of the document to analyze.
         * @return the Mime Content Type of the specified document name
        public MimeType getMimeType(String name) {
            MimeType type = patterns.matches(name);
            if (type != null) {
                return type;
            type = patterns.matches(name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH));
            if (type != null) {
                return type;
            } else {
                return rootMimeType;
         * Find the Mime Content Type of a document stored in the given file.
         * Returns application/octet-stream if no better match is found.
         * @deprecated Use {@link Tika#detect(File)} instead
         * @param file file to analyze
         * @return the Mime Content Type of the specified document
         * @throws MimeTypeException if the type can't be detected
         * @throws IOException if the file can't be read
        public MimeType getMimeType(File file)
                throws MimeTypeException, IOException {
            return forName(new Tika(this).detect(file));
         * Returns the MIME type that best matches the given first few bytes
         * of a document stream. Returns application/octet-stream if no better
         * match is found.
         * <p>
         * The given byte array is expected to be at least {@link #getMinLength()}
         * long, or shorter only if the document stream itself is shorter.
         * @param data first few bytes of a document stream
         * @return matching MIME type
        private MimeType getMimeType(byte[] data) {
            if (data == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data is missing");
            } else if (data.length == 0) {
                // See https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TIKA-483
                return rootMimeType;
            // Then, check for magic bytes
            MimeType result = null;
            for (Magic magic : magics) {
                if (magic.eval(data)) {
                    result = magic.getType();
            if (result != null) {
                // When detecting generic XML (or possibly XHTML),
                // extract the root element and match it against known types
                if ("application/xml".equals(result.getName())
                        || "text/html".equals(result.getName())) {
                    XmlRootExtractor extractor = new XmlRootExtractor();
                    QName rootElement = extractor.extractRootElement(data);
                    if (rootElement != null) {
                        for (MimeType type : xmls) {
                            if (type.matchesXML(
                                    rootElement.getLocalPart())) {
                                result = type;
                    } else if ("application/xml".equals(result.getName())) {
                        // Downgrade from application/xml to text/plain since
                        // the document seems not to be well-formed.
                        result = textMimeType;
                return result;
            // Finally, assume plain text if no control bytes are found
            try {
                TextDetector detector = new TextDetector(getMinLength());
                ByteArrayInputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
                return forName(detector.detect(stream, new Metadata()).toString());
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return rootMimeType;
         * Reads the first {@link #getMinLength()} bytes from the given stream.
         * If the stream is shorter, then the entire content of the stream is
         * returned.
         * <p>
         * The given stream is never {@link InputStream#close() closed},
         * {@link InputStream#mark(int) marked}, or
         * {@link InputStream#reset() reset} by this method.
         * @param stream stream to be read
         * @return first {@link #getMinLength()} (or fewer) bytes of the stream
         * @throws IOException if the stream can not be read
        private byte[] readMagicHeader(InputStream stream) throws IOException {
            if (stream == null) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("InputStream is missing");
            byte[] bytes = new byte[getMinLength()];
            int totalRead = 0;
            int lastRead = stream.read(bytes);
            while (lastRead != -1) {
                totalRead += lastRead;
                if (totalRead == bytes.length) {
                    return bytes;
                lastRead = stream.read(bytes, totalRead, bytes.length - totalRead);
            byte[] shorter = new byte[totalRead];
            System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, shorter, 0, totalRead);
            return shorter;
         * Returns the registered media type with the given name (or alias).
         * The named media type is automatically registered (and returned) if
         * it doesn't already exist.
         * @param name media type name (case-insensitive)
         * @return the registered media type with the given name or alias
         * @throws MimeTypeException if the given media type name is invalid
        public MimeType forName(String name) throws MimeTypeException {
            MediaType type = MediaType.parse(name);
            if (type != null) {
                MediaType normalisedType = registry.normalize(type);
                MimeType mime = types.get(normalisedType);
                if (mime == null) {
                    synchronized (this) {
                       // Double check it didn't already get added while 
                       //  we were waiting for the lock
                       mime = types.get(normalisedType);
                       if (mime == null) {
                          mime = new MimeType(type);
                          types.put(type, mime);
                return mime;
            } else {
                throw new MimeTypeException("Invalid media type name: " + name);
        public synchronized void setSuperType(MimeType type, MediaType parent) {
            registry.addSuperType(type.getType(), parent);
         * Adds an alias for the given media type. This method should only
