The password class uses php 5 password_ functions.
To create a hash of a password, call the make method and provide the password to be hashed, once done save the $hash.
$hash = Password::make($password);
When logging in a user their hash must be retrieved from the database and compared against the provided password to make sure they match, for this a method called password_verify is used, it has 2 parameters the first is the user provided password the second is the hash from the database.
if (Password::verify($_POST['password'], $data[0]->password)) {
} else {
From time to time you may update your hashing parameters (algorithm, cost, etc). So a function to determine if rehashing is necessary is available:
if (Password::verify($password, $hash)) {
if (Password::needsRehash($hash, $algorithm, $options)) {
$hash = Password::make($password, $algorithm, $options); /* Store new hash in db */