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  • 页面实现的平滑效果

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                    <a href="#st-panel-1">Serendipity</a>
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                    <a href="#st-panel-2">Happiness</a>
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                    <a href="#st-panel-3">Tranquillity</a>
                    <input type="radio" name="radio-set" id="st-control-4" />
                    <a href="#st-panel-4">Positivity</a>
                    <input type="radio" name="radio-set" id="st-control-5" />
                    <a href="#st-panel-5">Passion</a>
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                    <div class="st-scroll">
                        <section class="st-panel " id="st-panel-1">
                            <!-- 图片 -->
                            <div class="st-desc" data-icon="H">
                            <p>Banksy adipisicing eiusmod banh mi sed.Squid stumptown est odd fature nisi,commodo mlkshk pop-up adipisicing retro.</p>
                        <section class="st-panel st-color" id="st-panel-2">
                            <!-- 图片 -->
                            <div class="st-desc" data-icon="2">
                            <p>Banksy adipisicing eiusmod banh mi sed.Squid stumptown est odd fature nisi,commodo mlkshk pop-up adipisicing retro.</p>
                        <section class="st-panel" id="st-panel-3">
                            <!-- 图片 -->
                            <div class="st-desc" data-icon="B">
                            <p>Banksy adipisicing eiusmod banh mi sed.Squid stumptown est odd fature nisi,commodo mlkshk pop-up adipisicing retro.</p>
                        <section class="st-panel st-color" id="st-panel-4">
                            <!-- 图片 -->
                            <div class="st-desc" data-icon="S">
                            <p>Banksy adipisicing eiusmod banh mi sed.Squid stumptown est odd fature nisi,commodo mlkshk pop-up adipisicing retro.</p>
                        <section class="st-panel" id="st-panel-5">
                            <!-- 图片 -->
                            <div class="st-desc" data-icon="G">
                            <p>Banksy adipisicing eiusmod banh mi sed.Squid stumptown est odd fature nisi,commodo mlkshk pop-up adipisicing retro.</p>
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chrisghb8812/p/5682176.html
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