         * be called from {@link MimeType#addAlias(String)}.
         * @param type media type
         * @param alias media type alias (normalized to lower case)
        synchronized void addAlias(MimeType type, MediaType alias) {
            registry.addAlias(type.getType(), alias);
         * Adds a file name pattern for the given media type. Assumes that the
         * pattern being added is <b>not</b> a JDK standard regular expression.
         * @param type
         *            media type
         * @param pattern
         *            file name pattern
         * @throws MimeTypeException
         *             if the pattern conflicts with existing ones
        public void addPattern(MimeType type, String pattern)
                throws MimeTypeException {
            this.addPattern(type, pattern, false);
         * Adds a file name pattern for the given media type. The caller can specify
         * whether the pattern being added <b>is</b> or <b>is not</b> a JDK standard
         * regular expression via the <code>isRegex</code> parameter. If the value
         * is set to true, then a JDK standard regex is assumed, otherwise the
         * freedesktop glob type is assumed.
         * @param type
         *            media type
         * @param pattern
         *            file name pattern
         * @param isRegex
         *            set to true if JDK std regexs are desired, otherwise set to
         *            false.
         * @throws MimeTypeException
         *             if the pattern conflicts with existing ones.
        public void addPattern(MimeType type, String pattern, boolean isRegex)
                throws MimeTypeException {
            patterns.add(pattern, isRegex, type);
        public MediaTypeRegistry getMediaTypeRegistry() {
            return registry;
         * Return the minimum length of data to provide to analyzing methods based
         * on the document's content in order to check all the known MimeTypes.
         * @return the minimum length of data to provide.
         * @see #getMimeType(byte[])
         * @see #getMimeType(String, byte[])
        public int getMinLength() {
            // This needs to be reasonably large to be able to correctly detect
            // things like XML root elements after initial comment and DTDs
            return 64 * 1024;
         * Add the specified mime-type in the repository.
         * @param type
         *            is the mime-type to add.
        void add(MimeType type) {
            types.put(type.getType(), type);
            // Update the magics index...
            if (type.hasMagic()) {
            // Update the xml (xmlRoot) index...
            if (type.hasRootXML()) {
         * Called after all configured types have been loaded.
         * Initializes the magics and xmls sets.
        void init() {
            for (MimeType type : types.values()) {
                if (type.hasRootXML()) {
         * Automatically detects the MIME type of a document based on magic
         * markers in the stream prefix and any given metadata hints.
         * <p>
         * The given stream is expected to support marks, so that this method
         * can reset the stream to the position it was in before this method
         * was called.
         * @param input document stream, or <code>null</code>
         * @param metadata metadata hints
         * @return MIME type of the document
         * @throws IOException if the document stream could not be read
        public MediaType detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)
                throws IOException {
            MediaType type = MediaType.OCTET_STREAM;
            // Get type based on magic prefix
            if (input != null) {
                try {
                    byte[] prefix = readMagicHeader(input);
                    type = getMimeType(prefix).getType();
                } finally {
            // Get type based on resourceName hint (if available)
            String resourceName = metadata.get(Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY);
            if (resourceName != null) {
                String name = null;
                // Deal with a URI or a path name in as the resource  name
                try {
                    URI uri = new URI(resourceName);
                    String path = uri.getPath();
                    if (path != null) {
                        int slash = path.lastIndexOf('/');
                        if (slash + 1 < path.length()) {
                            name = path.substring(slash + 1);
                } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                    name = resourceName;
                if (name != null) {
                    MediaType hint = getMimeType(name).getType();
                    if (registry.isSpecializationOf(hint, type)) {
                        type = hint;
            // Get type based on metadata hint (if available)
            String typeName = metadata.get(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE);
            if (typeName != null) {
                try {
                    MediaType hint = forName(typeName).getType();
                    if (registry.isSpecializationOf(hint, type)) {
                        type = hint;
                } catch (MimeTypeException e) {
                    // Malformed type name, ignore
            return type;
        private static MimeTypes DEFAULT_TYPES = null;
         * Get the default MimeTypes. This includes all the build in
         * media types, and any custom override ones present.
         * @return MimeTypes default type registry
        public static synchronized MimeTypes getDefaultMimeTypes() {
            if (DEFAULT_TYPES == null) {
                try {
                    DEFAULT_TYPES = MimeTypesFactory.create(
                            "tika-mimetypes.xml", "custom-mimetypes.xml");
                } catch (MimeTypeException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            "Unable to parse the default media type registry", e);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            "Unable to read the default media type registry", e);
            return DEFAULT_TYPES;

