- Chinese soldiers are the most lovable people. 中国军人是最可爱的人。——2021.08.01
- Every problem is an opportunity. 问题即机遇。——2021.08.02
- True friendship is a rare thing. 人生难得遇知己。——2021.08.03
- Don't let emotion cloud your judgement. 不要要情绪影响你的判断。——2021.08.04
- Part of life is learning to let things go. 学会放手是人生的一部分。——2021.08.05
- Don't judge a book by its cover. 人不可貌相。——2021.08.06
- There are too many talented people who are willing to work hard. 这世界不缺愿意奋斗的天才。——2021.08.07
- We should never be ashamed of what we've gone through. 往事莫悔。——2021.08.08
- Don't ever change. 莫忘初心。——2021.08.09
- You gotta grab what you can when you can. 机不可失,时不可待。——2021.08.10
- We need to be thinking about tomorrow. So we keep going. 我思考明日,是故吾继。——2021.08.11
- Be yourself, that is a magic stronger than any wish. 坚守本心,远胜许愿。——2021.08.12
- You have got to put the past behind you before you can move on. 不恋过往,砥砺前行。——2021.08.13
- You just tell me what you want and I'll be that for you. 诉你所想,赴你所愿。——2021.08.14
- Everything we do with our abilities is our responsibility. 力之所为,一切皆责。——2021.08.15
- With determination and perspiration, you can become an inspiration. 坚定信念并为此付出努力,你也可以成为别人的榜样。——2021.08.16
- Things have a way of always working out right. 车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直。——2021.08.17
- People are afraid of what they don't understand. 恐惧源于未知。——2021.08.18
- If you want something, go get it.如果你有理想的话说就要努力实现。——2021.08.19
- We can do anything, everyday we'll ride some place new. 别怕!我能陪你做任何事,去任何地方。——2021.08.20
- Home is where my family is. 家人之所在,家之所在。——2021.08.21
- A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart. 英雄以心之力以度,非其力之大小以横。——2021.08.22
- It's what you do right now that makes a different. 积累硅步,立于现实,改变现实。——2021.08.23
- No excellent can be acquired without constant practice. 千锤百炼,玉汝于成。——2021.08.24
- A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. 一个人常常在逃避命运的路上遭受命运。——2021.08.25
- Honesty is your best defense and offense. 以诚为本,进退无忧。——2021.08.26
- You never know what hand you're going to get dealt next. 世事难料,且行且知。——2021.08.27
- You can never replace anyone because everyone is made of such beautiful specific details. 人皆美丽,无可代替。——2021.08.28
- Every pain has a purpose. 痛苦皆有它的意义。——2021.08.29
- But why wait? Dream it now. 何需等待,逐梦当下。——2021.08.30
- I believe that everyone deserves a shot at redemption. 救赎之道,苍生皆允。——2021.08.31