Runtime Settings Schema
Describes the elements that configure assembly binding and runtime behavior.
<assemblyBinding> Element for <runtime>
Contains information about assembly version redirection and the locations of assemblies.
<dependentAssembly> Element
Encapsulates binding policy and assembly location for each assembly.
Use one dependentAssembly
element for each assembly.
Web Settings Schema
All elements in the Web settings schema, which includes elements for configuring how ASP.NET works with a host application such as IIS. Used in Aspnet.config files.
<system.web> Element (Web Settings)
ASP.NET Settings Schema
Describes the elements that control the behavior of ASP.NET Web applications.
system.web Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
compilation Element (ASP.NET Settings Schema)
child element
Defines a collection of names of assemblies that are used during compilation of an ASP.NET resource.
In the .NET Framework version 2.0, the compilers child element of the compilation element is deprecated in favor of the compilers element of the system.codeDom section.
However, using the compilers child element of the compilation element is still valid and overrides the compilers element that is located in the system.codedom section.
<probing> Element
Specifies application base subdirectories for the common language runtime to search when loading assemblies.