SELECT CONCAT( ROUND( / t2.totalCount * 100, 2 ), '%' ) AS LocalPercent, t1.school_task_id, 0 as NonlocalPercent FROM ( select count(a.student_task_id) AS total ,school_task_id FROM tb_student_task a LEFT JOIN tb_student_result b on b.student_task_id=a.student_task_id WHERE a.task_id =8 and is_local_register=1 GROUP BY school_task_id ) t1, ( SELECT count(*) AS totalCount FROM tb_student_task where is_local_register=1 and task_id=8 ) t2 UNION All SELECT 0 as LocalPercent , t1.school_task_id, CONCAT( ROUND( / t2.totalCount * 100, 2 ), '%' ) AS NonlocalPercent FROM ( select count(a.student_task_id) AS total ,school_task_id FROM tb_student_task a LEFT JOIN tb_student_result b on b.student_task_id=a.student_task_id WHERE a.task_id =8 and is_local_register=0 GROUP BY school_task_id ) t1, ( SELECT count(*) AS totalCount FROM tb_student_task where is_local_register=0 and task_id=8 ) t2