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  • migrate数据库迁移


    由于Yii migrate 生成的迁移文件默认是存放在 app/migrations 目录下面,如果想要生成的迁移文件到自己指定的目录(例如 dir/migrations),加上如下参数:

    yii migrate/create test_table -p=@dir/migrations


    yii migrate/create test_table --db=dbName


    查看migrate帮助: ./yii help migrate

    生成一个迁移文件的命令:./yii migrate/create  test_table -p=@dir/migrations  --db=dbName

    执行该迁移文件可使用  ./yii migrate/to  m180227_023510_test_table -p=@dir/migrations --db=dbName

    查看 dbName 的最近 n 条历史记录:./yii migrate/history n

    还原 dbName 最近的 n 条数据库迁移: ./yii migrate/down n --db=dbName

    还原上一次执行的迁移文件可使用  ./yii migrate/down  -p=@dir/migrations 

    执行全部 migrations :./yii migrate/auto

    执行某个特定目录下面的migrations :./yii migrate -p=@dir/migrations/test  --db=dbName


    1、migrate 的标准格式:

     * @purpose : migrate的标准格式
     * @author :  daicr
     * @time   :  2018-05-7
     * */
    use yiidbMigration;
    class m180505_051217_table_name_init extends Migration
        public $db = 'db1';
        public $tableName = 'table_name';
        public function init()
            //$this->tableName = 'db2.table_name_2';  // 如果要修改另一个库的表加上这句
        public function up()
            $tableOptions = null;
                $tableOptions = 'CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ENGINE=InnoDB';
            ],$tableOptions.' COMMENT "用户表"');
        public function down()
            return true;

    2、在迁移文件中执行原生 sql :

    public function safeUp()
        INSERT INTO tableName VALUES ('1', 'value1', 'value2', 'value3');
        INSERT INTO tableName VALUES ('2', 'value1', 'value2', 'value3');


        public function up()
            $this->addColumn($this->tableName,'test_field', $this->integer(11)->notNull()->defaultValue(0)->comment('测试字段'));
        public function down()
            $this->dropColumn($this->tableName, 'im_customer_id');
            return true;


