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  • 如何使用 C++ Inja html template 模板

    C++ html template

    Inja是现代C ++的模板引擎,受到jinja for python的启发。它有一个简单而强大的模板语法,包含所有变量,循环,条件,包含,回调,您需要的注释,嵌套和组合,如您所愿。Inja使用nlohmann 的精彩json库进行数据输入和处理。最重要的是,inja只需要两个头文件,这几乎与C ++中的集成一样简单。




    使用 json 对象渲染 std::string 字符串模板

    json data;
    data["name"] = "world";
    render("Hello {{ name }}!", data); // Returns std::string "Hello world!"
    render_to(std::cout, "Hello {{ name }}!", data); // Prints "Hello world!"


    Environment env;
    // Render a string with json data
    std::string result = env.render("Hello {{ name }}!", data); // "Hello world!"
    // Or directly read a template file
    Template temp = env.parse_template("./templates/greeting.txt");
    std::string result = env.render(temp, data); // "Hello world!"
    data["name"] = "Inja";
    std::string result = env.render(temp, data); // "Hello Inja!"
    // Or read the template file (and/or the json file) directly from the environment
    result = env.render_file("./templates/greeting.txt", data);
    result = env.render_file_with_json_file("./templates/greeting.txt", "./data.json");
    // Or write a rendered template file
    env.write(temp, data, "./result.txt");
    env.write_with_json_file("./templates/greeting.txt", "./data.json", "./result.txt");


    // With default settings
    Environment env_default;
    // With global path to template files and where files will be saved
    Environment env_1 {"../path/templates/"};
    // With separate input and output path
    Environment env_2 {"../path/templates/", "../path/results/"};
    // Choose between dot notation (like Jinja2) and JSON pointer to access elements
    env.set_element_notation(ElementNotation::Dot); // (default) e.g. time.start
    env.set_element_notation(ElementNotation::Pointer); // e.g. time/start
    // With other opening and closing strings (here the defaults)
    env.set_expression("{{", "}}"); // Expressions
    env.set_comment("{#", "#}"); // Comments
    env.set_statement("{%", "%}"); // Statements {% %} for many things, see below
    env.set_line_statement("##"); // Line statements ## (just an opener)


    变量在 {{...}} 表达式中呈现。

    json data;
    data["neighbour"] = "Peter";
    data["guests"] = {"Jeff", "Tom", "Patrick"};
    data["time"]["start"] = 16;
    data["time"]["end"] = 22;
    // Indexing in array
    render("{{ guests.1 }}", data); // "Tom"
    // Objects
    render("{{ time.start }} to {{ time.end }}pm", data); // "16 to 22pm"


    可以使用 {%...%} 语法或整个行的##语法编写语句。


    // Combining loops and line statements
    render(R"(Guest List:
    ## for guest in guests
    	{{ loop.index1 }}: {{ guest }}
    ## endfor )", data)
    /* Guest List:
    	1: Jeff
    	2: Tom
    	3: Patrick */

    在循环中,定义了特殊变量loop / index(number)loop / index1(number)loop / is_first(boolean)loop / is_last(boolean)
    在嵌套循环中,父循环变量是可用的,例如,通过 loop/parent/index 。您还可以迭代{%for key,value in time%}等对象。


    条件语句支持 ifelse ifelse 语句。

    // Standard comparisons with variable
    render("{% if time.hour >= 18 %}…{% endif %}", data); // True
    // Variable in list
    render("{% if neighbour in guests %}…{% endif %}", data); // True
    // Logical operations
    render("{% if guest_count < 5 and all_tired %}…{% endif %}", data); // True
    // Negations
    render("{% if not guest_count %}…{% endif %}", data); // True



    // Other template files are included relative from the current file location
    render({% include "footer.html" %}, data);
    // To include in-memory templates, add them to the environment first
    env.include_template("footer", temp);
    render({% include "footer" %}, data);


    在实现 inja 模板语法的过程中,我们实现了一些内置常用函数。

    // Upper and lower function, for string cases
    render("Hello {{ upper(neighbour) }}!", data); // "Hello PETER!"
    render("Hello {{ lower(neighbour) }}!", data); // "Hello peter!"
    // Range function, useful for loops
    render("{% for i in range(4) %}{{ loop.index1 }}{% endfor %}", data); // "1234"
    render("{% for i in range(3) %}{{ at(guests, i) }} {% endfor %}", data); // "Jeff Tom Patrick "
    // Length function (please don't combine with range, use list directly...)
    render("I count {{ length(guests) }} guests.", data); // "I count 3 guests."
    // Get first and last element in a list
    render("{{ first(guests) }} was first.", data); // "Jeff was first."
    render("{{ last(guests) }} was last.", data); // "Patir was last."
    // Sort a list
    render("{{ sort([3,2,1]) }}", data); // "[1,2,3]"
    render("{{ sort(guests) }}", data); // "["Jeff", "Patrick", "Tom"]"
    // Round numbers to a given precision
    render("{{ round(3.1415, 0) }}", data); // 3
    render("{{ round(3.1415, 3) }}", data); // 3.142
    // Check if a value is odd, even or divisible by a number
    render("{{ odd(42) }}", data); // false
    render("{{ even(42) }}", data); // true
    render("{{ divisibleBy(42, 7) }}", data); // true
    // Maximum and minimum values from a list
    render("{{ max([1, 2, 3]) }}", data); // 3
    render("{{ min([-2.4, -1.2, 4.5]) }}", data); // -2.4
    // Convert strings to numbers
    render("{{ int("2") == 2 }}", data); // true
    render("{{ float("1.8") > 2 }}", data); // false
    // Set default values if variables are not defined
    render("Hello {{ default(neighbour, "my friend") }}!", data); // "Hello Peter!"
    render("Hello {{ default(colleague, "my friend") }}!", data); // "Hello my friend!"
    // Check if a key exists in an object
    render("{{ exists("guests") }}", data); // "true"
    render("{{ exists("city") }}", data); // "false"
    render("{{ existsIn(time, "start") }}", data); // "true"
    render("{{ existsIn(time, neighbour) }}", data); // "false"
    // Check if a key is a specific type
    render("{{ isString(neighbour) }}", data); // "true"
    render("{{ isArray(guests) }}", data); // "true"
    // Implemented type checks: isArray, isBoolean, isFloat, isInteger, isNumber, isObject, isString,



    • 函数名称
    • 参数数量
    • 函数实现
    Environment env;
     * Callbacks are defined by its:
     * - name
     * - number of arguments
     * - callback function. Implemented with std::function, you can for example use lambdas.
    env.add_callback("double", 1, [](Arguments& args) {
    	int number = args.at(0)->get<int>(); // Adapt the index and type of the argument
    	return 2 * number;
    // You can then use a callback like a regular function
    env.render("{{ double(16) }}", data); // "32"
    // A callback without argument can be used like a dynamic variable:
    std::string greet = "Hello";
    env.add_callback("double-greetings", 0, [greet](Arguments args) {
    	return greet + " " + greet + "!";
    env.render("{{ double-greetings }}", data); // "Hello Hello!"


    可以使用 {#...#} 语法编写注释

    render("Hello{# Todo #}!", data); // "Hello!"


    Inja使用string_view从C ++ 17,但包括填充工具从martinmoene。这样,最低版本是C ++ 11。目前,以下编译器已经经过测试:

    • GCC 5.0 - 8.0
    • Clang 5.0 - 6.0
    • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 - 2017
  • 相关阅读:
    重温数据结构01 基本概念
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/cheungxiongwei/p/10955060.html
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