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  • Client Certificate and Certificate Verify in rfc5246 客户端证书


    7.3.  Handshake Protocol Overview

    The TLS Handshake Protocol involves the following steps:

       -  Exchange hello messages to agree on algorithms, exchange random
          values, and check for session resumption.

       -  Exchange the necessary cryptographic parameters to allow the
          client and server to agree on a premaster secret.

       -  Exchange certificates and cryptographic information to allow the
          client and server to authenticate themselves.

       -  Generate a master secret from the premaster secret and exchanged
          random values.

       -  Provide security parameters to the record layer.

       -  Allow the client and server to verify that their peer has
          calculated the same security parameters and that the handshake
          occurred without tampering by an attacker.

    Following the hello messages, the server will send its certificate in
       a Certificate message if it is to be authenticated.  Additionally, a
       ServerKeyExchange message may be sent, if it is required (e.g., if
       the server has no certificate, or if its certificate is for signing
       only).  If the server is authenticated, it may request a certificate
       from the client, if that is appropriate to the cipher suite selected.
       Next, the server will send the ServerHelloDone message, indicating
       that the hello-message phase of the handshake is complete.  The
       server will then wait for a client response.  If the server has sent
       a CertificateRequest message, the client MUST send the Certificate
       message.  The ClientKeyExchange message is now sent, and the content
       of that message will depend on the public key algorithm selected
       between the ClientHello and the ServerHello.  If the client has sent
       a certificate with signing ability, a digitally-signed
       CertificateVerify message is sent to explicitly verify possession of
       the private key in the certificate.

    7.4.6.  Client Certificate

       When this message will be sent:

          This is the first message the client can send after receiving a
          ServerHelloDone message.  This message is only sent if the server
          requests a certificate.  If no suitable certificate is available,
          the client MUST send a certificate message containing no
          certificates.  That is, the certificate_list structure has a
          length of zero.  If the client does not send any certificates, the
          server MAY at its discretion自由裁量权 either continue the handshake without
          client authentication, or respond with a fatal handshake_failure
          alert.  Also, if some aspect of the certificate chain was
          unacceptable (e.g., it was not signed by a known, trusted CA), the
          server MAY at its discretion either continue the handshake
          (considering the client unauthenticated) or send a fatal alert.

          Client certificates are sent using the Certificate structure
          defined in Section 7.4.2.

    Meaning of this message:

          This message conveys传送 the client's certificate chain to the server;
          the server will use it when verifying the CertificateVerify
          message (when the client authentication is based on signing) or
          calculating the premaster secret (for non-ephemeral Diffie-
          Hellman).  The certificate MUST be appropriate for the negotiated
          cipher suite's key exchange algorithm, and any negotiated

       In particular:

       -  The certificate type MUST be X.509v3, unless explicitly negotiated
          otherwise (e.g., [TLSPGP]).

       -  The end-entity certificate's public key (and associated
          restrictions) has to be compatible with the certificate types
          listed in CertificateRequest:

          Client Cert. Type   Certificate Key Type

          rsa_sign            RSA public key; the certificate MUST allow the
                              key to be used for signing with the signature
                              scheme and hash algorithm that will be
                              employed in the certificate verify message.

          dss_sign            DSA public key; the certificate MUST allow the
                              key to be used for signing with the hash
                              algorithm that will be employed in the
                              certificate verify message.

          ecdsa_sign          ECDSA-capable public key; the certificate MUST
                              allow the key to be used for signing with the
                              hash algorithm that will be employed in the
                              certificate verify message; the public key
                              MUST use a curve and point format supported by
                              the server.

          rsa_fixed_dh        Diffie-Hellman public key; MUST use the same
          dss_fixed_dh        parameters as server's key.

          rsa_fixed_ecdh      ECDH-capable public key; MUST use the
          ecdsa_fixed_ecdh    same curve as the server's key, and MUST use a
                              point format supported by the server.

       -  If the certificate_authorities list in the certificate request
          message was non-empty, one of the certificates in the certificate
          chain SHOULD be issued by one of the listed CAs.

    -  The certificates MUST be signed using an acceptable hash/
          signature algorithm pair, as described in Section 7.4.4.  Note
          that this relaxes the constraints on certificate-signing
          algorithms found in prior versions of TLS.

       Note that, as with the server certificate, there are certificates
       that use algorithms/algorithm combinations that cannot be currently
       used with TLS.