    use yiidbMigration;
     * @purpose: xxx模块儿表迁移文件
     * Class m190528_031851_organize_tables_init
    class m190528_031851_fusionpbx_tables_init extends Migration
        public $db = 'dbConf';
        public $tableName = 'conf_field';
        public function init()
            $this->db = 'dbConf';
         * {@inheritdoc}
        public function safeUp()
            $map = call_user_func([$this,'map']);
            foreach($map as $key => $val){
                $data = $this->migrateSchema($key,call_user_func([$this,$val]));
                $this->batchInsert($this->tableName, array_keys($data[0]), $data);
         * {@inheritdoc}
        public function safeDown()
            $map = call_user_func([$this,'map']);
            foreach ($map as $key => $val){
                $arrField = call_user_func([$this,$val]);
                foreach ($arrField as $v){
            return true;
        * @purpose: 定义表和表字段方法的对应关系
        * @return array
        public function map()
            return [
                'user' => 'defineUserTable',
                'dept' => 'defineDeptTable',
         * @purpose: 合并默认值和私有值
         * @param string $table 表明
         * @param array $data 各个字段的私有值
         * @return array $data 合并后的数组
        public function migrateSchema($table,$data)
            $default = [
                'company_id' => COMPANY_ID,     //企业编号
                'branch_id' => BRANCH_ID,         //网点编号
                'belong_module' => 'organize',    //所属模块, ticket:工单 crm:客户资料
                'table_name' => $table,            //字段所属表名
                'table_type' => '',                //所属类型(如工单的业务类型)
                'field_name' => '',                //字段名
                'field_label' => '',            //字段标签
                'field_type' => 'cf',            //字段类型  fixed:固定字段 cf:自定义字段
                'extra_fields' => '',            //固定字段输出时需额外获取的字段
                'input_type' => 'text',            //输入控件类型
                'input_options' => '',            //输入控件的选项值,以json格式组织
                'default_value' => '',            //字段默认值
                'max_length' => 100,            //最大长度
                'is_enabled' => 1,                //是否启用
                'is_required' => 0,                //是否必填
                'is_uniqued' => 0,                //是否唯一
                'sequence' => 0,                //排序
                'visible_set' => '',            //可见设置,以逗号分隔的集合(new,edit,detail,search,list,export)
                'visible_set_default'=>'',        //默认显示值是否可修改
                'is_edit_readonly'=>0,            //是否编辑页只读
                'is_add_readonly'=>0,            //是否添加页只读
                'created_by' => 'sys',            //创建人工号
                'created_by_name' => '',        //创建人姓名
                'created_at' => time(),            //创建时间
                'updated_by' => 'sys',            //更新人
                'updated_by_name' => '',        //更新人姓名
                'updated_at' => time(),            //更新时间
            foreach($data as $key => $val){
                $data[$key] = yiihelpersArrayHelper::merge($default,$val);
            return $data;
         * @purpose: 定义用户字段
         * @return array
        public function defineUserTable()
            return [
                    'belong_module' => 'fusionpbx',
                    'table_name' => 'user',
                    'field_name' => 'id',
                    'field_label' => '主键ID',
                    'field_type' => 'fixed',
                    'input_type' => 'number',
                    'extra_fields' => '',
                    'max_length' => 100,
                    'is_enabled' => 1,
                    'is_required' => 1,
                    'is_uniqued' => 1,
                    'sequence' => 1,
                    'visible_set' => '',
                    'visible_set_default' => '{"new": {"disabled": true},"edit": {"disabled": true},"detail": {"disabled": true},"is_enabled": {"disabled": true},"is_uniqued":{"disabled": true}, "is_required": {"disabled": true}}',
                    'is_edit_readonly' => 0,
                    'is_add_readonly' => 0,
                    'belong_module' => 'fusionpbx',
                    'table_name' => 'user',
                    'field_name' => 'user_name',
                    'field_label' => '姓名',
                    'field_type' => 'fixed',
                    'input_type' => 'text',
                    'extra_fields' => '',
                    'max_length' => 100,
                    'is_enabled' => 1,
                    'is_required' => 1,
                    'is_uniqued' => 0,
                    'sequence' => 2,
                    'visible_set' => 'new,edit,detail,search,list,export',
                    'visible_set_default' => '{"new": {"disabled": true},"edit": {"disabled": true},"detail": {"disabled": true},"is_enabled": {"disabled": true},"is_uniqued":{"disabled": true}, "is_required": {"disabled": true}}',
                    'is_edit_readonly' => 0,
                    'is_add_readonly' => 0,
         * @purpose: 定义部门字段
         * @return array
        public function defineDeptTable()
                return [
                    'belong_module' => 'fusionpbx',
                    'table_name' => 'dept',
                    'field_name' => 'id',
                    'field_label' => '主键ID',
                    'field_type' => 'fixed',
                    'input_type' => 'number',
                    'extra_fields' => '',
                    'max_length' => 100,
                    'is_enabled' => 1,
                    'is_required' => 1,
                    'is_uniqued' => 1,
                    'sequence' => 1,
                    'visible_set' => '',
                    'visible_set_default' => '{"new": {"disabled": true},"edit": {"disabled": true},"detail": {"disabled": true},"is_enabled": {"disabled": true},"is_uniqued":{"disabled": true}, "is_required": {"disabled": true}}',
                    'is_edit_readonly' => 0,
                    'is_add_readonly' => 0,
                    'belong_module' => 'fusionpbx',
                    'table_name' => 'dept',
                    'field_name' => 'dept_name',
                    'field_label' => '部门名称',
                    'field_type' => 'fixed',
                    'input_type' => 'text',
                    'extra_fields' => '',
                    'max_length' => 100,
                    'is_enabled' => 1,
                    'is_required' => 1,
                    'is_uniqued' => 0,
                    'sequence' => 2,
                    'visible_set' => 'new,edit,detail,search,list,export',
                    'visible_set_default' => '{"new": {"disabled": true},"edit": {"disabled": true},"detail": {"disabled": true},"is_enabled": {"disabled": true},"is_uniqued":{"disabled": true}, "is_required": {"disabled": true}}',
                    'is_edit_readonly' => 0,
                    'is_add_readonly' => 0,



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chrdai/p/8477269.html
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