[(method, 'error message', list_of_field_names), ...]
method: 是对象的方法,该方法的格式为:
error message: 不符合检查条件(method返回False)时的错误信息。
list_of_field_names: 字段名列表,这些字段的值会出现在error message中。通常列出能帮助用户理解错误的字段。
def _constraint_sum(self, cr, uid, ids): cr.execute('SELECT a.currency_id FROM account_move m, account_move_line l, account_account a WHERE m.id=l.move_id AND l.account_id=a.id AND m.id IN ('+','.join(map(str, ids))+') GROUP BY a.currency_id') if len(cr.fetchall()) >= 2: return True cr.execute('SELECT abs(SUM(l.amount)) FROM account_move m LEFT JOIN account_move_line l ON (m.id=l.move_id) WHERE m.id IN ('+','.join(map(str, ids))+')') res = cr.fetchone()[0] return res < 0.01 _constraints = [ (_constraint_sum, 'Error: the sum of all amounts should be zero.', ['name']) ]
_sql_constraints 和 _order
_sql_constraints = [ ('code_company_uniq', 'unique (code,company_id)', 'The code of the account must be unique per company !') ]
CONSTRAINT ObjectName_code_company_uniq UNIQUE(code, company_id)