    7.4.8.  Certificate Verify

       When this message will be sent:

          This message is used to provide explicit verification of a client
          certificate.  This message is only sent following a client
          certificate that has signing capability (i.e., all certificates
          except those containing fixed Diffie-Hellman parameters).  When
          sent, it MUST immediately follow the client key exchange message.

       Structure of this message:

          struct {
               digitally-signed struct {
                   opaque handshake_messages[handshake_messages_length];
          } CertificateVerify;

          Here handshake_messages refers to all handshake messages sent or
          received, starting at client hello and up to, but not including,
          this message, including the type and length fields of the
          handshake messages.  This is the concatenation of all the
          Handshake structures (as defined in Section 7.4) exchanged thus
          far.  Note that this requires both sides to either buffer the
          messages or compute running hashes for all potential hash
          algorithms up to the time of the CertificateVerify computation.
          Servers can minimize this computation cost by offering a
          restricted set of digest algorithms in the CertificateRequest

          The hash and signature algorithms used in the signature MUST be
          one of those present in the supported_signature_algorithms field
          of the CertificateRequest message.  In addition, the hash and
          signature algorithms MUST be compatible with the key in the
          client's end-entity certificate.  RSA keys MAY be used with any
          permitted hash algorithm, subject to restrictions in the
          certificate, if any.

          Because DSA signatures do not contain any secure indication of
          hash algorithm, there is a risk of hash substitution if multiple
          hashes may be used with any key.  Currently, DSA [DSS] may only be
          used with SHA-1.  Future revisions of DSS [DSS-3] are expected to
          allow the use of other digest algorithms with DSA, as well as
          guidance as to which digest algorithms should be used with each
          key size.  In addition, future revisions of [PKIX] may specify
          mechanisms for certificates to indicate which digest algorithms
          are to be used with DSA.


    上面第一项的随机数,是整个握手阶段出现的第三个随机数,又称"pre-master key"。有了它以后,客户端和服务器就同时有了三个随机数,接着双方就用事先商定的加密方法,各自生成本次会话所用的同一把"会话密钥"。




    pre master的存在在于SSL协议不信任每个主机都能产生完全随机的随机数,如果随机数不随机,那么pre master secret就有可能被猜出来,那么仅适用pre master secret作为密钥就不合适了,因此必须引入新的随机因素,那么客户端和服务器加上pre master secret三个随机数一同生成的密钥就不容易被猜出了,一个伪随机可能完全不随机,可是是三个伪随机就十分接近随机了,每增加一个自由度,随机性增加的可不是一。"


    8.1.  Computing the Master Secret

       For all key exchange methods, the same algorithm is used to convert
       the pre_master_secret into the master_secret.  The pre_master_secret
       should be deleted from memory once the master_secret has been

          master_secret = PRF(pre_master_secret, "master secret",
                              ClientHello.random + ServerHello.random)

       The master secret is always exactly 48 bytes in length.  The length
       of the premaster secret will vary depending on key exchange method.

    ClientHello和ServerHello阶段分别生成了一个随机数,然后Client Key Exchange Message的时候生成了pre-master。用到的三个随机数

    Meaning of this message:

          With this message, the premaster secret is set, either by direct
          transmission of the RSA-encrypted secret or by the transmission of
          Diffie-Hellman parameters that will allow each side to agree upon
          the same premaster secret.

          When the client is using an ephemeral Diffie-Hellman exponent,
          then this message contains the client's Diffie-Hellman public
          value.  If the client is sending a certificate containing a static
          DH exponent (i.e., it is doing fixed_dh client authentication),
          then this message MUST be sent but MUST be empty.

       Structure of this message:

          The choice of messages depends on which key exchange method has
          been selected.  See Section 7.4.3 for the KeyExchangeAlgorithm
          definition.  RSA-Encrypted Premaster Secret Message

       Meaning of this message:

          If RSA is being used for key agreement and authentication, the
          client generates a 48-byte premaster secret, encrypts it using the
          public key from the server's certificate, and sends the result in
          an encrypted premaster secret message.  This structure is a
          variant of the ClientKeyExchange message and is not a message in
          itself.  Client Diffie-Hellman Public Value

       Meaning of this message:

          This structure conveys the client's Diffie-Hellman public value
          (Yc) if it was not already included in the client's certificate.
          The encoding used for Yc is determined by the enumerated
          PublicValueEncoding.  This structure is a variant of the client
          key exchange message, and not a message in itself.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/chucklu/p/15671817.html
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