     该类重要的方法是static synchronized MimeTypes getDefaultMimeTypes()方法和MediaType detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)方法



    MimeType getMimeType(byte[] data)

    byte[] readMagicHeader(InputStream stream)

    供MediaType detect(InputStream input, Metadata metadata)内部调用

    其他方法如synchronized void setSuperType(MimeType type, MediaType parent)

    synchronized void addAlias(MimeType type, MediaType alias)

    void addPattern(MimeType type, String pattern, boolean isRegex)


    MimeTypes对象持有final MediaTypeRegistry registry = new MediaTypeRegistry()成员变量,在MimeTypesReader对象执行事件处理方法时通过MimeTypes对象实例的相关方法执行对该成员变量的初始化,最后完成对tika-mimetypes.xml文件中提供的mime类型的注册,下面分析它的源码:

     * Registry of known Internet media types.
    public class MediaTypeRegistry implements Serializable {
        /** Serial version UID */
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 4710974869988895410L;
         * Returns the built-in media type registry included in Tika.
         * @since Apache Tika 0.8
         * @return default media type registry
        public static MediaTypeRegistry getDefaultRegistry() {
            return MimeTypes.getDefaultMimeTypes().getMediaTypeRegistry();
         * Registry of known media types, including type aliases. A canonical
         * media type is handled as an identity mapping, while an alias is stored
         * as a mapping from the alias to the corresponding canonical type.
        private final Map<MediaType, MediaType> registry =
            new HashMap<MediaType, MediaType>();
         * Known type inheritance relationships. The mapping is from a media type
         * to the closest supertype.
        private final Map<MediaType, MediaType> inheritance =
            new HashMap<MediaType, MediaType>();
         * Returns the set of all known canonical media types. Type aliases are
         * not included in the returned set.
         * @since Apache Tika 0.8
         * @return canonical media types
        public SortedSet<MediaType> getTypes() {
            return new TreeSet<MediaType>(registry.values());
         * Returns the set of known aliases of the given canonical media type.
         * @since Apache Tika 0.8
         * @param type canonical media type
         * @return known aliases
        public SortedSet<MediaType> getAliases(MediaType type) {
            SortedSet<MediaType> aliases = new TreeSet<MediaType>();
            for (Map.Entry<MediaType, MediaType> entry : registry.entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getValue().equals(type) && !entry.getKey().equals(type)) {
            return aliases;
        public void addType(MediaType type) {
            registry.put(type, type);
        public void addAlias(MediaType type, MediaType alias) {
            registry.put(alias, type);
        public void addSuperType(MediaType type, MediaType supertype) {
            inheritance.put(type, supertype);
        public MediaType normalize(MediaType type) {
            if (type == null) {
                return null;
            MediaType canonical = registry.get(type.getBaseType());
            if (canonical == null) {
                return type;
            } else if (type.hasParameters()) {
                return new MediaType(canonical, type.getParameters());
            } else {
                return canonical;
         * Checks whether the given media type a is a specialization of a more
         * generic type b. Both types should be already normalised.
         * @since Apache Tika 0.8
         * @param a media type, normalised
         * @param b suspected supertype, normalised
         * @return <code>true</code> if b is a supertype of a,
         *         <code>false</code> otherwise
        public boolean isSpecializationOf(MediaType a, MediaType b) {
            return isInstanceOf(getSupertype(a), b);
         * Checks whether the given media type equals the given base type or
         * is a specialization of it. Both types should be already normalised.
         * @since Apache Tika 1.2
         * @param a media type, normalised
         * @param b base type, normalised
         * @return <code>true</code> if b equals a or is a specialization of it,
         *         <code>false</code> otherwise
        public boolean isInstanceOf(MediaType a, MediaType b) {
            return a != null && (a.equals(b) || isSpecializationOf(a, b));
         * Parses and normalises the given media type string and checks whether
         * the result equals the given base type or is a specialization of it.
         * The given base type should already be normalised.
         * @since Apache Tika 1.2
         * @param a media type
         * @param b base type, normalised
         * @return <code>true</code> if b equals a or is a specialization of it,
         *         <code>false</code> otherwise
        public boolean isInstanceOf(String a, MediaType b) {
            return isInstanceOf(normalize(MediaType.parse(a)), b);
         * Returns the supertype of the given type. If the given type has any
         * parameters, then the respective base type is returned. Otherwise
         * built-in heuristics like text/... -&gt; text/plain and
         * .../...+xml -&gt; application/xml are used in addition to explicit
         * type inheritance rules read from the media type database. Finally
         * application/octet-stream is returned for all types for which no other
         * supertype is known, and the return value for application/octet-stream
         * is <code>null</code>.
         * @since Apache Tika 0.8
         * @param type media type
         * @return supertype, or <code>null</code> for application/octet-stream
        public MediaType getSupertype(MediaType type) {
            if (type == null) {
                return null;
            } else if (type.hasParameters()) {
                return type.getBaseType();
            } else if (inheritance.containsKey(type)) {
                return inheritance.get(type);
            } else if (type.getSubtype().endsWith("+xml")) {
                return MediaType.APPLICATION_XML;
            } else if (type.getSubtype().endsWith("+zip")) {
                return MediaType.APPLICATION_ZIP;
            } else if ("text".equals(type.getType())
                    && !MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN.equals(type)) {
                return MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN;
            } else if (!MediaType.OCTET_STREAM.equals(type)) {
                return MediaType.OCTET_STREAM;
            } else {
                return null;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chenying99/p/2950386.html
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